Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 245 We Don't Learn the Strongest Illusion Technique!peach rabbit?peach rabbit

"Report to the headquarters immediately!"

Many croupiers reported the matter immediately!

The spectators around were also panicked. Many people knew little Sano. Although this guy had a bad reputation, not many people dared to provoke him here in Marin Vanduo!
"I want you all to die, especially you black widow, a vicious woman!" Little Sano rolled on the ground in pain, not forgetting to shout a few curse words.

"Give way, everyone stay away!"

Yaxiu shouted fiercely with his triangular eyes.

The crowd immediately parted a row of aisles!
Weybridge narrowed his eyes and blocked it, sneering: "It's too late for you to leave, wait here and die!"

Randy sighed silently, and Worace asked with a smile: "You made the first move just now because you were afraid that this situation would become like this."

"Well, I don't want Miss Dubally to be in unnecessary danger." Randy the Licking Dog frowned and said quite seriously.

The others nodded silently!
Only Du Barry, furious, heard nothing!
This grandson actually said that my mother has small breasts? ? ?

Du Barry looked at Weybridge who was blocking the entrance of the casino, and snorted coldly, "You won't get out of the way, will you?"

"What's the matter? Girl, be good and die! I'm a major, I'm sorry you don't dare to attack me, and besides, I know how to use iron in the Navy's sixth style, so you don't want to leave!"

Weybridge yelled angrily.

"What's the matter, my mother didn't kill him, it's enough to give General Huang Yuan face, good dog doesn't get in the way, get out!"

With a flick of Dubali's thumb, "Canglang" sounded, and the dragon roared, and the knife came out of its sheath again!

The people around were surprised!
I didn't expect this group of people to be so fierce. Does the name of General Huang Yuan not work?
"Iron block?"

The corner of Dubali's mouth was sneering, but Yaxiu stepped up first!
"What's the matter? If you are sensible, just obediently catch it! This is a skill that can only be learned by officers above the school level!"

Although Weybridge was a little anxious looking at the little Sano who was rolling all over the floor and was about to die, he still didn't forget to put on a show!
"Oh, then, as long as we can break your iron block, we can leave, right?"

Ash narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Then in an instant, a fist was slowly swung towards Weybridge!

The surrounding crowd suddenly let out a sound of disappointment, obviously if the woman made a move, she would still be able to see the scene of the knife smashing the iron block!
At this moment, only Weybridge didn't think so in his heart. The fist looked light, but his instincts after years of martial arts still told him that it was very dangerous!
"Iron block!"

Just when Ash's fist was imprinted on Weybridge's chest, Weybridge still activated the strongest illusion!

A loud bang!
Weybridge flew out while floating, rolled a gully on the ground, and spat out a mouthful of bloody arrows!
The melon-eaters watching inside and outside the casino were shocked!

"Fuck, how is this possible?"

"No, these people are recruits!"

"Shooted the Major flying with one punch!"

"Hmph, the strongest illusion of iron can still be called a skill? We all disdain to learn this thing!"

With a sneer, Yaxiu dissipated the arrogance from his fists, and then pretended to say!
"Let's go!"


The onlookers of the casino immediately gave up their seats and watched Yaxiu and the others walk out!

Usses smiled and said to Vores: "Black Whirlwind, why didn't you take action just now?"

Wallace sprayed: "Facing a group of rookies, wouldn't it be too cheap for me to make a move?"

The corner of Yaxiu's mouth twitched, and he turned around and said, "Ah, is my price so low?"

Du Barry seems to be not very angry, and seems to be quite upset about Randy and Yaxiu's first attack!

Five people walked out of the casino slowly!
There was a "click" sound of bullets being loaded head-on!

A circle of naval soldiers, ready to go, pointed their flintlock muskets at everyone!
"Tsk tsk, look, the show isn't over yet!"

Juss said with a chuckle.

Randy shook his head silently, the scene he had been worried about finally happened!
I saw a beautiful woman wearing a navy overcoat walking out of the navy soldiers!
"All hands up!"

With a serious face, Momotu slowly drew out his famous sword "Golden Pira"!
Weybridge hastily wiped the blood from his mouth, got up, pointed at Wolace and the others and shouted, "Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, that's them!"

Wallace and the others looked gloomy!

"As a navy, who gathers people to hurt people, who gives you the power? Who is your commander?"

Momotu flicked "Golden Piro" with a "swish", and a faint light reflected from his body!
"Fuck me, this bitch is a lieutenant general, isn't she at the same level as the instructor?"

Randy muttered under his breath.

Du Barry's face suddenly turned rosy when she heard the words, and she seemed a little eager to try. This person is the biggest stumbling block for my old lady to become a general!
"How to do?"

"I don't know either!" Yaxiu pouted.

"It's a bit troublesome to cut up Yellow Ape's nephew. I don't know if Silver Wolf can suppress it. Do you regret it, Dubali." Usses asked.

"I'm so sorry! My relatives, who are generals, have acted recklessly. Next time I see that brat, I'll chop it up!"

Dubali squinted her eyes, exuding an aura from her whole body.

"Why don't you run? Anyway, no one here recognizes us now."

Randy frowned.

Worth stepped out and shouted: "This lieutenant general, what about the two people who molested and insulted us?"

"The Ministry of Right and wrong has its own discretion, and they will be taken away. If they resist arrest, they will be executed without mercy!"

Taotu's face is more serious!
"Stop talking nonsense, take them all away!"

Peach Rabbit scolded angrily!
"No way, let's run"

Asiu squinted his eyes, and in an instant, countless bubbles floated around. After the light was refracted, the figures of Voorez and others gradually disappeared!

"Want to run? Against you?"

Momotusu flipped his hands and was holding the "Golden Piro", and rushed towards the center of the bubble!
A slash of saber qi slashed through Yaxiu's bubble formation in an instant!

Dubali's figure was exposed, and the Dragon Xiaodao whizzed out, colliding with Taotu's "Golden Piro"!

A crisp sound!
Long Xiao Dao and "Golden Piluo" trembled at the same time!
"Damn! What is the origin of this group of recruits, who dare to resist Lieutenant General Taotu?"

"Isn't it courting death?"

"It's a bit too courageous!"

Everyone around was shocked!
Du Barry felt a strong force that almost crushed her shoulders, but the fighting spirit still prevailed, and the backhand slashed at Taotu with two super-breaking winds and eight knives!

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