That thing is a huge sand table.

On the sand table, the houses are scattered, and there are countless buildings carved there.

The golden walls of the buildings are splendid, and they are scattered with each other. There are actually two large building complexes.

There are many chain bridges connecting each other.

Under the shining of the golden light, it is simply a fairy palace.

The members of the archaeological team were all dumbfounded.

Chen Wen said excitedly.

"Where is this? How can there be such a majestic building?"

"Could it be that this is the legendary fairy palace? It is rumored that Wang Zanghai is a master builder. He couldn't really build a fairy palace!"

"How is this possible, this is a model!"

"Isn't it true that there is a model? Professor, I'm afraid we have found Wang Zanghai's fairy palace this time!"

The people of the archaeological team were very excited.

At this time, the live broadcast room was even more lively.

Even many foreigners who have been silent for a long time are not calm anymore.

[Impossible, impossible, how could your Huaxia Kingdom still have such a beautiful palace, it must belong to us Dahanhan! 】

[FUCK!This is not true, this is definitely not true, you Huaxia Kingdom must have directed and acted on your own! 】

[How could there be such a superb carving and construction technique in ancient times, I am the first in the Daimaru country not to believe it]

[You can pull it down, other people say it's fine, what right do you have to doubt? 】

[That is, as the saying goes, the disciples of the church starve to death, Master, do you think that our Huaxia Kingdom will give you everything in the Maru Kingdom? 】

[Haha, this is because you can't see others better than yourself, hey!We are now older than your history, what can you do? 】

The live broadcast room was very lively.

But the people at the scene didn't have time to watch the live broadcast room at all.

The model of the palace in front of me is really shocking.

If it can be delivered perfectly, its value is absolutely inestimable.

"Captain Zhang!"

Chen Wen looked at Zhang Weishan, the meaning was very obvious.

Zhang Weishan also thinks it's a pity that this thing stays here, it's really a waste of such a beautiful thing.

"Let the logistics and archaeological team prepare. They can only work here, and they can't touch anything except the model!"

"The complexity of this place is beyond our imagination. Touching things indiscriminately may cause accidents!"


Chen Wen nodded solemnly, and immediately contacted the backup archaeological team.

But Zhang Weishan turned around and looked in other directions.

Soon someone discovered the murals on the surrounding walls.

Suddenly Xiao Wu exclaimed.

"No, this model seems to be from Tiangong!"

"That's right, this mural depicts the Heavenly Palace! We saw it in the live broadcast room!"

"Damn it, does this model refer to the Heavenly Palace in Taibai Mountain?"

The people at the scene were boiling again.

All eyes fell on Zhang Weishan.

Obviously this time they are not sure of their judgment.

Zhang Weishan nodded.

"This model is indeed Tiangong, but many places on Taibai Mountain have collapsed!"

"That's why the Chain Bridge and the two palaces are left!"

"The Heavenly Palace in Mount Taibai was indeed built by Wang Zanghai!"

"There is a lot of hidden information in this place, and some archaeologists are busy!"

The people in the archaeological team were very excited.

And Zhang Weishan didn't have much interest in these things.

He turned around and walked around the model, and soon saw the sitting golden body hidden in it.

It will take some time for the backup archaeological team to come down.

So Zhang Weishan called everyone over.

When everyone saw the Sitting Golden Body above, they couldn't help being stunned.

Captain Qin shouted even more.

"Watch out for zongzi!"

After getting along for so long, Captain Qin's jargon became more and more familiar.

Zhang Weishan waved his hands.

"This is the Sitting Golden Body, the core organ of the entire model!"

"There should be a set of eight-treasure rotor mechanism in its body, but it seems to be taken away by the three seniors back then!"

"Xiao Zhang, go up and touch his neck!"


Xiao Zhang jumped up without hesitation, and frowned slightly when he touched it.

"Captain, the neck is broken!"

Xiao Zhang said.

Zhang Weishan nodded when he heard the words, lit a cigarette at the same time, took a puff and said.

"Then it's all right, the three seniors solved him smoothly!"

"This Sitting Golden Body used to turn into a dead body, but now it won't!"

"Okay, everyone will rest here, wait for the backup archaeological team to transport this model, and then set off!"

Although everyone was a little disappointed when they heard the words, but Zhang Weishan was under orders, they had no choice.

We can only stop moving forward for the time being.

On the right side of the entire hall, there is a passage.

Zhang Weishan asked Captain Qin to lead someone to guard, and no one was allowed to enter.

At that moment, everyone started to work on their own.

The archaeological team naturally took pictures here first.

Then I started to take down these models little by little, so that they will be transported out later.

And Zhang Weishan was sitting in the corner, smoking a cigarette and whispering.

"Are the architectural features here the same as those recorded in the book you gave Wang Zanghai back then?"

"It's hard to say, I have to continue to look deeper!"

Xiao Xidao.

"And it's very strange, you said there are several layers here, but why can't I feel it?"

Xiaoxi asked.

She is a spirit body, and ordinary walls and the like cannot block her perception.

It can even be easily passed through.

But I don't know why it's here, but it doesn't work.

Zhang Weishan pointed to the wall and said.

"The bricks of these walls are mixed with a lot of things, which can restrain sound and spirits!"

"Wang Zanghai is not stupid. When he saw you in Snake Marsh, he would definitely do these defenses. After all, who can guarantee that there will not be another spirit body like you in the world!"

Xiao Xi dismissed the words.

"Cut, what's the use of this? I really want to break in, it's just a waste of time!"

Zhang Weishan smiled when he heard the words.

"Isn't this the time you need?"

Xiaoxi was taken aback for a moment, but didn't say anything stubborn.

She knew that she couldn't leave Zhang Weishan for a long time, once she was out of the Dragon Qi for too long, she would gradually dissipate.

"Then what are you going to do now? Just wait like this?"

Xiaoxi asked.

Zhang Weishan smiled and said.

"I'm not in a hurry, the other party led me here, he is more anxious than me!"

"I'm sure he'll come back to me!"

Xiaoxi heard that she was not answering the call.

But at this moment, Wang Bangbang's voice came from beside him.

He looked at the drone and seemed to be chatting with netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Hey! This brother said more, let's not talk about whether my father is the three seniors of the year!"

"Just because these three seniors left here without taking anything with them, it can be seen that the character of these three seniors is absolutely fine!"

"As the saying goes, robbers have their own way. Don't look at them as tomb robbers, but they have dirty hands and hearts. The way to blast out is the ear chamber of choice!"

"I didn't destroy any plants or trees here, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this character!"

Zhang Weishan couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

This Wang Bangbang was born with a sharp tongue, even a tomb robber can say that he has a noble character.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly Baldy Zhang ran over with a smile, squatted beside him and asked.

"Captain Zhang, I really want to find something strange, do you want to come and see it?"

Zhang Weishan was taken aback, and said with a smile.

"lead the way!"

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