Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 775 The Truth of the World

When Ji Changsheng saw these murals for the first time, his thoughts were not completely attracted by the murals, but he was thinking about some other issues.

The ultimate is a mysterious existence from the imaginary space, or a life form that humans cannot understand.

Since the ultimate came to this world, many people have come into contact with it for thousands of years, but no one has ever been able to figure out its details.

Whether it is the Queen Mother of the West, King Wannu, Wang Zanghai, or Feng Shigu, even the Zhang family dare not say what the ultimate is.

These people just know part of the ultimate and write down what they know.

This is like a blind man touching an elephant. The ultimate is an elephant that exists in a dark room. People who touch it are like a group of blind people. Everyone touches different parts, so their descriptions of the ultimate are different.

The same is true for the wizards under King Wuling. They don't know the true details of the ultimate, but only a part of it.

Therefore, Ji Changsheng did not limit his eyes to the murals, but gathered all the clues collected, so that he could draw the ultimate outline!

He also saw what Hu Bayi said about the sacrifice, which was only part of the clue.

And more important clues are hidden in the next few paintings!

Facing everyone's questions, Ji Changsheng said slowly.

"Did you see anything in the next few paintings?"

Everyone shook their heads together. The next few paintings did not mention "evil gods" at all, which is exactly what they didn't understand.

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly and said.

"The reason why you didn't see it is very simple, because these contents are the 'evil gods' in the eyes of wizards. They just drew what they saw."

Wang Kaixuan became more confused the more he listened, and pointed to the mural.

"But the last few pictures are all landscape paintings. Apart from King Wuling, there is no other content. Could it be that King Wuling is the ultimate? No way!"

Ji Changsheng laughed and asked back.

"Do landscape paintings have no content?"

Wang Kaixuan's eyes widened, still puzzled.

"Yes, but they are all mountains and rivers. Does this have anything to do with the ultimate?"

Before Ji Changsheng answered, Lin Shuangyue's eyes lit up, and she suddenly had an epiphany.

"I know what the ultimate is!"

Everyone hurriedly asked together.

"What is it?"

Lin Shuangyue pointed to the mural and replied word by word.

"The ultimate is the world!"

In the next few paintings, apart from the resurrected King Wuling, there are only the sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers, and nothing else.

But it seems that there are no clues, but in fact they are all clues.

The sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains and rivers are the world.

The world is the ultimate truth!
When everyone heard this, they all showed a confused expression.

Wang Kaixuan opened his mouth wide and said in disbelief.

"No way! If you say that, doesn't the ultimate represent the supreme existence of all things in the world?!"

Lin Shuangyue nodded and said.

"That's how it was in the eyes of the ancients, otherwise they wouldn't have worshiped the heavens and the earth."

In the eyes of the ancient wizards, the Ultimate is the God who represents everything in the world!
After Hu Bayi was stunned for a moment, he said with a face full of horror.

"I remembered one thing. Every time my little brother mentioned the ultimate, he said 'the ultimate in the world'!"

The ultimate in the world!
This statement is vague and can be interpreted in many ways.

It can be understood as "the ultimate goal of the world", "the ultimate form of the world", or "the end of the world", etc.

Now combined with Lin Shuangyue's deduction, there is a new explanation.

"The ultimate is the world"!
Everyone was deeply shocked by this statement, and at the same time found it inconceivable, but at the same time found it incomprehensible.

Wang Kaixuan asked.

"How could the ultimate be this world? Didn't it come out of the imaginary space?"

Lin Shuangyue shook her head, expressing that she hadn't fully figured it out yet.

Everyone looked at Ji Changsheng again, expecting him to tell the truth.

Wang Kaixuan said urgently.

"Mr. Ji, since you already know, don't keep it secret, please tell us what's going on!"

After Ji Changsheng scanned the crowd, he shook his head.

"No, I won't tell you."

Wang Kaixuan was taken aback for a moment, and asked in puzzlement.


Ji Changsheng's tone became serious, and he said sternly.

"Because this is important strategic information, before I have a decisive battle with it, the fewer people who know about it, the better."

"Besides, I'm also thinking of you, no one is allowed to ask any more questions!"

Only then did everyone realize the importance of this information, and they all shut up, not daring to ask any further questions.

Ji Changsheng looked up at the sky, his heart agitated.

The ultimate is the world!

In fact, what Lin Shuangyue said was not wrong, but it was not accurate.

To be precise, Ultimate is gradually becoming this world!

In the eyes of the ancients, the god who represented the universe and everything actually existed, and Ji Changsheng had seen it with his own eyes.

The sacred mountain of the Zagrama tribe is the will of this world and the god in the eyes of the ancients!
The will of the world once said this to him.

"The ultimate is gradually replacing me, and the day it succeeds, I will disappear completely!"

At that time, Ji Changsheng didn't understand the meaning of these words. It was not until he saw the murals in the golden coffin that he finally figured it out.

The ultimate is an incomparably complicated life form that humans cannot understand.

This life form has no body and is a purely spiritual form without form.

The ultimate is actually the will from the imaginary space, another world!

Its ultimate purpose is to replace the original will of this world and become the new master of this world!

This is what the Zhang family called "the ultimate of the world", and the real interpretation is "the ultimate destiny of the world"!
The ancient wizards who left this key clue could not understand such existence at all. They just drew down the gods and spirits of heaven and earth that they understood.

Since slime is not a creature of this world, it cannot understand the deep meaning hidden in the mural.

"I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, I just live in this mountain."

The ultimate is the world in the eyes of the ancients!
Being in the world, how can we recognize the truth of the world?

The reason why Ji Changsheng was able to see through this secret was because he had collected a lot of information before, and only by combining all the information could he draw the final conclusion.

This is also thanks to the Queen Mother of the West, Wannu Wang, Wang Zanghai, Feng Shigu, the ancient wizards, and the will of the world. It is their contribution of a lot of information that allows him to see the ultimate truth.

A trace of excitement flashed in Ji Changsheng's eyes, and his heart throbbed uncontrollably.

Ultimate is replacing this world, so the enemy he is fighting against is the world itself!

In order to protect the world, he wants to be an enemy of the world!

"Ultimately, I already know your true face, the game is getting more and more interesting!"

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