Watch the live broadcast and point out the archaeology, and get a unicorn tattoo at the beginning

Chapter 325 Arriving in the sea area, preparations before going into the sea

"How? Can it be detected?"

On the destroyer, Captain Qin and the others were all worried.

The sonar detection equipment is also useless at this time.

The two explosions below caused too much impact, and the sonar equipment is now temporarily useless.

Everyone was in a hurry.

In desperation, drones can only be allowed to patrol the sea.

Expect a miracle to happen.

Soon a staff member called and said they had modified the drone.

It has been changed to an amphibious one, and it will be delivered in an hour.

Wang Bangbang scolded the other party when he heard the words.

"When the shit reaches the door, do you know to find the toilet? My master is missing, you know to transform the drone!"

"Why did you go early!"

In the end, under Xiao Wu's persuasion, Wang Bangbang didn't smash the drone in a fit of anger.

After all, we still have to rely on the drone to search for Zhang Weishan.

Everyone in the studio fell silent.

At this point all they can do is wait.

Captain Qin did not dare to relax his vigilance and asked the soldiers to guard the edge of the deck.

After all, who knows if those bugs with arms will suddenly jump out and hurt people.

Time passed by.

5 minutes later.

The drone finally delivered good news.

They found Zhang Weishan on the sea.

The moment Zhang Weishan was discovered, many people in the studio, including those present, had red eye circles.

Ten minutes later, they rescued Zhang Weishan.

At this time, the ghost ship was completely invisible on the sea surface.

Zhang Weishan changed his clothes and walked out of the cabin.

The eyes of Captain Qin and others were moist.

Many people in the live broadcast room were also excited.

Captain Qin was a soldier after all, so he quickly adjusted his mood and asked.

"Captain, we have to get out of here quickly, the ghost ship sank on the bottom of the sea, do you want to fight it?"

"Let's fight!"

Zhang Weishan said.

It would be a disaster to keep that ghost ship.

Although the snail shell is cracked, it will be difficult to surface again.

But the zombies above all have strong corpse poison, staying here will be a disaster in the future.

As for those people's faces, they must also be entrenched on that ghost ship.

In the future, someone passing by is afraid that they will suffer.

Captain Qin nodded, and immediately arranged for people to fire water cannons to blow up the ghost ship.

Zhang Weishan didn't care about the rest of the matter.

He changed his clothes and drank some hot water, then curled up by the stove to keep warm.

The sea water is still very cold at night.

Captain Qin's shout came from outside.


The next moment, he heard a loud bang.

The entire destroyer was shaking.

Xiao Wu quickly ran over and said.

"Master, it was shattered in one shot. Captain Qin asked me to tell you that we can reach the designated sea area tomorrow morning!"

"The drone will also be replaced with an amphibious one. What else do you want? He will communicate with the Academy of Archeology overnight!"

Zhang Weishan shook his head, then seemed to think of something, and said.

"Go and tell Captain Qin that no one is allowed to enter the water rashly!"

"There may still be dangers underwater!"

Xiao Wu nodded and left quickly.

It was a quiet night at last.

But it was nearly three o'clock in the morning.

Zhang Weishan fell asleep and slept until noon the next day.

When he awoke, the ship was at anchor, evidently arriving.

Two larger ships appeared outside, and people from the logistics department should have rushed over.

He had just come on deck.

Captain Qin and Chen Wen rushed over.

While eating, Zhang Weishan listened to their introduction of the situation.

Only then did it become clear that after what happened last night, the Academy of Archeology took it very seriously.

Except that the program group has upgraded the drone.

The Academy of Archeology also sent a back-to-back archaeological team, ready to provide support at any time.

This time, after all, it is a tomb under the sea.

It is very rare for many cultural relics to be transported out.

However, the situation in the seabed is complicated, so the detection and excavation of the seabed tomb may not take a long time.

As long as the situation below is ascertained, the organization and excavation will begin as soon as possible.

Zhang Weishan has no objection to this.

Anyway, when the time comes, it's not going to be discovered by myself.

He is only responsible for finding the Dragon Qi.

"Is the location correct? Are you sure it's this sea area?"

Zhang Weishan asked.

Chen Wen nodded.

"It's definitely true, the coordinates here are still provided by Mr. Wang."

Zhang Weishan nodded.

At this moment, the entire archaeological team was waiting for him to speak.

Zhang Weishan thought for a while and said.

"Don't let people go down, can't drones work underwater?"

"Let the drone go down to take a look first, and then you can ask the logistics department to prepare some lime!"

"Wrap it in a plastic bag first, then put it in a sack, the more the better!"


Chen Wen and Captain Qin were taken aback when they heard this.

I don't understand why Zhang Weishan prepared these things.

However, the two of them didn't dare to ask more questions, so they went to make arrangements immediately.

After an hour the lime is ready.

The drone is also ready to launch.

Zhang Weishan stood on the deck and said.

"Put the lime down first, and poke a few holes in it with a needle before putting it down!"

"Put them around the entire camp, one at a depth of 20 meters, and the entire camp must be fenced off!"


Captain Qin nodded in response, and immediately went to make arrangements.

On the other hand, Wang Bangbang looked puzzled.

"Master, is there anything important about this?"

Zhang Weishan said with a smile.

"Before you, did you know how I got into that old snail?"

Everyone was taken aback and shook their heads.

"It's that kind of hair monster! Commonly known as forbidden woman!"

"Forbidden woman?"

Everyone was stunned.

They did see a lot of hair before, but they didn't see the forbidden woman in the hair.

This matter is very strange, what the hell is this thing!
Zhang Weishan said.

"Forbidden women are actually a kind of zombie, but they are very different from zombies!"

"The forbidden women of this generation probably all escaped from the tombs under the sea!"

"We want to stay here for a long time, we must take good protection, otherwise we go down, what if the camp is gone."

"Lime will boil when it meets water, this is the best way to restrain the forbidden woman from approaching!"

"Underwater, it's too difficult to kill them. The only way is to keep them away!"

"Okay, after the lime is placed, arrange for the drone to go down!"

"After we find the entrance to the undersea tomb, let's go down!"

Everyone took the lead and started to prepare.

And in the live room.

A group of netizens are also very curious.

After all, they had never seen what the forbidden woman looked like before.

[Damn, have you heard of this forbidden woman? 】

[I’ve heard of it, didn’t Boss Zhang just say it?]

[Don't talk nonsense, the great god pointed out that it might be this thing, and I don't know what this forbidden woman looks like]

[It must be a woman, otherwise how could she be called a forbidden woman!Don't Call Ban Gong]

[Fuck off, who asked about men and women!That concubine has so much hair, even if you think about it with your butt, you know it's a woman]

[You say, can we see the true face of the forbidden woman this time? 】

[I guess it's possible, I just hope this thing doesn't look too ugly]

[Zombie, how beautiful it can be! 】

【Just wait and see! 】

Everyone in the live broadcast room was looking forward to it.

And an hour later, the logistics department finally dropped all the limes.

Zhang Weishan didn't talk nonsense, and immediately called the drone to launch.

And as the drone entered the water, the underwater scene finally gradually emerged in front of everyone.

The mysterious underwater tomb is finally about to be exposed.

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