Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 246 The yellow ape that the six parents don't recognize!6 "Luo" passing by


After the two crisp impacts, Taotu's body suddenly stopped, and she showed an incredible expression!
"Is this domineering?"

It's unbelievable, the military uniforms of this group of people are obviously recruits, and they have to be at the level of major generals after they have cultivated domineering.

Tao Tutu was trapped in the "bubble formation", although her sight was blocked, she still felt the four fists attacking towards her in an instant with her powerful knowledge and domineering style!

Taotu's left hand fluttered, "bang bang bang bang" four times, and he slapped everywhere with his palm instead of a fist!
"Still domineering!"

Tao Tutu was even more surprised in his heart. If one doesn't count, all of them will be domineering. Is this domineering so worthless now?

Can a new recruit come out casually?

The surrounding melon-eating crowd had already retreated tens of feet away, so as to leave room for them to display their strengths.

After all, it's been a long time since Lieutenant General Taotu took action in person, and it's great to watch beautiful women fight!Although it's still unclear.

And the navy soldiers who came with Taotu were even more confused at this time. They didn't know what to do with their flintlock guns, so they could only mechanically aim at the source of the sound, and after holding them for a while, they all silently put them down!
It's better to wait for the lieutenant general to knock them all down!
"Clang clang clang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

There were bursts of air explosions and sword collisions!
The surrounding bubbles are getting thicker and thicker, forming a natural barrier!

Taotu's domineering spirit was being consumed violently, and he thought he would be able to carry out a routine task with ease!
I didn't expect it to be quite tricky!
"Exploding Fist!"

All of a sudden, a violent wind of fists brushed against Taotu's nose and flew out, some cold sweat broke out on Taotu's back!
Immediately, I saw a big man with a somewhat embarrassed appearance!

"Explosive Punch!"

"Speedy Knife!"

Taotu didn't dare to be careless, her powerful knowledge and arrogance made her instantly sense another three violent punches and one violent slash!


Momotu's pretty eyes suddenly burst into anger, crazy, these recruits are crazy!
Then he groaned, and powerful arrogance immediately surged out crazily, wrapping around "Golden Piro" in an instant!
"Bang bang bang!"

The domineering impact hit the sword of "Jinpira" one after another!

Although the strength on the opposite side is quite insufficient for Taotu, it is not something that can be directly connected with his soft body!

Immediately, Taotu sensed that something was wrong, and the people on the opposite side seemed to be cooperating!
Although the three punches from different directions did not break the defense, they blocked Taotu's movements in place!

Then a sharp slash hit his chest in an instant!

Taotu could only block with a backhand, and "Jinpiluo" and Long Xiaodao wiped out a series of flames!


Suddenly Wallace shouted!

In an instant, the five figures disappeared in place like ghosts!
The bubbles are gradually dissipating!

A piece of dust and smoke dissipated along with the bubbles!
Only Taotu, who was desperately holding on to the overcoat with his hands, was left in place, and the five recruits had disappeared without a trace!
Taotu stood there depressed, of course she had a premonition where these people had gone, but she didn't chase after them!
Because Dubali's last slash successfully cut through Taotu's pretentious coat, and by the way, cut off her underwear!

Moisture came out of Taotu's big eyes, and he cursed inwardly, these nasty little devils!

Hehe, Lieutenant General Silver Wolf, you are really interesting!
As soon as they fought, she knew in her heart that in this world, there is no one who can appear in Marlin Vandor and train such a sudden recruit, except for that guy Silver Wolf!


A yellow flash appeared at the entrance of the Golden Flower Casino in an instant!
Slowly condensed into Huang Yuan's disrecognizable face, he squinted his eyes and looked at Taotu who was a little angry and bloody, and asked: "Peach rabbit sauce, I heard that there is something wrong here?"

Taotu calmed down his blushing face, and said lightly: "There are a few people who seem to be recruits. They wanted to be escorted back to the headquarters for trial, but they ran away!"

"Run away? To be able to escape from Taotujiang's hands, the strength is quite strong, so scary!"

Huang Yuan said exaggeratedly.

Weybridge rushed over and shouted loudly: "A few navy recruits seem to be dangerous traitors, they injured Master Sano!"

"Uncle, you have to be the master for me!"

Little Sano who came up slowly shouted loudly.

Huang Yuan turned his head and glanced at little Sano, then grinned at the corner of his mouth and said to the navy soldiers who followed behind him: "Take it to Vegapunk, even a useless person will contribute to the experiment! The province always makes trouble for the old man!"

"Ahhh!!! No!!! Uncle, you can't do this!" Little Sano was stunned, how could he go to Vegapunk?I don't know what it will look like when I go there!

Weybridge shut his mouth in fright!
After Huang Yuan finished speaking, he walked away at a pace that his relatives did not recognize. He sneered in his heart and said, the strength of Yinlang's subordinates seems to be a bit beyond the standard.

Taotu thoughtfully watched Huang Yuan leave with a mysterious expression on his face, and then withdrew too, never mentioning the escaped recruits.

After all, the owner is very clear about the matter, and sooner or later he will find the place!
It's just that the melon-eaters who stayed at the entrance of the casino have been completely shocked now!

"Who are those recruits?"

"Those people escaped from General Taotu?"

"No! That's definitely the sound of domineering collision!"

There were only a lot of sighs left on the scene, "However, I have a low culture, and I can say that I am popular in the world"!

When Lloyd came out of the Navy Headquarters, he didn't ask Voreth and the others to gather, his intention was to give them a rest.

So he took Mike on the "Spike" from Marin Vandor to the Chambord Islands to do some things.

Soon we arrived at the most prosperous and chaotic Chambord Islands on the great route.

Lloyd took Mike and Robin who put on a navy uniform for camouflage, and the three disembarked.

He had several original intentions. First, since the Warring States Period asked Lao Tzu to recruit Qiwuhai, he considered going to Fishman Island to investigate first, and by the way investigate the feasibility of completely destroying Fishman Island.

The second is to examine whether the Chambord Islands are suitable for the expansion of the association.

The third is that Lloyd doesn't want to go to Fishman Island through the navy's channel, so he wants to go to the Chambord Islands for coating and use the route of the pirates to go there.

From a certain street in the archipelago, Lloyd was joking with Mike and Robin, and several people walked towards him!
Although the leader lowered the brim of his hat, Lloyd could still tell from the "DEATH" tattoo on his hand at a glance!

That guy is Tragarfallo, one of the most evil times!

A few people passed by in an instant!

PS: I wish you all a happy new year, and at the same time send a call to the little pity~~~

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