Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 774 I Already Know

Everyone looked at Ji Changsheng with puzzled faces. Although they understood the reasoning, they still couldn't figure it out.

Why can't slimes understand the clues left by the ancient wizards?

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly and said.

"Think about it, what is the difference between slimes and humans?"

Without even thinking about it, Wang Kaixuan blurted out.

"It's a big slug!"

Ji Changsheng smiled and said nothing, obviously not the answer.

After thinking about it, Hu Bayi said.

"Slimes are creatures from the imaginary space, while humans are creatures that exist in the real space."

"Mr. Ji, are you referring to this?"

Ji Changsheng nodded and said.

"Yes. It is precisely because slime is a creature from the imaginary space that it cannot understand these clues. Only humans can understand it!"

Wang Kaixuan scratched his scalp and said with a thoughtful expression.

"I seem to understand, but I don't fully understand..."

Professor Sun, who was studying in the golden coffin, raised his head and said.

"Mr. Ji, if it's what you said, why can't I see it?"

Ji Changsheng walked up to the golden coffin and waved his hands.

"Old Sun, come out."

Sun Jiao climbed out with a dazed face, and looked at Ji Changsheng with puzzled eyes.

Ji Changsheng flicked his right hand, and a ball of fire appeared in his hand.

Under the illumination of the fire, some murals gradually emerged on the inner side of the golden coffin!
Wang Kaixuan looked at the flashlight in his hand, then at the flame in Ji Changsheng's hand, and suddenly realized.

"I understand!"

"The murals are painted with special paints, and they will only show their original shape when they are illuminated by fire. Isn't this the same technique as Feng Shigu's "Walking at Night with Candles"!"

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly.

"The cart before the horse, Feng Shigu actually learned this trick from an ancient wizard."

When people heard it, they understood it.

Painting with special pigments to hide confidential information is actually a method invented by ancient wizards.

After Feng Shigu knew the secret, he deliberately built the Dixian Village and the Dixian Tomb in a pattern of avoiding fire, just to not expose these clues.

In addition, it has something to do with those corpse mosses.

Corpse moss grows in extremely shady places, and is naturally afraid of sunlight and fire.

It is precisely because of this that in the Zhanxingshan Basin, there has never been a trace of fire in thousands of years.

Professor Sun couldn't help but said with admiration.

"Mr. Ji is still thoughtful, I have forgotten about it."

While speaking, under the scorching of the flames, the hidden murals have been fully revealed.

Everyone gathered around to watch carefully, only to see that the content of the mural was not complicated, even a little simple.

The murals are divided into five pieces, the first one is about the funeral of King Wuling.

The king of Wuling was wearing a jade robe and lay in a huge golden coffin. There were many slaves kneeling below. Some wizards danced around the golden coffin. There was a vague shadow in the sky, looking down on everyone. It should be Appearance of the "evil god".

The content of the second picture is a bit shocking. Under the command of the wizard, the warriors wielded knives and slashed at the slaves.

There are some people beside them who are burying the corpses of slaves in the burial pit, which is a depiction of the ancient cruel burial ceremony of living people.

The content of the third picture changed, it was no longer a funeral scene, but a continuous mountain range, but it did not look like the Corpse Mountain Basin, because the sun, moon and stars were painted above the mountain range, and the boundless sea was on one side of the mountain range. It looks like a very ordinary landscape painting.

The fourth picture is about the resurrection of King Wuling. The golden coffin was opened. King Wuling stood up from the coffin and was taking off his jade clothes. There were many worshipers beside him, as if they were welcoming their king to come back to the world. .

The content of the last picture is to worship God. King Wuling and his subordinates kneel down on a mountaintop to worship the heaven and the earth.

After reading all the content, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, with big question marks popping up in their hearts.

According to Feng Shigu, at King Wuling's funeral, the "evil god" suddenly appeared, and the wizards were instructed by the "evil god" to deal with King Wuling's body, so that King Wuling will be in the future. resurrection.

However, some greedy wizards changed the instructions of the gods and secretly tampered with it, so that King Wuling could not be resurrected.

There are also some wizards who are sincere to King Wuling and record the correct method in the golden coffin, hoping that future generations will revive King Wuling according to the correct method after discovering these clues.

It is precisely because of these clues that the ultimate secret is revealed!
But after reading these five murals, everyone did not discover the "correct way to revive the Wuling King", let alone any secrets about the "evil god".

These murals look unremarkable, and there is no way to see them at all.

Wang Kaixuan rubbed his head and said in a daze.

"It's no wonder that slimes can't understand it, even me, a native of Earth, can't understand it."

"Mr. Ji, what clues are there in this painting?"

Ji Changsheng didn't answer, but asked.

"What about other people's opinions, what have you seen?"

After thinking for a while, Hu Bayi pointed to the mural and said.

"I think the key lies in the second picture, which is the correct way to revive King Wuling, sacrifice!"

The content of the second picture is to kill slaves and sacrifice them for burial. According to Hu Bayi's guess, the key to revive Wuling King is to sacrifice living people.

Perhaps the resurrection of King Wuling failed due to the wrong sacrifice procedure during the burial.

What is recorded on the murals is the correct method of offering sacrifices.

Ji Changsheng didn't say anything, but just looked at the others.

After thinking for a while, Professor Sun shook his head helplessly.

"I think what the old nonsense is saying makes sense, but other than that, I can't see anything else."

The clues about the "evil god" are the most important information in the mural.

But except for the vague shadow in the first painting, none of the remaining four paintings mentioned "evil god". What is the secret of "evil god"?

Wang Kaixuan thought for a long time to no avail, he frowned and said.

"Mr. Ji, isn't Feng Shigu fooling us?"

"There are no clues in this mural!"

Lin Shuangyue shook her head.

"There must be clues, but we didn't see it."

"Think about it, if there was no ultimate clue in the golden coffin, then the slime would have left long ago and would never stay here."

As she said, the reason why slimes stay here is to crack the ultimate secret.

It's a pity that these secrets are hidden too deep, not only the slimes, but even them can't see it.

In desperation, everyone could only look at Ji Changsheng together.

"Mr. Ji, what do you mean?"

Ji Changsheng smiled slightly, a sly gleam flashed in his eyes.

"About the ultimate secret, I already know!"

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