Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 943 Thank You Parents

In order to wait for the arrival of the divinely inspired person, the blood races have to enter an indefinite long sleep.

Although the blood race has an immortal body, it needs a large amount of blood to provide enough energy.

So the lord of the country issued a cruel order, imprisoning nearly a million people in the undead city, and turning them into food for the vampires!

There is another purpose of doing this, in order to keep the secret of Guixu ancient tomb.

If these people were let out, the story of the ancient tomb would be spread all over the world, and countless tomb robbers would be attracted. Not only would the blood clans have no peace, but the bones of the gods might also be stolen.

Only by imprisoning all insiders here can the secret be kept!
When Xiao Wu heard it, he couldn't help being shocked, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"How could our ancestors do such a thing?!"

The little brother replied calmly.

"Because they're not human."

After becoming an undead blood race, they are no longer human beings, so naturally they have no empathy for human beings.

In their eyes, ordinary people are just food, no different from domestic animals, and they don't need any mercy!

The fat man couldn't help feeling a chill, and couldn't help but let out a yell.

"Damn, these dogs should go to hell!"

Xiao Wu trembled all over, as if he couldn't accept this fact, tears rolled in his eyes.

The little brother immediately comforted him.

"You don't have to blame yourself, the people who did these things are not your ancestors, they are not human anymore."

It was only then that Xiao Wu remembered that the ancestors of the Dan people were human beings, which allowed them to reproduce to this day, and they are not blood races.

"Then who were our ancestors?"

The ancestors of the Dan people were the confidantes of the king and the great wizard, and they were their most trusted guards.

Back then, the king didn't turn them into blood races, nor did he treat them as food.

There are three main purposes for keeping these people.

The first purpose was to guard the food and prevent the imprisoned people from escaping.

The second purpose is to guard the ancient tomb and prevent tomb robbers.

The third purpose is to prevent accidents in the ancient tomb during the long sleep of the blood clan. These people are responsible for the security patrols and daily maintenance of the ancient tomb.

There are many dwellings in the Undead City, as well as a large number of edible animals, which are prepared for these people.

In addition, the king was a little worried.

In case the messenger of divine enlightenment could not find this ancient tomb, the revelation of the gods would not be completed, so he asked these guards to send people out every once in a while to look for the messenger of divine enlightenment and bring him back to the ancient tomb.

The guards who went out wandered around in the sea, never forgetting their mission.

They didn't dare to stay on land, for fear of revealing their secrets, and for fear that they would forget their mission after integrating into the outside world, so their descendants could only wander on the sea and became the later Dan people.

Those who stayed in the ancient tomb, due to the small number of people, had severe congenital defects in their offspring due to inbreeding, and gradually lost their ability to reproduce over time, and finally all died here!

With the passage of time, after thousands of years, Dan people no longer know what the real mission of their ancestors is.

After hearing this secret past, Xiao Wu finally understood what "the way home" is.

The ancestors of the Dan people were originally the aborigines here, and the Guixu ancient tomb is their home!

It is mentioned in the proverbs of the ancestors that the way home is in the giant bronze tree, which is actually a myth.

The original meaning of this proverb was to bring the divine revelation messenger here to complete the divine revelation!

After understanding all this, Xiao Wu couldn't bear it any longer, and fell to the ground with a distraught expression on his face.

She thought she could fulfill her ancestors' long-cherished wish and find her way home.

Unexpectedly, the truth turned out to be like this!

Dan Min is just a tool for the ruler and the great wizard!

The Danmin clan has shouldered the mission for thousands of years, and they are just playing pawns for those blood nobles to be used!

Xiao Wu's eyes turned red, and a tear fell.

Seeing this, Shirley Yang and Aning hurried forward to comfort them.

"Xiao Wu, in fact, you can think about it from another angle. The truth has freed you from your fate, and you can live freely in the future. This is a good thing."

The fat man also stepped forward to pat her on the shoulder and said.

"Yeah, you don't have to bear any ghost mission anymore."

"What the ancestors did has nothing to do with you."

"You are you, live well, and we will protect you from now on!"

Xiao Wu was taken aback when he heard the words, then looked up at everyone.

After these two years of getting along, these people not only fully trust her, but also care about her and take care of her in every aspect of life.

They are not only companions, but also friends and family!
Man is a collection of social relations.

These friends and family members gave Xiao Wu a new identity and the meaning of living!

Danmin, who had carried the mission for thousands of years, was finally freed in her hands.

In a sense, she can be regarded as fulfilling the behest of her ancestors.

Thinking of this, two lines of tears could not stop streaming down.

Xiao Wu cried and said.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Ji Changsheng said after thinking about it.

"If you want, you can recognize me as a godfather, and you will be my daughter from now on!"

Xiao Wu was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled through tears.

"Why wouldn't I want to, Father!"

Ji Changsheng grinned, agreed, and patted Lin Shuangyue.

"You give her a name."

As a godmother, Lin Shuangyue was obliged to choose a name.

She thought for a moment, then said.

"Then follow your godfather's surname. We are used to calling you Xiao Wu, so we will change Wu to noon."

"The sun at noon is the brightest. From now on, you will be called Ji Xiaowu."

Xiao Wu couldn't help being overjoyed and blurted out.

"Thank you ma'am!"

She was an orphan since she was a child, with no relatives and no reason, and she didn't even know who her parents were.

Later, after being adopted by the Wang family, they were only code-named Xiao Wu, and still had no name.

After living for 19 years, she finally has her own name.

Ji Xiaowu!
Aning, who was next to her, felt displeasure when she heard her calling her mother, but then she felt relieved.

Look at Ji Changsheng and Lin Shuangyue.

One is a dragon among men, and the other has the demeanor of a mother who loves the world.

Only the two of them are a match made in heaven.

Ah Ning looked at the naive Jack beside her again, and couldn't help smiling, maybe this childhood sweetheart man was more suitable for her.

The little brother looked at Xiao Wu who seemed to be born again, and he was relieved, and he even felt a little envious and a little bit melancholy.

Even Xiao Wu has a family...

And he will continue to bear the mission of the head of the Zhang family.

That is a path that leads to darkness and coldness.

No one knows what will be at the end of the road!
Everyone stepped forward to congratulate, only Lao Zhou watched silently from the side.

As the ultimate, even though he has lived in this world for tens of thousands of years, he still doesn't quite understand human emotions.

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