"Li Xuanyuan from a family of martial arts, wandering dragons and gossip martial immortals."

"Immortal Wu's nickname is Xuanyuan, her level is 2, her ability is light, and her rating is C."

"Light? Shoot laser light?"

"Light speed kick?"

"Holy Light Healing?"

"You all guessed wrong, I saw a flash of light from Li Xuanyuan, and then nothing happened."

"So, blind the enemy's eyes?"

"It's probably right, the evaluation is only C-level."

"It's a pity, the voice of Immortal Wu Ban was quite loud before."

"It's still my soldier king Niubi."

Zhou Yi watched the barrage and the fair speech, and cooperated with broadcasting Xuanyuan's picture.

Sparsely inside, Li Xuanyuan was advancing with the explorer, holding a dagger.

Zhou Yi looked at Li Xuanyuan's profile.

Level 2, supernatural light, rating C, combat power rating 12.

Zhou Yi had also heard of the name of Immortal Wu Ban before the game started.

Disciple of a family of martial arts, studying Youlong Baguazhang.

Although the voice is not as good as Xu Fei and Li Wudi, it is not weak.

But looking at the combat power assessment now, it's only 12.

Zhou Yi was a little disappointed.

She hoped that Da Xia would have another strong man.

On the public screen, players continued to speak, and there was an important piece of news:

"Brothers, great discovery! I am Daxia player 033, the Dragon King, with an A-level ability!"

"Fuck, is it true?"

"A-level ability, should it be stronger than B-level ability?"

"What is the specific ability?"

"Brothers, go to live broadcast room 033 to check it out!"

"Sister Zhou, quickly broadcast 033!"

Seeing that the popularity of the live broadcast room has declined, Zhou Yi hurriedly rebroadcasted live broadcast room 033.

Live broadcast room CN033, Dragon King's live broadcast room, has 5000 million viewers at the moment, and the number of viewers is still increasing.

A-level ability, dragon transformation!

When using it, not only a pair of dragon claws are strong and powerful, like a sharp blade, but also a red gold dragon scale armor will appear on the body, which is unparalleled in defense and dazzling!

During the broadcast, the Dragon King was not fighting, nor did he use Dragon Transformation, but Zhou Yi quickly found the Dragon King's battle video from the video library, and immediately played it.

It can be seen that the Dragon King in the video is shining with gold, not only full of power, but also very fast.

Under his dragon's claws, the black wolf beast was like tofu, unable to stop it at all.

He fights like he is playing.

The Dragon King is indeed very strong, even stronger than Xu Fei.

Zhou Yi called up the Dragon King's information again in the broadcast.

Combat power evaluation 103!

Three-digit fighting power!
"Friends, it looks like I have stronger people in Daxia!"

Zhou Yi was also very excited:
"Big Xia is invincible!"

Zhou Yi took the lead in shouting in the live broadcast room, and in an instant, the live broadcast room was filled with Daxia's invincible barrage.

But at this time, a very unfriendly game announcement came out:

[Game Announcement: Player Tyrannosaurus Rex (AM106) kills player Ruisi (CN097), gets 1 point, rewards Pretty Country Small Reservoir *1, and punishes Daxia Country Small Reservoir -1. 】

[Game Announcement: Player Tyrannosaurus Rex (AM106) kills player Ruisi (CN097)...]

【Game Announcement:...】

Zhou Yi was stunned by this announcement, and then, an angry look appeared on her face!

"Brothers, someone in our Great Xia has been killed!"

"Beautiful country did it!"

"Let's see what's going on?!"

She quickly relayed the number 097 live broadcast room, wanting to see what happened.

At this moment, in live broadcast room 097, the entire screen turned gray and white, and the title of the room also showed a countdown.

The live broadcast room will be closed after 3 minutes.

If the player is dead, there is no need for this live broadcast room to exist.

But with only 3 minutes left, Zhou Yi saw an extremely outrageous scene.

In the picture, a woman in a camouflage uniform was lying there motionless, with a look of unwillingness in her eyes.

His right arm was gone, and blood was pouring out.The picture is black and white, and the blood has also turned gray.

And beside this woman, a strong curly-haired man was holding an arm in his hand, and in this arm was holding a pistol.

