Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 944 God Is Not Dead

On this day, Xiao Wu was finally reborn, bid farewell to his past self, and had a brand new identity and life.

When everyone came forward to congratulate, Ji Changsheng cast his eyes on the secret passage behind the door and fell into thought.

The secret passage leads directly to the Hanging Temple.

The bones of the gods are hidden in the temple!

It has been almost three years since time travel came to this world and many events have gone through.

At first, he had been chasing down the ultimate secret, following various clues, all the way to Guixu in the South China Sea.

After coming here, Ji Changsheng found out.

Things are far from as simple as he thought!
He originally thought that the fate of the world had always been in the hands of Ultimate and the Zhang family.

Behind the tens of thousands of years of human civilization history, these two forces have always been playing games with each other.

One represents the Age of Mythology.

One represents the age of technology.

In the end, more than 3000 years ago, the Zhang family imprisoned Ultimate and won the war.

Human beings have entered the age of science and technology!

But as the secrets of Guixu ancient tomb were revealed step by step, a more astonishing secret gradually surfaced.

As early as [-] million years ago, before the ultimate came to this world, there was already a more powerful force controlling the entire world!

Later, the gods fell and the prehistoric civilization was destroyed.

Only some incomplete relics were left behind, and the Zhang family only inherited an insignificant part of the relics, and already possessed technological power far beyond the times.

This shows how powerful the prehistoric civilization in its heyday was!
But problems also followed.

How did such a powerful prehistoric civilization be destroyed?
How did the almost omnipotent god fall?
Thinking about it, Ji Changsheng turned to look at Lao Zhou.

Most of the ultimate secrets have been revealed, but there are still some questions that remain mysteries.

Ultimate is the creature of the imaginary space, the will of another world.

But how did it break through the barriers of space and come to the real world?

There are countless worlds in the universe, why did it choose this place?
Are these coincidences, or are they related to the ancient gods?
At this time, Lao Zhou also slowly turned his head and looked at Ji Changsheng.

The eyes of the two collided, and Lao Zhou smiled back.

Ji Changsheng suddenly had a strange feeling that he was becoming more and more human-like in the end!

Is it because of being attached to a human body that you have human emotions?

"Mr. Ji."

The little brother's voice broke Ji Changsheng's thinking, and he quickly looked at the little brother.

"Oh, what's wrong?"

The little brother's gaze was as deep as that of Ultimate, bottomless, he said slowly.

"Do you have any questions for me?"

It was only then that Ji Changsheng remembered that the little brother's memory had recovered, and the core secret of the Zhang family had been answered!
"I have a question to ask, but would you like to say it?"

Ji Changsheng knew that in order to protect these secrets, the Zhang family had spent thousands of years fighting wits and wits with Ultimate and Wang Zanghai, and paid a huge price.

These secrets must be shocking!

As the head of the Zhang family, will the little brother tell him these secrets without reservation?
The little brother smiled lightly and answered four words.

"I know everything."

Ji Changsheng smiled gratifiedly. The little brother who regained his memory is not what he was worried about before, he will become another person.

The little brother is still that little brother, and he has absolute trust in him.

"Thank you."

After thinking for a while, Ji Changsheng looked towards the secret passage behind the door and asked.

"How much do you know about divine bones?"

Zhang Qiling deciphered the secrets of the divine bones. The little brother who has this memory knows these secrets as a matter of course.

The little brother didn't answer in a hurry, but looked at Lao Zhou, and then made an unexpected move.

He actually waved his hand and signaled Lao Zhou to come over.

The Zhang family and the ultimate have been fighting for thousands of years, and they are sworn enemies.

The little brother should be very vigilant towards Lao Zhou, why did he take the initiative to tell him the secret of the god bone?
Lao Zhou couldn't help being stunned for a moment, he obviously didn't expect the younger brother to be like this.

With a puzzled look on his face, Lao Zhou walked up to him and asked softly.

"Mr. Zhang, are you going to let me sit in?"

The little brother nodded and said.

"Now is the time to tell you."

Both Lao Zhou and Ji Changsheng were curious.

What does the secret of the god bone mastered by the Zhang family have to do with the ultimate?
It wasn't just the two of them. After hearing these words, the others were all attracted and moved over together.

The little brother surrounded by everyone is like a storyteller.

The audience in the audience were all looking forward to him, waiting for him to tell the secret of the god bone.

After scanning the crowd, the little brother said slowly.

"Those who can come here are all predestined people."

"Only those who are destined will know these secrets."

Although the little brother is not a monk, a certain generation of Zhang Qiling once studied with Master Huiyuan and is proficient in the wisdom of Buddhism.

After these memories were fused by him, he seemed to have the temperament of an eminent monk.

In Buddhist theory, the formation of everything in this world is inseparable from the word fate.

Billions of years ago, Earth was a raging desert.

By chance, the first life was born.

Life spread out and soon spread to every corner of the globe.

Simple as life was in the beginning, it hid infinite potential.

The most primitive single-celled organisms are like the parts of Lego toys. Although they are simple in structure, they can be combined into countless different forms.

It has undergone a natural evolution for an unknown period of time.

All kinds of life in various poses and with different expressions burst out amazing energy, bringing vitality to the desolate world.

The time of tens of thousands of years is just a short moment in the history of billions of years of the earth.

But in these tens of thousands of years, thousands of intelligent civilizations have been born!
Various civilizations complement each other brilliantly.

It was an era unimaginable to humans!

The era of civilization explosion!
The subsequent history is the same as what the artificial intelligence told Ji Changsheng.

Among these prehistoric civilizations, a strange species suddenly appeared.

In other words, it is an extremely powerful individual.

Possessing almost infinite power and wisdom, it quickly conquered all civilizations with a crushing attitude and established the order of the world.

The era of God's rule lasted for 58 years!
The major events that happened during this period are too numerous to count. If written into a book, it can fill 1 large libraries!
However, the sum of all these events cannot compare with the one thing that happened later.

The fall of God!

With the fall of the gods, the splendid prehistoric era came to an end.

Having said that, the little brother stopped.

The fat man couldn't help but said anxiously.

"Why do you always stop talking halfway, how did God die?"

After thinking for a while, the little brother gave an unimaginable and expected answer.

"God is not dead, it has just gone to sleep."

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