Fortunately, Professor Zhou didn't go any further. At this moment, Miao Feng exclaimed, "Look, there's a whole wall here!"

He covered his mouth and nose while yelling, and kept backing away, his eyes full of shock.

I saw that the whole tomb wall in front of me was covered with sand thorns, and the sharp thorns on the branches seemed to convey a message-don't get close to strangers!
The closer it is, the stronger the fragrance is, and the thorns are covered with huge flowers, which are gorgeous and flamboyant, and the fragrance is overflowing, and the beauty is suffocating.

It has to be said that this breathtaking beauty is indeed undeniable, but thinking that this thing is poisonous, everyone retreats subconsciously.

I saw Professor Fu approaching, just took out the dagger to take a sample, but was stopped by Ye Xiao.

"Don't! Professor Fu, if you take the initiative to solicit, it will irritate them, so don't do it!"

Hearing that, Old Professor Zhou also reminded him: "Forget it, take a picture so that you don't get caught in the fire."

Life is important, Professor Fu nodded and prepared to take a photo. If this kind of sand thorn that releases toxins is handed over to botanists, they will definitely be discovered, but it is a pity right now.

Professor Fu approached the wall, and pointed the camera at the flowers on the wall. As soon as he pressed the shutter, he saw those flowers shrink suddenly.

Professor Fu was stunned: "What's the situation?"

The sand thorns wrapped around the entire wall, and were rapidly withering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon only branches were left hanging on the wall.

Ye Xiao glanced at the ground and suddenly realized.

"It should be that the knife just cut off their roots. You see, the branches of these sandthorns extend from the ground to the wall. The one that killed the professor just now is their main root!!"

The people understood.

Ye Xiao didn't expect that the sand thorns would be wiped out so easily.

Just as he was thinking, Professor Fu squinted his eyes and looked at the wall. There seemed to be a movement on the wall behind the spikes. He thought he was being dazzled, so he rubbed his eyes, suddenly shocked.

"Professor Zhou, look, they are moving, they are alive!"

When Professor Fu shouted, the live broadcast room suddenly boiled:

"Damn! This tomb is not movable, is it? Why are there so many living things!"

"Please, please, it won't mutate into a spike monster, right? I've already imagined that bloody scene!"

"Barrage body protection, everyone, give me some strength!"

"I'm really looking forward to it. I don't know if the sandthorn will open its bloody mouth like a flytrap after it mutates!"

"Wow, you upstairs are so perverted!"

Netizens have speculated about what will become here. After all, it is just a plant. Even if it withers, what kind of lethality can it have?

At this time, Professor Fu's pupils tightened, and when Old Professor Zhou heard what he said, he immediately swept the flashlight over.

Everyone also gathered around.

Several flashlights were aimed at the wall.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, the entire wall vibrated, and there was a crack on the wall surrounded by spikes, about a foot long.

Ye Xiao took a closer look, felt something was wrong, and immediately shouted: "Quick back, move the flashlight away!"

As soon as the voice fell, "Kacha Kacha Kacha!" Several cracks pierced the wall, and there was a crash, and before everyone had time to react, the entire wall collapsed!

Immediately, a dense tide rushed towards them!

The hearts of everyone in front of the screen rose to their throats.

"What the hell is this! It's so dense and disgusting!"

"It's a bug swarm!"

"Run! I'll go, it makes me suffer from trysophobia!"

I saw a large wave of corpses pouring out of the tomb, and everyone's scalps were numb in an instant. Professor Zhou and the others were terrified and retreated in a hurry. Professor Fu subconsciously took out the incendiary bomb. No fire! They come by light! Turn off the flashlight!"

Everyone quickly turned off the flashlight, Ye Xiao took the flashlight and threw it aside to attract them, then looked around for the exit.

A flood of insects rushed towards them, and the archaeological team fled in all directions. The feeling of suffocation that tingled their scalps and dominated by fear made their feet go weak.

The rustling sound filled the brain. Mu Li and Tu Kun shot and overturned the insect swarm that was close to them.

Hidden in the tomb for many years, seeing these living creatures now, these corpse insects have long been stimulated to attack wildly.

Ye Xiao took out Wen Xiangyu, and Professor Zhou and the others leaned close to Ye Xiao, but they could only be separated for a short time.

Taking advantage of this gap, they could clearly see the appearance of the bug:

The size of a fingernail, with a black hard shell, the head is like a longhorn, but it has a pair of big claws and two extremely sharp teeth. One bite, the flesh and blood will be separated immediately!
This kind of extremely aggressive bug can be imagined if it bites on the body.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help shivering, pinning all their hopes on Ye Xiao.

There were also undead corpse insects approaching, but Ye Xiao swung the knife away, and the corpse insects were quickly eaten up by the same kind.

With the dim light of the flashlight, everyone was covered in cold sweat, as if someone had strangled their throats and dared not breathe.

"Find the exit quickly, there must be a mechanism here!"

The wall collapsed, and there was a stone door behind, and everyone fumbled around.

The rustling sound was very clear in the dark tomb, Professor Fu couldn't take it anymore, he lifted his foot and stomped down hard!
With a crackling sound, the stench emanating from the body of the corpse insects caused Professor Fu to frown, and the juice splashed everywhere, which was disgusting, and also made the insect swarm even more crazy, attacking Professor Fu.

"Old Fu!"

Old Professor Zhou exclaimed, and Professor Fu suddenly felt a sharp pain in his trousers, and then took two steps back. He screamed and stripped off his coat like crazy. On the exposed skin surface, a bulge walked under the skin. , as if to devour his whole body.

Professor Fu couldn't help screaming in pain, Ye Xiao strode up, aimed at the bump, cut the skin directly, and quickly stretched out his hand to grab it and pull it out!
The movement was crisp and neat, and in the next second, he threw Professor Fu behind, and then he slashed with his backhand, cutting a chasm as wide as one meter, temporarily blocking the insect swarm.

But in just a few seconds, the irritated corpse worm had rolled into the ditch and was about to climb up soon.

Ye Xiao turned around and backed away, took a quick look at the stone door behind him, turned on the flashlight to take a look, saw the dragon ball engraved on the stone door, and pressed it hard.

"Ka Ka Ka!" The stone door opened, and everyone quickly hid inside.

"Crack!" The heavy stone door closed, also blocking the corpse insects.At this moment, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Professor Fu sat slumped on the ground with a pale face.

"Xiaoye, thank you! Save your life!"

Professor Fu was terrified, and the wound was still bleeding, but fortunately, he was not lying on the ground at this time. If he was eaten by corpse insects, there would only be a mummy left.

Ye Xiao shook his head calmly, with no fear on his face.

Seeing this posture, netizens are not calm.

"I'll go, as expected of me, Ye Dao, calm and calm, I wouldn't believe him if he hadn't been here before!"

"I was so nervous just now, I made a knife with my backhand. It would take me an hour to plan such a wide ditch."

"Ye has practiced before! Where did the teacher come from?"

"Ye Dao is getting more and more confused!"

"By the way, did that corpse bug appear in Ye Dao's script?"

"This scene can't be made in a movie!"

Across the screen, one could feel the suffocation brought by the swarm of insects just now. If it was an ordinary person, it is estimated that a few more corpses would be added to the grave.

At this time, everyone in the archaeological team calmed down and came back to their senses. Old Professor Zhou asked Ye Dao sincerely: "Xiao Ye, what's going on?"

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