Zhou Yi immediately relayed Chen Fan's 007 live broadcast.

The picture on the screen was a bit bloody, with the corpses of Heilang beasts everywhere.

A player wearing a moon white Taoist robe and a cute mask is in the middle of these corpses.

He squatted down and pressed one hand on the corpse of the black wolf beast, and the corpse of the black wolf beast turned into a burst of light and disappeared the next moment.

Zhou Yi was stunned for a moment, the picture was bloody, and the mask on the player's face was still wearing a cute smile, which was a bit weird no matter how you looked at it.

"Friends, are all these black wolves killed by this player nicknamed Chen Fan?"

"Let's take a look at Chen Fan's profile."

"Level 4, ability, fire, rating C, combat power evaluation..."


Seeing the evaluation of combat power in this number, Zhou Yi couldn't help but rubbed her eyes, and read it again.

That's right, it's a single-digit combat power.

What the hell is going on here?
"Friends, do you know what's going on?"

"Battle strength evaluation 5, how could it be possible to kill so many black wolves?"

Zhou Yi was puzzled, and the audience in the live broadcast room were also puzzled. The barrage and public screens were full of various guesses.

"I think he may have used a gun."

"Look at this mask, it should be cute to kill the black wolf."

"He has a sword in his hand."

"Is this a cosplayer?"

"Play as a masked sword fairy?"

"What is this Chen Fan doing?"

"Brothers, this Chen Fan is a small white-collar worker in our community, and he has no special skills."

"Recently, I don't know why I'm going crazy. I wear Hanfu, a mask, and a sword every day."

"Actually, he doesn't know anything."

"It's just rubbish."

"It's my great misfortune to have this Chen Fan among the Daxia players!"

Zhou Yi frowned as she watched the audience suddenly make a lengthy and excited speech.

In the live broadcast room, it seemed that this person's speech also brought the rhythm, and there was a tendency to doubt Chen Fan.

But her intuition told Zhou Yi that this Chen Fan was not that simple.

Out of curiosity, she found the video of Chen Fan's fight just now in the video library.

The results shocked her.

Facing the pack of black wolves, Chen Fan simply drew his sword and charged into them.

Sword light overflowed, and blood flew.

The black wolves fell one by one, and Chen Fan's blood didn't stain his clothes.

Is this something people can do?

"My friends, this Chen Fan is a bit strong."

"Is he really good at swordsmanship?"

"Why is the combat power evaluation only 5?"

Zhou Yi was always wondering about this.

However, at this time, some viewers expressed their opinions on the public screen:

"At the beginning, I visited a lot of live broadcast rooms, and found that the sooner the person teleported there, the higher the combat power."

"I heard from the players in live broadcast room 078 that they would first enter a white room to familiarize themselves with the rules of the game and fight a black wolf."

"It seems that the combat power assessment is related to that battle."

"It should be that the sooner the black wolf is defeated, the higher the fighting power will be?"

"However, from a large level, it is still related to the level of the ability you have drawn."

The viewer's opinion was unintentionally true.

Zhou Yi immediately relayed several live broadcast rooms to check the player's profile.

As the audience said just now, there is only one player with A-level abilities, the Dragon King, and the combat power evaluation has exceeded one hundred.

As for players with B-level abilities, Xu Fei's combat power evaluation is 56, and boxing champion Li Wudi is 52.

Most of the C-level players are basically in their teens or twenties.

However, Chen Fan's 5-point combat power evaluation is indeed the lowest she has ever seen, and it is considered unique.

But Zhou Yi was sure that Chen Fan's combat power was definitely more than 5, and he even felt that Chen Fan was no weaker than Xu Fei.

At this time, someone in the audience asked Xu Fei to rebroadcast, because there was another fight on Xu Fei's side.

Zhou Yi had no choice but to cut back the live broadcast.


in the game.

Chen Fan put the corpses of the black wolves into his system package.

Dozens of corpses of black wolves occupy one grid.

This is the first battle that happened after he entered the game.

He can also hear the game announcement from his side, and he can also check the scoreboard.

When he heard that Rui Si was killed by the Tyrannosaurus rex, he also frowned, with a fire burning in his heart.

If he could meet a Tyrannosaurus Rex, he would kill it.

However, it had been an hour since he entered the game, and two thousand players were trying to survive before the news that two players were killed.

He knew that the area covered by this forbidden area was definitely not small.

The event where the players meet may just be a coincidence.

I am afraid that on the first day, the game wants players to focus on killing monsters and developing.

He also doesn't know where the Tyrannosaurus Rex is.

Not to mention Tyrannosaurus rex, he wandered around the forbidden area for an hour, and none of the other players came across one.

Outside the game, only some careful viewers noticed that the place where Tyrannosaurus Rex entered last was a sparse jungle, which was very similar to the environment of some players in Daxia.

And Chen Fan was also in a sparse jungle.

However, he didn't know the whereabouts of the Tyrannosaurus rex.

