Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 342 The Great Harvest

Ji Changsheng turned into a tide of darkness, quickly swept away in all directions.

Those Miluotuo had never seen such a move before, and they didn't know how to resist it.

What's more, even plants are afraid of the dark.

Out of biological instinct, Mi Luotuo's army began to retreat one after another, avoiding the terrible black tide!

But the speed of the Kuroshio attack was so fast that it swept through the audience like a strong wind. How could it be avoided?
Not long after, the menacing Miluotuo army had been routed across the board, and they were not an all-in-one enemy at all, and everyone was stunned.

Even Hong Beihai, the original owner of the Kuroshio, was too shocked by the sight before him to speak.

Moments later.

He said in a daze.

"This... is at least a hundred times stronger than me!"

With the darkness engulfing in his hands, he had already reached the limit of his ability to deal with a dozen Miluotuo warriors at most.

But in the hands of Ji Changsheng, the terrifying black tide has swallowed thousands of miluotuo!

And instead of the Kuroshio becoming weaker, it is getting stronger and stronger!
Shaq, who was possessed by "it", was finally moved after seeing this terrifying scene.

He trembled slightly, and said in an unbelievable tone.

"This is obviously Hong Beihai's ability, but it was taken away by him!"

"Even stronger than Hong Beihai!"

"This guy is just... unbelievable!"

Even if "it" is the mysterious Wang Zanghai, no matter how hard he thinks about it, he still can't figure out what Ji Changsheng's secret is!
Although Wu Xie and the others had already seen how powerful Ji Changsheng was, they were still petrified by this scene.

The fat man said in a daze.

"Naive, little brother, did we read it right?"

"Mr. Ji seems to... eat all these monsters!"

Wu Xie swallowed her saliva, and said in fear.

"This is not an illusion, we are not mistaken."

"We have been with Mr. Ji for so long, it seems...we still know too little about him."

"Who the hell is he!"

The younger brother held his breath, observed carefully for a while, and then said.

"It seems that all our previous guesses about Mr. Ji were all wrong."

"We know nothing about his power!"

This horrible scene lasted for two or three minutes before it came to an end.

Except for the place where the crowd stood, the entire underground palace has been swallowed by darkness, and all Miluotuo's army has been wiped out!

Then, the Kuroshio began to shrink.

Gradually shrinking to only a thousand square meters in size, floating in mid-air, motionless.

Everyone looked at the Kuroshio in the sky with trepidation, not knowing what happened inside.

At this time, Ji Changsheng may be at the peak of his life.

At the beginning, he was not fully sure, but just had the mentality of giving it a try.

Unexpectedly, the power of the darkness devouring is far beyond his imagination!

After the Miluotuo warriors were swallowed by the black tide, they all turned into lambs to be slaughtered without any resistance.

In fact, it is useless even to resist, because the strength of the Kuroshio is linked to the strength of the user, unless the Miluotuo fighter is stronger than Ji Changsheng, otherwise he cannot escape the clutches of the Kuroshio!
When all the Miluotuo warriors were devoured by him, the long-awaited moment finally arrived!

"Start merging!"

Ever since he obtained the fusion ability, he has never seen such a majestic vitality, pouring into his body in an endless stream like rivers and seas.

The vitality value contained in the fighters of Miluotuo is already very rich, coupled with the large number of them, for Ji Changsheng, today can be described as an unprecedented bumper harvest!

It took a full 5 minutes before and after to complete the fusion.

"Ding, the fusion of 4750 Miluotuo warrior was successful!"

"Ding, the host has gained a total of 5680 million vitality points!"

The vitality value of each Miluotu warrior is between 1 and 2. The vitality value provided by thousands of Miluotu warriors is an astronomical figure even for Ji Changsheng!
5680 points!

Adding the remaining 2000 million points before him, there are only more than 8000 million points left before the 300 million point mark!
Even if the upgrade is far away, there are only more than 2300 million points left!

The full level of human physique, extraordinary and holy!

What kind of state is that?
Ji Changsheng couldn't help but start thinking about the future.

"Ding, the skill Natural Seed has been upgraded, from intermediate to advanced!"

[Reminder, the host can release 1000 Miluotuo seeds at present. 】

Ji Changsheng thought about it, this skill is just icing on the cake, better than nothing.

To hatch these 1000 seeds, you need to pay 2000 million vitality points. Not to mention the high price, although the number of hatched Miluo Tuo warriors is large, they are just cannon fodder for coolies.

He's not Qin Shihuang, he doesn't build the Great Wall and dig the Grand Canal, so why do he need so many coolies?
However, with so many vitality points, he was already very satisfied.

After he had fused all the Miluotuo warriors, the Kuroshio began to shrink violently.

The Miluotuo warriors who were drained of their vitality turned into lifeless dead wood sticks, falling out of the black tide one after another.

Not long after, the Kuroshio spit out the bodies of all Miluotuo fighters, and finally shrunk into a black ball with a diameter of one meter.

The black ball changes shape again, turning back into a human form.

Looking at the wreckage all over the ground, Ji Changsheng didn't feel too much emotion. These things are not human, not even animals, so there is no need to be so heartbroken.

He turned his head to look at the silent Shaq, and said with a slightly smug smile.

"Hey, is this your secret weapon?"

"Is there any more? Just bring some more, the more the better!"

Shaq was silent for a while, looked at Ji Changsheng, and couldn't help but sighed.

Then he said resentfully.

"It seems that I still underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be so strong."

"But... don't be complacent."

As he spoke, he showed a sinister smile.

"Ji Changsheng, it is precisely because you are too strong that I have no choice but to use the last move!"

"No matter how strong you are, you still..."

Ji Changsheng interrupted impatiently.

"You've said that so many times that I'm tired of hearing it."

"Stop bragging, use any moves quickly."

Shaq stretched out his hand and pointed around, grinning grinningly.

"In fact, I didn't count on these wastes from the beginning. The real ultimate move is the upcoming catastrophe!"

"Once catastrophe comes to this world, let alone you, countless people will be buried with you!"

As he said that, he returned to his previous madness, as if he had completely forgotten about Ji Changsheng's terrifying record just now.

"Isn't Qi Tiezui trying to change the world? This waste wasted countless manpower, material and financial resources, and nothing was done!"

"He doesn't know that the power that can really change the world is actually buried under this ancient building!"

Only then did Ji Changsheng notice that although Mi Luotuo's army had been wiped out by him, the vibrations around the underground palace hadn't weakened, and even tended to get stronger!
A series of huge explosions came from the ground, and the entire underground palace began to shake violently.

This time the real earthquake is coming!

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