At first glance, this man has a standard western face.At this moment, there was a cruel smile on this face, and he stepped on the face of the dead woman, stepping on it slowly...


Zhou Yi was so angry that she slapped the table directly, and there was a creaking sound from the microphone, obviously the recording equipment was affected.

"Too deceiving!"

"What is this beautiful country devil?!"

The live broadcast room exploded directly, and the barrage and the public screen were full of curses.

Zhou Yi's breathing was heavy, her chest heaved up and down, and she was obviously very angry.

He called up the short video of Ruisi fighting the tyrannosaurus rex before.

Almost one-sided.

The ability of Tyrannosaurus rex is really the animalized Tyrannosaurus rex, a B-level ability.

The whole body has become extremely tall, with infinite strength, super high defense, and a thick tail.

And Ruisi is just a C-level water ability.

In the battle scene, Ruisi releases the water polo to attack the Tyrannosaurus rex, and at the same time releases flowing water under his feet, hoping to slip the Tyrannosaurus rex down.

The water polo attack has no effect on the rough-skinned Tyrannosaurus rex, and the B-level ability suppresses the C-level ability too much.

However, the running water released by Rui Si played a big role. During the pursuit, the Tyrannosaurus rex slipped from time to time and was delayed.

Therefore, this chasing battle lasted for a long time.

But it also makes people look more angry.

This can be regarded as Ruisi's initial development of his abilities, but it is limited to this.

The running water under the feet can only delay the opponent's pursuit, and cannot turn defeat into victory.

Ruisi also took out a pistol and shot at the Tyrannosaurus rex, but the effect was not great.

A grenade went down, and although the Tyrannosaurus rex bled, it was not hurt.

This guy's defense is too high.

Moreover, his strength is not small. After catching up with Ruisi, he directly tore off Ruisi's arm, and then brutally killed Ruisi.

The video ended, and what Zhou Yi watched was filled with anger.

It's so frustrating.

Pistols and grenades don't do much.

B-level ability is so strong?
Although Zhou Yi was filled with anger, she was helpless.

The Forbidden Land and Blue Star seemed to be two isolated worlds. Although he broadcast the game live, he couldn't help the players inside at all.

Not even a chance to communicate.

Didn't it mean that the audience has the opportunity to interact with the players? When will this opportunity arrive?
She wished she could immediately ask the soldier king Xu Fei or the dragon king to avenge Ruisi.

But this is impossible now.

She could only watch helplessly as the Tyrannosaurus rex kicked Ruisi's body aside, and then walked into the sparse woods.

At this time, Zhou Yi received a text message on her mobile phone, and after reading it, her expression became even more gloomy.

She raised her head, faced the camera, and said:
"Friends, the rewards and punishments of this game are indeed true. I have reliable news that the No. 3 reservoir in Lishi suddenly dried up."

"Let us pray that the players in Great Xia will survive. At this moment, they are trying to survive in the forbidden area."

"We don't know who will sacrifice in the future, who will bring punishment to Daxia, but we ask everyone not to resent or blame, because they also want to live and bring resources to Daxia."

"rest in peace."

Originally, in the barrage, there were indeed some viewers behind the screen saying some nasty words, but after Zhou Yi explained this, the voice disappeared, and the barrage was almost full of a sentence:
"May the dead rest in peace and pray for Daxia."

The people of Great Xia, when it is time to unite, will definitely unite.

At this moment, Zhou Yi mourned for Ruisi for a while, and then turned the scene back to the soldier king Xu Fei again.

Xu Fei was still exploring and hadn't encountered the next wave of monsters yet. Taking advantage of his free time, Zhou Yi took another look at the scoreboard.

"Huh? The scoreboard has been refreshed, with Daxia's name on it!"

Seeing this, Zhou Yi immediately turned from sadness to joy, and checked the personal list again.

"There are currently three countries on the list. The first is the Fusang Island Country, the second is the Beautiful Country, and the third is our Daxia."

"Although we are ranked third, the points of the three countries are the same, all of which are 1 point."

"Let's see, who brought this point to us in Daxia."

Zhou Yi opened the personal list, and then found the big summer player whose prefix was CN.

CN007?Chen Fan?
Who is this guy?

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