Just as Professor Zhou and the others were about to open the coffin, there was a muffled sound inside the sarcophagus, which made everyone's hearts tremble!
Miao Feng also paused when he wanted to step onto the scaffolding.

Everyone looked up and felt chills in their hearts.

"No way, there is a sound in this coffin, could it be a fraudulent corpse?"

"I don't think it should be because the gas inside exploded!"

"The coffin hasn't been opened yet, and the inside is sealed. Where did the gas explode?"

"It's a bit scary, let's not go up."

Professor Ou and others were afraid that if something happened again, the consequences would be disastrous.

Old Professor Zhou was deep in thought, and they didn't know what was in the coffin, but now that they have reached this point, wouldn't it be a pity if they didn't go?
Moreover, it was the first time they encountered such a situation since they went to the tomb for so long. Old Professor Zhou felt that they had to figure it out.

And Ye Xiao also felt that it was true, but the sound in the coffin was really scary, so Miao Feng quickly retreated.

Looking at the hanging coffin above, everyone was in disbelief. At this time, old professor Zhou turned to look at Ye Xiao, "What do you think, Xiaoye?"

Ye Xiao frowned tightly, "In my opinion, it's better to open the coffin first. No matter what's inside, if you want to know, you must find out, otherwise you will regret it."

For archaeologists, seeing the coffin but not opening it, and not knowing what is inside, is more uncomfortable than killing them.

Besides, this is a hanging coffin. If we can figure out the identity of the bones inside, it will also be beneficial for future generations to study the history of Xixia.

Even if it's dangerous, it's worth a try.

At this time, Ye Xiao's words made Professor Zhou and the others make up their minds.

"I'll do it! No matter what's in it, you have to figure it out."

As soon as Professor Zhou said this, Miao Feng was not happy, "Let me do it! Anyway, I can climb fast!"

Hearing what he said, Old Professor Zhou nodded, Miao Feng took a deep breath, and went straight up to climb onto the scaffolding.

At this time, there was another sound from inside the coffin, boom!The voice was very clear, hitting everyone's heart, making them tremble all over, and their hearts twitched instinctively.

Miao Feng's feet trembled suddenly, and then he climbed up without hesitation, and gave it all up, regardless of whether he was dead or alive, in short, he could not hesitate.

Zhang Rulong and Chen Feng also went up.

Even if the three work together, there is nothing to be afraid of.

At this moment, the three of them had reached the top, and the netizens on the screen also became frightened.

"Impossible, if something happens to the zongzi, the three of them probably won't be able to solve it!"

"Don't be so pessimistic, maybe it's cute?"

"Gu worms are also cute, what do you want?"

"Don't even think about it, it's their blessing to be able to contribute to the cause of archaeology."

"Do you want this blessing for you?"

"Shut up, that idiot, if you can't speak, don't speak, I will catch you and give you human flesh!"

At this time, Miao Feng and the others had already climbed up. The hanging coffin was about three meters high from the ground, hanging high in the air, and the ceiling of the tomb was also quite high, about eight meters high.

Fortunately, there is an ever-burning lamp in the room, otherwise I would not dare to go up.

But it's too weird here, it's a burial chamber, it doesn't even have a decent burial object.

If not, the structure of this hanging coffin is more mysterious than the previous ones, obviously there is some secret.

Everyone is looking forward to it, wanting to see who is inside.

At this time, the three of them had already stood on top of the scaffolding, and old Professor Zhou said in a deep voice, "Open the coffin!"

Anyway, you have to see what's inside first.

Miao Feng and the others worked together to push the sarcophagus away, and then the three of them relaxed, and Miao Feng shouted: "It's nothing, it's just a bone!"

At this time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and climbed up one by one, with old Professor Zhou at the end.

The scaffolding is very strong, Ye Xiao stared at it closely, is it just a bone?
impossible!There must be others.

He climbed up in twos or twos, and when he got to the top, Ye Xiao was stunned when he saw the bones in the coffin.

This corpse is interesting!

Continue to push, there is a ball between the abdominal cavity of the bone, I don't know what it is, which makes everyone feel a little strange.

This ball is flesh-colored, and it seems that there are some meridians inside, but it is not clear what exactly is hidden.

The netizens on the screen suddenly laughed.

"I'm just a meatball, could it be Nezha!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I reckon it should be a fetus. I didn't have a mother's body before. Before the mother died, she was pregnant with Liujia and was about to give birth, so after entering the coffin, the baby was born under such a stuffy abdominal cavity. , commonly known as the coffin!"

"It's not well developed, so it's just a meat ball?"

"Don't say it so disgusting, okay? If this is a fetus, can it still live after taking it out?"

"Nonsense, a thousand-year-old corpse is still an ancestor even if it is a fetus. How can it live for such a long time, and eat a bone after being separated from its mother? How does it survive? It may have mutated, but the meat ball looks very plump. If If it was really a stillbirth, shouldn't it deflate and turn into a puddle of flesh and blood?"

Seeing netizens swiping their screens one after another, Old Professor Zhou frowned. At this moment, they all put on gloves and looked at the corpse. It was indeed a woman, but it was very strange.

There are other bones besides human bones.

Professor Zhou immediately saw the clues, "There is more than one corpse here. The head and pelvis belong to a woman, but the leg bones and toes are men's, and these are all animals. How many corpses are put together? ?”

Ye Xiao couldn't help but feel astonished when he saw it. The bones really didn't belong to one person, "Three people and three animals, these are made up of six kinds of bones."

Ye Xiao said in a deep voice at the side: "One man, two women, plus a cow, a pig, and a sheep, these are six corpses spliced ​​together, but what are the meat balls in it? I don't know yet."

Hearing Ye Xiao's words, everyone gasped, three people and three animals, this splicing is really unbelievable, what the hell is this?

Old Professor Zhou looked at the corpses by category. Ye Xiao was indeed right. They were indeed the corpses of three people and three animals. What's going on?

Could it be that the human body was incomplete before death, so it was placed here, but what happened to this meat ball?Mother and child corpses are absolutely impossible!
Could it be that this person is a six-faced person!

If it is a hermaphrodite, if the female has the male's recessive organs in it, she will definitely not be able to conceive.

Everyone was thinking, Professor Ou said in a deep voice: "Could it be reassembled after death? If so, what is the significance?"

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