Ye Xiao frowned, "At first, I thought that the change in the sandthorns was caused by the evil spirit in the tomb. After all, anything can happen in the catacombs, but I just now understood that the poison of the sandthorns is caused by these corpse insects." , Professor Fu's injury has to be treated with antibiotics and serum."

Hearing that Professor Zhou and the others hurriedly administered medicine to Professor Fu, they saw that the skin on the wound had turned black. Ye Xiao squatted down and looked at it. Fortunately, the corpse insects had escaped from the sand thorns and did not lay eggs in his body, otherwise it would be true. Hopeless.

At this time, old Professor Zhou frowned, "Xiaoye, go on, how did the sand thorn change happen?"

Ye Xiao pointed to the back of the door, "Corpse worms and sand thorns are symbiotic. Sand thorns are non-toxic, but corpse worms need water in addition to food to survive. Sand thorns are the only plants that have water in the bottom. Sand thorns give them Provide water, corpse insects provide nourishment for sand thorns, what is the most in this tomb? It is nothing more than corpses!"

"Corpse insects live on corpses, and use this as a medium to provide sandthorns with a steady stream of nutrients. At the same time, they inhale water from sandthorns. Over time, under symbiosis, sandthorns will change, and the fragrance they emit can cover corpses. Rancid."

"And I unintentionally cut off the main rhizome of the sand thorn, causing them to break this symbiotic system. That's why they broke out of the wall, looking for water and nutrients by themselves, coupled with the light source to attract them, and they attacked us just now."

Hearing that, Professor Zhou was still puzzled by one thing: "It stands to reason that these insects that have lived underground for a long time have no vision, so how can they distinguish the light source?"

Ye Xiao analyzed: "Corpse insects are actually divided into different types. According to the book, corpse insects live on carrion corpses, prefer the dark and fear light sources, but only when they suddenly see light sources and sense the smell on us, they will rush towards them. It’s not that they gave up their flashlights and came towards us.”

"Professor Fu has a great fortune this time. We may encounter anything underground, so we must take precautions later."

After hearing the words, everyone was relieved. Although this kind of insect-plant symbiosis is not uncommon in nature, it still seems a bit weird to appear here.

Old Professor Zhou looked at Ye Xiao and patted him on the shoulder, "Xiao Ye, you guys are really knowledgeable about the past and the present. After we get out, we need to have a good communication!"

Ye Xiao couldn't help wiping his forehead, "Actually, I just searched for more information for writing novels. Being a screenwriter is actually the most important accumulation."

Hearing this, the audience in front of the screen couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere became cheerful again, sweeping away the smog brought by the insect swarm just now.

"Ye's family is very knowledgeable. Old Professor Zhou, forget about it. He has a third uncle! You can't be too familiar with it!"

"Ye Dao, don't hide it, we understand, it's passed down from our ancestors!"

"As expected of a professional, otherwise I wouldn't be able to write such a wonderful work. I've made up for it in the past two days. This is not a novel, it's an autobiography!"

"The professional knowledge of the archaeological team is not as good as that one, die of laughter!"

"The industry is very introverted! Professor Zhou said that he will start a small business!"

In front of the screen was densely packed, and everyone was so lively that they flew up. Ye Xiao was so embarrassed that he was dying. If he walked any further, he would become Xiaoye, a tomb robber.

Know everything, know everything, excuses are not enough.

No matter how he explained, Old Professor Zhou looked at him more and more, he couldn't tell!

Everyone rested for a while and checked their equipment. With Professor Fu's experience, everyone in the archaeological team covered their skin to ensure that there would be no more danger.

But here is the mausoleum of Genghis Khan, how could it be safe.

Ye Xiao had already calculated that this trip would be very dangerous, but since he came in, with him around, the danger must be saved.

At this time, everyone looked around. Compared with the stone room just now, it is more than double the size!
To be precise, here is actually a pit!

According to visual inspection, it must be as big as six football fields, surrounded by twelve white marble dragon pillars engraved with dragon patterns to support the entire tomb. If you look around, there are bluestone slab steps under your feet, and a bronze tripod in the center of the bottom of the pit.

It has been thousands of years, and it seems that I can still smell the shouts in the air.

Standing here, the few people only felt chest tightness, as if they were choked by someone and couldn't shout out. When they closed their eyes, there seemed to be a suffocating and shocking picture in front of them.

This strange feeling was not limited to them, even Ye Xiao felt the same way.

"This is the sacrificial pit!" Old Professor Zhou was dumbfounded, looking at a leg bone exposed at the bottom of the pit in disbelief.

"Sacrifice pit! I guessed it a long time ago, the indispensable configuration of the ancients, especially the emperor's tomb, is the sacrificial burial!"

"However, it's too big, isn't it? There are thousands of people in such a big burial pit, right?"

"Genghis Khan created an oriental legend all his life as a soldier, he is a legend! Even if thousands of people are buried, it is not surprising!"

"This should be the largest burial pit among the existing tombs discovered!"

"What about Ye Dao? Ye Dao popularizes it. At that time, Genghis Khan's productivity was low, and manpower was productivity. How could so many slaves be buried!"

"Ye was looking for excuses, thinking hard about how to explain it! Hahaha!"

"Seeing this, I am really grateful to live in modern times. At least no matter how humble I live, I don't worry about being buried alive!"

At this time, Ye Xiao looked at the bones in the pit, heaved a sigh of relief, and walked down.

Seeing Ye Xiao leave, Professor Zhou and the others also followed. Ye Xiao led them to escape from danger in the past few times. Now that Ye Xiao moved them, they naturally followed. Even Professor Zhou was willing to be behind others. They are gone.

The soles of his feet were firmly planted in the burial pit, and the flashlights were aimed at the pit. Wherever Ye Xiao looked, there were bones, and the precipitation left by the years of history would not be washed away.

At this time, everyone looked around at the bottom of the pit. Apart from the piles of bones, there were countless bronze wares, and even the shadows of three generations of bronze!
"There are so many bronze wares, there is nothing to say about the craftsmanship!"

"This is a treasure! If it is unearthed, it will shock the world!"

"Twelve-legged bronze tripod, offering sacrifices to the Son of Heaven, this confirms the previous conjecture, and the deduced direction is indeed correct!"

Several professors of the archaeological team were very excited. The funerary objects in the burial pit can best reflect the identity of the owner of the tomb.

They were reluctant to step on it, but carefully observed the edge of the pit, while taking out their brushes to clean the surface.

Netizens are also excited.

"There is a burial pit, it seems that the tomb owner's coffin is not far away, so excited!"

"I really want to climb over the network cable to see it, the picture is shocking enough!"

"Hurry up, Ye Dao, don't be idle, finish the work early and come out to hold a meeting or something, and I guarantee that everyone will be empty!"

And Ye Xiao stood aside and saw the clothes left on the bones, and suddenly opened his eyes wide. Is this armor? !
The same goes for Professor Zhou, who was immediately surprised when he saw the armor wrapped on the bones on the ground.

"The one who died was not a slave?!"

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