Watch the live broadcast and point out the archaeology, and get a unicorn tattoo at the beginning

Chapter 330 The Forbidden Woman Tells a Story, The Archaeological Team Sets Off

According to speculation, the time when this forbidden woman was alive should be the early Ming Dynasty.

Because Wang Zanghai was born in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, and this person seems to be from the generation of Wang Zanghai's granddaughter and granddaughter-in-law.

Therefore, it should be about the same age as Wang Zanghai.

And this point can also be seen from the records written by this person on the ground, which has very obvious characteristics of the Ming Dynasty.

All this made Chen Wen and other members of the archaeological team very excited.

"This must be an ancient character from the Ming Dynasty. Can Captain Zhang let her reveal more information about Wang Zanghai?"

Chen Wen was a little excited.

The other members of the archaeological team also watched eagerly.

At this time, what kind of monster is the forbidden woman? It is simply a know-it-all from ancient times.

I'm afraid she is the one who knows the most about the ancient tomb.

"Don't worry, she will write down everything she knows. If she doesn't know, it's useless for you to ask!"

Zhang Weishan said.

"Master, do you have anything to say about this forbidden woman?"

Wang Bangbang asked.

Normally, everything a person knows includes many aspects.

Take this forbidden woman as an example. Apart from the matter of the tomb under the sea, she knows everything after she was born.

There is a lot of content, how can it be finished if it is all written?
Zhang Weishan explained.

Strictly speaking, the forbidden woman is a dead thing, she can't remember what happened when she was a child! '

"There is only one soul left in the body, and it would be good to remember what happened after waking up in this undersea tomb."

"So don't get your hopes up too much. In the end, the archaeological work has to be done by yourself."

Chen Wen and the others were not only a little disappointed when they heard the words, but they were soon relieved.

Every time this forbidden woman writes a word, it is already a huge harvest.

Why expect too much.

The forbidden lady wrote for half an hour before finishing.

And Chen Wen and others couldn't wait to fully translate the content.

Seeing what she wrote, everyone at the scene couldn't help being shocked.

in the live room.

[I said, tell me quickly, what did the old aunt write? 】

[I rely on my old aunt, are you polite?Call them that? 】

【That is, he was only in his 20s before his death, okay】

[But how many years have passed now, is there a problem calling the old aunt? 】

[Little aunt, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and tell me what you wrote]

[Yes, tell me quickly, we all want to hear the story of this little aunt! 】

Under the urging of everyone in the live broadcast room, Chen Wen gave a general idea.

This forbidden woman is indeed surnamed Wang, and she belongs to the same family as Wang Zanghai.

But she didn't write the specific name, maybe even she forgot.

Let's call it little aunt for the time being.

The content written by the little aunt began after she woke up.

Probably means.

After she woke up, she found herself in this kind of place.

And the body has changed, and it has become this kind of person who is neither human nor ghost.

She remembered that she and the man came here to accompany Wang Zanghai to achieve the legendary longevity.

But how did it end up like this?

She tried hard to recall, and recalled part of the memory.

She is a very partial branch of the Wang family.

And his man is from the Wang family, and is Wang Zanghai's cousin.

This is already the core circle of the Wang family.

She was fortunate to know this cousin and got together.

Her man is about the same age as herself.

However, it should have been the beginning of a small day.

In the end, who knows, the two came here inexplicably.

She doesn't remember the content in the middle, but according to speculation, it is Wang Zanghai who discovered the method of longevity.

Take them here to find longevity and so on.

Anyway, he tricked them all over.

And according to the records of the forbidden woman, there were more than 600 clansmen who came here with them!
That's a huge number.

I (the author) remember that the village I was in had four streets in total, and each street was a kilometer long.

But the population of the village is only 720.

This is almost the entire population of a small village.

And this is a shipwreck hidden undersea tomb, can so many people be accommodated on a ship?
What's more, these are only people of the same clan, not including all those responsible for construction, procurement, logistics, etc. combined.

I am afraid that this scale has already exceeded a thousand people.

When Chen Wen said this, the people at the scene and in the live broadcast room were also very shocked.

[More than 600 people?I rely on the Wang family is also a big family! 】

[My grandma, other families are looking forward to expanding, but Lao Wang is lucky, the people who give the family a shot are almost wiped out]

[Dayi kills relatives, this is, if I am a member of Lao Wang's family, I will not die of anger]

[Yes, there is no such thing as longevity, these people must have been deceived by Lao Wang]

The people in the live broadcast room talked a lot.

But Zhang Weishan felt that this plot was very similar to the legendary Dixian Village.

Could it be that people with some strength in ancient times were so conceited?

Think you have found longevity?
In fact, if you think about it, you will understand.

In ancient times, human life was short, who wouldn't want to live forever with their friends and family?

When a person is [-]% sure that he has found a way to live forever.

It is also human nature to find the people closest to you.

This record is enough to be called a major letter in the archaeological world.

Moreover, it was written by the forbidden woman herself, so there is basically no need to verify its authenticity.

Of course, the content is very exciting, but there is also a lot of work left for the archaeological team.

If this is really a large mass tomb, then the significance of its excavation is simply too great.

"What was written at the end?"

Xiao Wu hurriedly asked.

Chen Wen looked at it and said.

"She said that she only remembered that her man was brought down, and that she was not qualified to go down because of her background!"

"Captain Zhang, she seems to mean that there may be more than one floor in this underwater tomb!"

Chen Wen looked at Zhang Weishan with shock in his eyes.

Zhang Weishan nodded and said.

"This shipwreck is so big, it's not surprising that there are several layers."

"But I still say the same thing, this place is very dangerous, even if there is a concubine to lead the way, you still have to keep your spirits up!"

As he spoke, Zhang Weishan looked at the crowd and said.

"Take a break for 3 minutes and leave in 3 minutes!"

"Xiao Wu, please pay attention to the forum, we have already arrived at the seabed tomb, let's see if there is any movement on the post of that forum!"

"In addition, everyone is not allowed to run around, follow the forbidden woman!"


Everyone responded, and immediately began to rest.

Captain Qin and the others took the torpedo with them and checked the bullets again.

After 3 minutes, everyone followed the ban woman towards the front ear chamber exit and walked over.

Walking through the exit, everyone felt that there seemed to be a large space ahead.

But it's dark and you can't see anything.

The flashlight can only illuminate part of the situation.

Captain Qin was about to fire a light and pop it out.

Zhang Weishan hurriedly stopped him.

"There are a lot of wooden structures here, don't use flares, fluorescent tubes are enough!"

Zhang Weishan's night vision ability is excellent, he already knew where this place was.

Captain Qin nodded, and immediately unscrewed a fluorescent tube out.

And with the fluorescent tubes glowing brightly.

Suddenly everyone was shocked to see.

The light from the fluorescent tube seemed to be reflected and refracted by something.

In an instant, the entire space was lit up.

In the resplendent light, everyone including the people in the live broadcast room were shocked to see it.

In the middle of the entire tomb, a huge thing is placed there.

That thing is awesome

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