Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 343 I Will Take You Out

The entire underground palace, including the entire underground cave, began to shake from distance.

The walls and ground on the fourth floor quickly cracked, and the ceiling also collapsed.

Only then did Ji Changsheng realize that a real earthquake was coming!
Before he had time to think about it, he shouted loudly, "Don't panic, I'll go up and have a look!"

Skill: Dragon Scale Armor activates!

Armed with dragon scale armor, Ji Changsheng kicked his legs, soared into the sky, and reached the third floor.

The third layer has begun to collapse completely, and the terrible Foehn has disappeared.

Ji Changsheng hurried back to the fourth floor and shouted at the crowd.

"Fehn has disappeared, everyone follow me and escape together!"

Fortunately, except for Shaq and White, all of these people are top-notch masters, and even those who don't know martial arts have superpowers.

The eight immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers.

The little brother drew out his black knife to open the way, and Fatty and Tang Juan followed closely behind, relying on their thick skin and amazing strength.

The rest of the people followed behind them, each performed lightness kung fu, and rushed towards the third floor.

Ji Changsheng pulled White up and looked at Shaq.

Shaq stepped back, refusing his rescue.

"Ji Changsheng, I don't need your help, I will wait for the news of your death!"

After speaking, he drew his pistol and took his own life!

White knew that his companion was being controlled by someone, so he made the crazy act of suicide. Although he was extremely sad and angry, this was not the time to be sad.

Ji Changsheng took White and flew up to the third floor.

One-third of the third floor has collapsed, and all the surrounding areas are blocked by rubble.

When the fat man saw it, he couldn't help being anxious.

"Mr. Ji, what should we do?"

Seeing that the entire underground palace was about to collapse, they were still trapped on the third floor. If they returned by the same route, it would be a waste of time, and it must be too late.

Ji Changsheng threw White to the fat man, stepped forward and shouted.

"Get out of the way!"

At this moment, they are racing against the god of death, and every second counts.

Ji Changsheng can no longer afford to think too much, so he can only fight hard!
Artifact: Suzaku Sword!
Artifact: Unquenchable Fire!
Skill: Red Flame Art is activated!

Skill: Five Thunders Strike!

Skill: The King of Poisons activates!

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, all powerful skills can be used in one go!

Under the blessing of the Scarlet Flame Jue, the temperature of the Suzaku Sword suddenly rose to over [-] degrees!

A bolt of lightning wrapped around the blade, and under the intertwined light of fire and thunder, a terrifying energy was brewing!
This is Ji Changsheng's strongest destructive skill at the moment. He used it once in the Qaidam Basin to break the Devil City formation last time.

That time, he cut a 500-kilometer-long crack in the Gobi with one sword!

Today, he is going to drill an escape passage hundreds of meters deep underground!

A green highly poisonous liquid is fused with the Excalibur. This highly poisonous ability can dissolve and melt stones and soil, making this move even more powerful!
Wu Xie and the younger brother saw the spark and lightning in his hand, and they all remembered the horrible scene in the Qaidam Basin.

A sword splits the sky and the earth!
"No, Mr. Ji is going to make a bigger move!"

"Everyone hurry up and hide!"

They knew that if this move didn't work out, it would be nothing but heaven and earth falling apart!
In fact, even Ji Changsheng couldn't guarantee that after the sword was struck, it would be possible to open a passage for the first brother to escape on the cave wall.

Maybe this sword will make the cave collapse faster!

But no matter what, this is the only way, I can only gamble!

Ji Changsheng condensed his strength to its peak state, and slowly raised the three-color sword in his hand.

This is the strongest force he can use so far, success or failure depends entirely on God!

Man proposes, God disposes.

"go with!"

With a shout.

Excalibur let out a long howl, turned into a tiny spot of light, and flew towards the top of the head.

Concentrate all the power on one point, the damage will be smaller, and the penetration will be stronger!
Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the spot of light that pinned all hopes disappeared on the ceiling.

After a few seconds.

A strange sound came, as piercing as fingernails scratching glass.

This is a high-frequency sonic boom!
The power of the light spot is really too strong, the sound made when it penetrated the stone wall, all condensed into a sonic boom, and shot around.

People covered their ears one after another, but to no avail.

This situation is like the engine of a large airliner starting near the ear.

The huge sonic boom shattered people's eardrums, blood flowed, and people became deaf in an instant!
Just the sonic boom has such terrible penetrating power, the power of this sword can be imagined!

Only Ji Changsheng stood proudly, looking up at the disappearing spot of light with piercing eyes.

Only he can see what is happening above his head.

The light spots that condensed the terrifying and destructive power lived up to his expectations.

Like a destructive force, it pierced through the ceiling of the third floor, and the momentum remained undiminished, and then shot through the ceiling of the second floor.

Next, is the first floor!
When the light spot penetrates the first layer, the real power bursts out.

What Ji Changsheng wanted to penetrate was not the partition of the underground palace, but the mountain hundreds of meters thick!
"Go, do my best, and open up a way for people to live!"

The spot of light turned into the shape of Suzaku where people couldn't see it.

Suzaku uttered a loud cry in the empty cave, and flew towards the mountain hundreds of meters thick.


A loud bang sounded like a sky-shattering earth-shattering sound, which came from above the head.

It's a pity that everyone is deaf and can't hear the loud noise at all, but they can feel the huge vibration of the ground.

Under the violent impact of the divine sword, the ground shook even more violently!

Wu Xie and Fatty hugged each other tightly, while the little brother put his arms around their shoulders, and the three of them looked at the sky with firm eyes.

If they were going to die here today, they were going to die like men!

How long does it take to penetrate a mountain hundreds of meters thick?
Ji Changsheng knew the answer today, in less than ten seconds!

When the divine sword pierced through the mountain and rushed out of the ground, it flew back into the hand in the form of a vermilion bird.


It's just that, unlike what I imagined, the hole pierced by the Excalibur is so small that it can almost only allow one person to pass through.

How can you escape from such a small hole?

What's more, the entrance of the cave is in the hundreds of meters thick mountain, like a narrow tunnel dug out. In such a small space, even if the lightness skill is superb, the speed will not be fast.

The entire third floor has begun to collapse, and it will take no more than a minute before the entire underground cave collapses!

In such a short period of time, I'm afraid I can't escape!
There was a feeling of despair in everyone's heart. Could it be that they really died here?
Ji Changsheng had already made plans, and he waved at the people, signaling not to be afraid.

"I'll take you out."

Although people can't hear him, they can see what he said from the shape of his mouth.

Mr. Ji's words can always make people feel at ease. Although people didn't know his plan, they all nodded.

This trust is unconditional.

Skill: Dark Devour activates!

Ji Changsheng turned into a black tide, engulfing everyone in an instant!
The Kuroshio, which represents chaos, now carries people's hope of survival.

The Kuroshio flew towards the faint ray of light at the entrance of the cave without hesitation!

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