Naruto: I can reach full level with one click

Chapter 702 Are You Tickling Me?


The sound of slashing and colliding exploded like thunder.

The strong wind swept in all directions like a tide, and a large cloud of sand and dust was rolled up.

Kaku was retreating quickly, but his eyes were always locked on the dust.

He clearly knew that as long as the opponent made a move, the dust in front of him would float and move.

With enough distance, Kaku can shoot in time to kill.

Facing this guy in front of him, who revealed his identity as soon as he opened his mouth, and the guy of unknown origin, in Kaku's mind, three days ago, the intelligence from Judiciary Island emerged.

They have been lurking here for a long time, but it doesn't mean that they have lost touch with the outside world.

As one of the islands with the most pirates in this sea, they still go to Bruno's tavern regularly to exchange information.

If he remembers correctly, this guy who suddenly appeared is the target of the world government, and he is also a person of unknown origin who is causing trouble in the Chambord Islands, the third island.

Thinking of this, many thoughts flashed through Kaku's mind.

Whether or not Escanor can be killed afterwards is another matter.

However, the two remaining shipwrights and the waste hiding in the dark on this pier must not be allowed to leave alive.

Without Pluto, this secret cannot be easily revealed.

Messy thoughts flashed through Kaku's mind.

The next moment, an inexplicable chill sprouted from his spine.

Kaku's nerves suddenly tightened due to his past fighting skills and life-and-death experience.

There was no time to think about it, and he hurried to lock the dust flying in front of his eyes.

Escanor, who was standing on the bow deck, stretched the muscles of his feet to the extreme, and kicked off suddenly.

When the entire pirate ship sank, the deck collapsed.

Even Cavendish was thrown into the air by this sudden burst of strength.

The next moment, before they could react, Escanor had torn apart the void like a cannonball.

Ripples in the air surged, and the distance of tens of meters was shortened in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Escanor, who kicked his feet and crushed the pirate ship, his pupils rapidly enlarged.

A simple thought flashed through Kaku's mind.

too fast!
Faced with this sudden blow, Kaku had no way to hide, and kicked out his right foot again like lightning.

In this case, the only way to win over the variables is to break them with attacks.

"Lanjiao - Yuanduan!"


Two vacuum chopping waves burst out instantly.

With the lasing from both sides zooming in, they appeared in front of Escanor in the blink of an eye.

The awe-inspiring sound of breaking through the sky resounded through the sky.

However, facing this scene, Escanor raised his head slightly, the muscles of his feet tightened again, and he stepped on it suddenly.

"Moon Steps Sky Walk!"

The sound of an explosion suddenly sounded.

The moment Escanor's upper body was covered with armed domineering aura, facing the incoming vacuum slash, he had no posture of dodging or defending at all.

In the next moment, under the watchful eyes of everyone, they collided head-on.

A dull air explosion sounded, and the two vacuum slashes crashed into pieces under the eyes of everyone.

The simple and rude scene made Kaku's pupils suddenly shrink.

This blow was round, in his hands, it was one of the best killing moves.

Kaku also imagined that Escanor would use various means to resist.

However, the scene in front of him overturned his cognition.

"Is this the strength of CP9?"

“What a disappointment!”

Escanor instantly appeared in front of Kaku.

The jet-black armed color is domineering, quickly covering the fists.

The five fingers of his right hand were clenched suddenly, without any hint of fancy.

Slammed head-on at Kaku's abdomen.

With one punch, the huge force was released like a frenzy.

Kaku felt as if he was being hit head-on by a Neptune.

The whole person flew upside down like a sandbag, opened his mouth, and blood rushed out of his mouth.

Kaku smashed heavily on the iron arm of the dock tens of meters away.

The dull sound of metal collisions exploded like thunder.

At this moment, the huge dock seemed to be shaking violently.

Looking at Kaku who was blown away by the blow and slumped on the ground.

Cavendish, who landed on the port, and the figure hiding in the dark almost burst his eye sockets.

I have never seen a pig run, and I have eaten pork!
For members of CP9, they don't know the details.

However, they have already heard about the vicious name of CP9.

However, the scene presented in front of him now gives people the illusion that the pig has stumbled.

One punch was smashed away!

Escanor is too strong!
Or is CP9 too good?

"Since you're here, don't hide!" Escano suddenly turned his head and looked at the void not far away.

The inexplicable scene once again shook everyone's nerves.

"Air door, open the door!"


The fluctuations in the air surged behind Escanor, and turned into an air door out of thin air, which was directly pushed open.

A figure wearing a black tights and horns protruded from the air door like a ghost.

"Devil Fruit Ability?"

Cavendish's expression suddenly changed, and he never thought that there was a second person in CP9 here.

However, what shocked Cavendish even more was that Escanor was able to capture even the enemies hiding in the air in advance.

"Iron block, broken!"

As soon as Bruno appeared, the muscles in his right hand suddenly tensed, turning into a lump of iron.

Without any flamboyance, the right hand slashed down on Escanor's shoulder head-on with a saber gesture.

The vigorous chopping and slashing caused turbulent air ripples.

The huge impact caused the ground beneath Escanor's feet to shatter.

One after another hideous cracks spread like spider webs.

A seemingly fierce blow is enough to easily shatter rocks.

However, it fell on the figure in front of him, like an iron tower, with muscles protruding like a rock.

Everyone present couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Facing such a fierce attack, the body of the iron tower in front of him gave people the illusion of being completely motionless.

"Are you tickling me?" Escanor raised his eyebrows sideways and met Bruno's gaze.

"If this is your confidence, then it's my turn!"

"Six Forms Steel Fist!"


The five fingers were clenched suddenly, and the moment the armed color was domineering, it seemed that even the air was squeezed and exploded.

In the next moment, there was no trace of bells and whistles, under such a close distance.

Escanor punched out with a bang.

The blockage of the air seemed to be exploded at this moment.

Under the ripples in the air along the way, Bruno felt an extremely fierce wind blowing towards him.

At this moment, it seemed that even the skin on the face was blown out of shape.

A gust of cold air was in the spine and went straight to the forehead.

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