The anger in Chen Fan's heart was spilled on these black wolves.

Fortunately, after some killings, Chen Fan won the title of Ten Slashes and got 1 point.

It would make him feel better to have Da Xia ranked in the national standings.

He ran fast in the jungle, and soon encountered another group of black wolves.

After some killings, Chen Fan was promoted to level 7, but he didn't get any points.

This made Chen Fan frown.

It seems that the achievement of ten consecutive cuts can only be triggered once.

He looked at the standings again. On the personal standings, he ranked third, and the top three were all 1 point.

And below, dozens of players have been added one after another, all with 1 point.

However, the national standings have changed.

Beautiful country surpassed Fuso island country and ranked first with 7 points.

Daxia also surpassed Fusang Island and ranked second with 6 points.

Shenniu Kingdom also entered the leaderboard, ranking third with 5 points.

Fuso Island has already ranked fourth with 4 points.

After the Fusang country, there are [-] other countries that have entered the ranking, and the list has a total of [-] countries.

The scoreboard is changing very quickly. At this time, players have started to kill the Heilang beast one after another, and have achieved ten consecutive kills.

This has little to do with personal strength, because the black wolf beast is very weak, and most players can basically deal with it.

Da Xia was able to rank in the top three because it accounted for enough players.

The top three in the national standings are all for this reason.

Whether it is the Beautiful Country, the Great Xia Country, or the Divine Cow Country, the number of players entering the game has already exceeded a hundred.

Some people speculate that the number of people entering the forbidden area may be related to national strength, or it may be related to the population base of each country.

Of course, it cannot be confirmed.

After Chen Fan reached level seven, he felt that his physical strength had increased slightly.

There was a sudden cry of an eagle in the sky. Chen Fan looked up at the sky and found that it was a huge eagle flying by.

To his astonishment, the eagle had the name Hawkeye on its head and the serial number CA08.

This turned out to be a player?

There are still players who can fly?
Is it a drawn ability?

The eagle passed over his head in a hurry, not knowing what to do.

Chen Fan looked at the sword in his hand, smiled wryly and shook his head helplessly.

Playing the role of Tiandi Yijian, he will naturally fly with the sword.

But no matter what, the sword in his hand is not strong enough.

A sword of inferior quality can bear at most a trace of his spiritual power, and cannot fly at all.

There is a system mall in the game, and points can be exchanged for items in the mall.

There are indeed sword weapons in the mall, but Chen Fan is still very poor.

"Points must be earned as soon as possible."

With a decision in mind, Chen Fan ran quickly in the jungle.

When encountering a black wolf beast, Chen Fan dealt with it unceremoniously without delay.

Finally, after solving the sixth group of black wolves, Chen Fan rose to level ten.

During this period, Chen Fan also heard several game announcements, and several players encountered each other, and some players were killed.

One country was rewarded, the other was punished.

Both reward the reservoir, or punish the reservoir for drying up.

Among the many game announcements, only one was about the Great Xia Kingdom.

As many players began to adapt to the game and killed the black wolf beast, more and more players achieved the achievement of ten consecutive kills and got one point.

Da Xia was ranked second after the Pretty Country, accumulating more than [-] points in the country, rewarding a river with a complete system.

It didn't take long for Daxia's high-level officials to spread the news that the Yellow River, which was about to dry up, had a tributary, the Jing River, which was suddenly full of rushing water!
This is very exciting news.

As the mother river of Daxia, the Yellow River has carried too many emotions of the people of Daxia.

It is a pity that the water resources are exhausted, and even the Yellow River has been affected, and many places have stopped flowing.

The revival of the Jing River has greatly alleviated the problem of water shortage in this region.

The source of the Jing River, as well as the source of the branch veins, are flowing out with rolling river water. This is not only the recovery of the main vein of the river, but also the springs of the branch veins.

The entire Jinghe system was immediately recovered.

By the way, it also affected the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, increasing the water volume of the Yellow River in the middle and lower reaches.

Although it has not completely solved the problem of the Yellow River, it has already played a great role.

This river is the result of the joint efforts of the top ten players in the Great Xia points!

And Chen Fan took the lead!
Just like what I said in the text message, every player who fights for Great Xia is a hero!

The senior management of Daxia also commended these ten players without hesitation.

Although they can't see it in the game, everyone in Daxia must see this kindness!

Now, people have confirmed that this game may indeed be the gospel of Blue Star.

Many countries have benefited from this survival game.

More and more people paid attention to this survival game, and the live broadcast room was almost full.

As for Chen Fan, who made the first contribution in the Great Xia, the 007 live broadcast room on each platform has also skyrocketed from a few hundred viewers at the beginning to tens of millions!

Chen Fan, who was in the game, naturally didn't know the news, he was still running quickly, looking for the black wolf beast.

Finally, after he killed nearly a hundred weakened monster black wolves, his level rose to level ten.

It was at this time that the game announcement came out.

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