Xiao Wu knew that the Great God was his master.

So when I saw the golden barrage in the live broadcast room, I was not so worried.

But Wang Bangbang and Xiao Zhang didn't know.

Wang Bangbang got busy when he heard the words.

"What the hell is this?"

"Master, what do you mean by that? Who is something coming out of it? It can't be Master!"

"It's definitely not Captain Zhang. If it was Captain Zhang, how could the god make Captain Qin and the others go back quickly?"

Chen Wen sidetracked again.

"What is that? Where is my master?"

"Don't worry, Master will be fine!"

Xiao Wu shouted.

Wang Bangbang looked at him when he heard this, but Xiao Wu didn't know how to explain it.

He promised Zhang Weishan that he would never say that he is a great god.

"Don't ask, I'll be fine if I say it's okay!"

"The most important thing is to let Captain Qin and the others come back safely!"

Xiao Wu shouted.

Wang Bangbang was even more puzzled in his heart.

And this time on the spot.

Xiao Zhang obviously thought too much.

I heard Xiao Wu say something was coming out of it.

Xiao Zhang immediately swam towards the entrance.

seems to want to go in.

Captain Qin shouted hurriedly when he saw this.

"Go to the two of them and get him back!"

"Don't release the explosives, retreat first!"

"Don't worry about me! You go!"

Xiao Zhang opened his mouth and said.

However, how could Captain Qin really ignore him, shouted.

"When you come back, Captain Zhang will definitely be fine. You are courting death by going there now!"

But Xiao Zhang didn't listen at all.

A few soldiers nearby had already charged over, and three or four of them forcibly pulled him back.

Under water, even the best skills are useless.

Under the pulling of several soldiers, Xiao Zhang was still dragged back.

However, just when they were about to retreat.

Suddenly, a large group of black things popped out of the old snail's shell from behind.

Almost at the same time, they felt a huge suction.

He actually wanted to drag them over.

"The captain can't swim anymore, what should we do?"

A soldier shouted.

At this time they were too close to Laoluo.

The huge suction made it impossible for them to swim out.

Captain Qin is still thinking about countermeasures.

But who knows, at this moment a soldier shouted next to him.

"It's not good, Captain, the explosives have been sucked over!"

When everyone heard the words, Brick took a look, and immediately saw that a piece of black explosives had been submerged into the hair in an instant along the water flow.

Seeing this, Captain Qin suddenly had a plan and shouted.

"Detonate the explosives! Detonate!"

"No, what if Captain Zhang is detonated?"

Xiao Zhang hurriedly shouted.

"Captain Zhang is fine, the snail shell is very hard, let's worry about ourselves first!"

"Detonate it quickly, we will be sucked in if we don't detonate!"

Hearing the words, the soldiers who controlled the explosives didn't talk nonsense, and immediately chose to detonate the explosives.

They were still some distance away from the hair, and this explosive was not a high explosive.

Detonating in the water has no major impact on them.

But if it gets caught in that hair, I'm afraid it will really be dead.

At this moment, the situation was chaotic, and there was no time to think about it.

Everyone saw a white light suddenly flashing behind them.

The next moment, I felt the suction force behind me suddenly disappear.

However, a huge thrust immediately followed and swept them out.

Rolled a long way in the water.

Everyone finally calmed down and turned their heads to look.

He was immediately terrified by the scene in front of him.

I saw that in a large area of ​​water behind, there were so many hairs that it was like a giant net.

Some hair was blown up by explosives.

But more hair was flattened in the water.

Because of the water, those hairs couldn't be ignited at all.

If it's just a big clump of hair it's fine.

But when they stared at the hair.

Suddenly, Xiao Wu's exclamation came from the intercom.

"Come back quickly, Captain Qin! There's something in that hair, and it's already heading towards you!"

Captain Qin and the others all changed their faces when they heard the words.

Because colleagues they have seen.

In that large piece of hair, streaks of black bugs had already swam towards them.

"team leader!"

A soldier shouted.

Captain Qin couldn't help swallowing the smear, and shouted.

"Throw the dynamite and blow them up!"

Everyone is busy doing so.

He threw away all the explosives he carried with him.

Then a group of people quickly swam back for a distance.

The destroyer not far from this incident has already approached.

The rope ladder was also lowered into the water.

Captain Qin hurriedly beckoned everyone to go up quickly.

At the same time, the last explosives were detonated.

The huge explosion knocked all the bugs flying upside down.

Taking advantage of this time, everyone climbed the rope ladder and returned to the deck safely.

Once back on the deck, everyone was so tired that they slumped on the ground.

The destroyer also hurriedly backed up more than ten meters, keeping a safe distance.

However, as the saying goes, misfortunes never come singly.

As soon as their side was safe, Xiao Wu rushed out of the cab and shouted.

"It's not good! The old snail is sinking, what should I do?"

But at this time, Zhang Weishan is still inside the old conch.

There is no way, he heard the conversation between Captain Qin and others before, and there is no way to go out.

If he went out with him, he might have been blown into meat at this time.

Moreover, Captain Zhang's bombing actually helped him.

When it exploded for the first time, it was too close to Laoluo.

The shell of the really old snail has cracks.

However, these cracks are also large on the outside and small on the inside.

Zhang Weishan tried to chop it with the Black Gold God Blade, but it was still a bit unshakable.

The snail shell is very thick, and the Black Gold God Blade is just a knife after all.

It is not a cutting electromechanical drill, it is still difficult to split such a thick shell.

Seeing that the water level in the pool below the incident has begun to rise.

Zhang Weishan knew it in his heart.

This old snail must be descending.

Listening to the old snail's shell making a "cracking" sound as it sank.

Zhang Weishan didn't dare to move at all, he just stood where he was, letting the water level rise slowly, it was almost reaching the space where he was.

Xiaoxi was puzzled.

"Why don't you leave? The water level will rise soon!"

Zhang Weishan smiled and said.

"No need, don't you know what pressure is?"

"Pressure? Whose name?"

Xiaoxi was puzzled.

Zhang Weishan smiled helplessly and said.

"Pressure is a pressure in water!"

"The deeper the pressure, the greater the pressure. The shell has already cracked. If you go out from below, it's better to wait here."

"I'll be able to go out after the snail's shell is completely cracked!"

Xiaoxi seemed to understand but didn't understand. After all, how could she know about such things as pressure.

But seeing Zhang Weishan's composed look, Xiaoxi was very upset.

"Just pretend to be calm, I will remind you first."

"Later, if this old snail falls to the bottom of the water, there will still be a ghost ship on it!"

"The screw hole is blocked by the ground, it's hard for you to get out!"

Zhang Weishan just smiled when he heard the words, but didn't speak.

Time passed by.

Finally, when the water level reached the middle of Zhang Wei Mountain.

The snail shell can no longer withstand the tremendous pressure underwater.

There was a muffled sound of "bang", and the whole shell was crushed immediately.

A large amount of sea water poured in directly.

Zhang Weishan stabilized his figure, looked around and saw a crack on one side of the shell.

Zhang Weishan didn't talk nonsense, and immediately swam in.

When Xiaoxi saw this hole, she was also surprised.

Secretly in my heart.

"What the hell is this pressure? It's so powerful!"

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