"The capital of seven waters?"

Cavendish was slightly taken aback, and said, "Are you planning to replace this broken boat when you come here?"

"I have already said that this broken boat is too slow. A few big waves are enough to sink this boat."

"However, do you have money? I heard that the capital of the seven waters specializes in making ships for the navy, and the price is really expensive."

In this sea, if we only talk about shipbuilding technology, the capital of seven waters can be called second to none.

Among them, they also believe in the iron rule of having money in place and strength in place.

Whether it's a navy or a pirate, as long as you have enough money, they don't care what your status is.

Both agree to the deal.

Even Roger, the pirate king, owns the pirate ship, the Oro Jackson, which was also created by Tom the Murloc, the shipbuilder of the capital of seven waters.

It is enough to make the capital of seven waters famous.

"A boat?" Qin Yu looked up a little, and he could already see the boats moored at the port, and said, "You are really strange. You are obviously a pirate. If you need a boat, why don't you grab one?"

"I'm afraid it's not your turn to order a pirate ship."

Grab a pirate ship?

Cavendish is dumbfounded!

For such a simple, crude and direct solution, there is nothing wrong with it!

At least, they are indeed pirates.

Why not grab it?

"People in front, are you pirates?"

"If it's a pirate, please go to the No. [-] dock!"

A shipwright raised his head and yelled at the watchtower at the mouth of the sea.

Pirates are very welcome in the capital of seven waters, and the principle is that money is the last word.

However, in the face of the face of the Navy Headquarters, it has to rely on manufacturing warships to earn a living.

With the Navy Headquarters turning a blind eye, the capital of seven waters will still choose to separate the pirates and warships.

Arrange to go to the most secluded No. [-] dock.

At the same time, let the strongest shipbuilder deal with it.

"It's a pirate!" Qin Yu responded casually.

Quick to see the shipwright to boot.

Cavendish looked at Qin Yu who had no intention of steering, and after giving a blank look helplessly, he quickly steered to the No. [-] dock.

This time, Qin Yushan came to the capital of seven waters from a long distance, not for the purpose of building ships and robbing them.

Instead, it is to get the signpost to Sifa Island.

According to the information given by Xia Qi, there are two ways to enter Si Fa Island.

First, by recording the hour hand, open the justice gate of Sifa Island, take the dark tide and vortex current, and reach the sea entrance of Sifa Island.

Second, take the sea train route built by the legendary shipbuilder, Murloc Tom, and you can ignore the whirlpool currents and go directly to Sifa Island.

However, the Gate of Justice was led by Baker Ponga, pushing the World Government, SI Law Island, and the large submarine prison into the city, and the three disturbed the entire sea with the current vortex.

Once an ordinary ship sets foot, without opening the gate of justice, it will be attacked by the current vortex, and the ship will be destroyed directly.

It can be said that the first method is to let Sifa Island open the door of justice on its own initiative, which is simply impossible.

What's more, in order to reduce the threat from the outside world, SIfa Island.

Still tampering with the record hour hand pointing to Sifa Island.

Not only is it time-sensitive.

It also has strict circulation rules.

Once an ordinary person is discovered, and possesses the record hour hand of SI Fa Island, he will be questioned.

Hand in the unexpected record hour hand, and you will also have a reward.

According to Xia Qi, the recording hour hand of SIfa Island is one of the most difficult things to get besides Lavluf.

Therefore, this time Qin Yu came to the City of Seven Waters to get the hour hand for recording, or to find someone to guide him.

"Hey, your boat looks dilapidated, do you need to replace it?"

A soft voice came from the shore.

Qin Yu came back to his senses, followed the voice to look, and the first thing that caught his eye was an old face.

Yamakaze Kaku, the second character in CP9.

However, the current Yamakaze Kaku did not get the animal giraffe devil fruit.

So in terms of strength, compared to a year and a half later, it is obviously inferior.

"No, I'm here to find someone." Qin Yu patted the dust on his body, and once again entered Escanor's character template, his expression was instantly replaced by arrogance.

Sensing Qin Yu's temperament, an instant transformation took place, and Cavendish's nerves suddenly tensed up.

According to this period of getting along, Cavendish clearly knows that if he is asleep, he will have a personality to kill.

So now, the moment Qin Yu's temperament changes, it means that he has entered the battle mode.

Based on this inference, Qin Yu didn't come to grab the boat this time.

Instead, he came to seek revenge!

"Looking for someone?" Kaku was slightly taken aback, and said, "People who come here are always looking for a boat builder to make a boat. Do you have anyone in mind to book a boat?"

As CP0, second only to CP9, it belongs to one of the top espionage organizations of the world government. Kaku, Lu Qi and others have already been in the capital of seven waters as shipbuilders for a long time.

Even Espagu, the mayor of the City of Seven Waters, could not see through their identities and origins.

This made Kaku preconceive what Qin Yu said.

"No, I'm here to find CP9!" Escanor said abruptly.

The arrogant voice shook Kaku's nerves like thunder at this moment.

Looking at Escanor's gaze, his pupils suddenly shrank, and before he had time to think about it, he kicked out his right foot like lightning.

"Landfoot Hurricane!"


Putting his hands on the ground, Kaku spun up like a spinning top.

The moment his feet cut through the sky, one after another vacuum slashes, like a frenzy, rushed towards the pirate ship where Escanor was on.

The violent scene caused Cavendish's face to change drastically in an instant.

He never thought that the shipbuilder in front of him would be the legendary CP9.

Cavendish has also heard about this frightening and strongest espionage organization.

The success rate of the rumored mission has reached [-]%.

Anyone who is targeted by them, whether it is ordinary people, revolutionary troops, or even pirates, cannot escape their palms.

Right now, Escanor can tell at a glance that this shipbuilder is related to CP9.

Is this crazy move sending sheep into the mouth of a tiger?

However, Cavendish's face changed and he had no choice but to make a move after Escanor, who was still indifferent to the violent vacuum slash.

Beautiful sword blue bird!

The moment Durande fell into his hand, the cyan blade flashed out with his backhand in an instant.

When the awe-inspiring sound of piercing the air resounded across the sea, two attacks that did not give in at all collided with each other hundreds of meters apart.

The violent colliding air waves swept across the sea.

Looking at this scene, Kaku quickly withdrew and retreated in a flash, intending to open the distance and clarify the matter at the same time.

Also secretly pressed the emergency phone bug.

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