Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 163 The Painful Little Brother

Chen Wenjin specifically asked Ding Zhuo Ma to remind them that "it" is hidden among them!
If so, how did Ji Changsheng discover "it"?

The little brother's expression suddenly became serious, and his hand quietly touched the back.

Others don't know the existence of "it" and are still guessing at each other.

The fat man couldn't help asking.

"Mr. Ji, who are you talking about? Don't fool us."

Ji Changsheng stretched out a hand, slowly landed on the shoulder of the little brother beside him, and patted it lightly.

"Brother, it's up to you now."

The little brother didn't react, but nodded instinctively.

But a second later, he immediately realized something was wrong.

Mr. Ji hasn't told him yet, who is that "it" and how can he do it?

At this time, the little brother suddenly found that other people were looking at him with strange expressions.

Only then did he suddenly realize that Mr. Ji was talking about him!

The little brother trembled all over, and looked at Ji Changsheng in disbelief.

"Mr. Ji, what do you mean?"

Ji Changsheng laughed and said.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else."

"I'm just saying, you've been to the ghost town, and I'll let you lead the way."

As soon as these words came out, the little brother was completely dumbfounded.

"Huh? Have I been there? But why don't I know..."

Only then did Wu Xie suddenly realize, and said.

"I remembered, my little brother is really in a daze sometimes, and can't remember the past things clearly."

"It's actually... amnesia!"

When he said this, other people understood that the little brother didn't deliberately hide any secrets, but really didn't know.

Black Glasses immediately asked a question.

"Mr. Ji, how do you know that he has been to a ghost town?"

It's very simple, just read the original book.

Although the world has changed, some important events that have occurred have not.

Although Ji Changsheng was not 100% sure, he was at least 90.00% sure.

He knew that the little brother had been to a ghost town, and had already forgotten the experience.

The problem they encountered now is the events that did not appear in the original book, the stone mountain and the desert are gone!

To solve this problem, the most simple and direct way is to wake up the little brother's memory!

When he was in the capital before, he had tried the Miaoshou Rejuvenation Technique once.

But that time it could only wake up the memory for a short period of time, and the memory for too long still failed to wake up.

However, today is different, his human physique has risen to a high level.

Perhaps the power of the skill is stronger than before!
Ji Changsheng smiled indifferently, and glanced at the black glasses.

"There are some things you don't need to know."

There is a hint of threat in these words, if you shouldn't ask, don't talk too much!
The black glasses immediately felt a bone-chilling chill, his expression changed, and he quickly shut up.

Even if other people have doubts in their hearts, they dare not ask.

And they still trust Mr. Ji very much. This is the best solution at present. No matter what doubts you have, try it first.

Only then did the little brother understand, his eyes became very confused.

"Did I really go to a ghost town?"

After Ji Changsheng saw his expression, he couldn't bear it.

The little brother is the most popular character in the original work, not one of them.

But under the handsome appearance, there is a lonely and pitiful soul.

Don't know your past, your future, or even who you are!
For anyone, this is unbearable pain.

Ji Changsheng has always had an idea to help the younger brother regain his memory.

Now he can finally do it himself!

"Brother, I will help you find everything you lost."

After finishing speaking, Ji Changsheng's hand lightly pressed on the top of the little brother's head.

Skill: The Rejuvenation Technique is activated!
A warm energy injected from the Baihui acupoint directly reached the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The little brother closed his eyes tightly and trembled slightly.

No one knew what was going through in his mind, all he could see was that his face had turned extremely pale, and a stream of cold sweat was coming out of his forehead, which seemed to be in pain.

After a moment.

Ji Changsheng put down his hand, but he immediately realized that something was wrong.

The last time my little brother received his treatment, he didn't react too violently, but this time he actually seemed to be suffering?
The little brother slowly opened his eyes, his whole body was wet with sweat, his body was even trembling slightly, and his lips turned blue.

It's like just finished running a marathon, and I'm about to be exhausted and go into shock!

Seeing this, Wu Xie hurried forward to help the little brother up, and asked.

"How are you feeling? Are you all right?"

The little brother's eyes did not become clearer, but became cloudy instead, and there was unprecedented fear and panic in his eyes!

He bit his lip, shook his head slightly, and didn't speak.

Judging by his expression, he seemed to be enduring some great pain!
The fat man also found that something was wrong and hurriedly asked.

"Mr. Ji, what's wrong with him? Why does he seem to be seriously ill!"

Ji Changsheng was also puzzled for a while, the rejuvenation technique is a healing technique, it can only make people healthier, how could it make people get sick?
Could it be that this skill failed and caused the reverse effect?
He hurriedly grabbed the little brother's wrist, and after examining it, he was even more shocked.

The little brother's pulse condition is chaotic, as if he has been greatly stimulated, or he is highly nervous.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Tell me quickly!"

This is a strange phenomenon that has never been seen before, and Ji Changsheng is also a little uncertain.

The little brother took a deep breath, and then said with effort.

"I feel... my head is about to split."

"So sad!"

Ji Changsheng was taken aback for a moment, and after careful consideration, he suddenly realized.

In fact, the little brother is not sick, and the magic hand rejuvenation technique did not fail, but successfully awakened his memory!
The reason why the little brother suffers from amnesia is actually very simple, because he has lived too long!

A person's brain memory is limited. From birth to death, not all the things he has experienced and the knowledge he has learned in decades of life can be remembered.

The brain is like a computer. When the storage space is not enough, it will automatically delete some memories to make room for the brain to function normally.

Otherwise, people's minds will be filled with all kinds of memories, and it will be a rather painful experience.

Forgetting is actually a self-protection mechanism of the human brain.

Just the opposite of amnesia, there is another disease called hyperamnesia.

The brain of this patient has lost this self-protection mechanism, and every tiny detail from birth can be clearly remembered.

If it's a happy memory, that's fine, if it's a bad memory, it's an extreme pain!

Whether it is mental or physical injury, every injury will never be forgotten, and it will be played back in the mind over and over again from time to time.

If you think about it, you will know that it is hellish torture!
Patients with this kind of hypermemory are living in pain. Unless they receive psychotherapy and forget some bad memories under hypnosis, they can live normally.

And the little brother has lived for hundreds of years, his experience is several times that of ordinary people, if he does not delete part of his memory, he will not be able to live normally!

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