Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 162 Could it be it

After Ji Changsheng showed off his magical skills that shocked everyone, he completely stabilized the morale of the army.

The morale of the whole team was high, and no one mentioned the retreat anymore.

After a night of rest, when we set off the next day, people were full of energy, talking and laughing.

According to the instructions of the locator, the convoy directly passed through the Gobi Desert and drove on the vast wasteland.

Although the morale of the team has been boosted, the crisis has not been completely resolved.

In order to prevent really getting lost, the convoy slowed down, and if something was wrong, they could turn around in time.

Time was not so urgent as the water and food issues were resolved.

From morning to noon, five hours later, there is still a vast Gobi, and there is still no end in sight.

According to Dingzhu Zhuoma's memory and Chen Wenjin's notes, they should have seen that rocky mountain long ago!
But where did that rocky mountain go?
The atmosphere became serious again, and the convoy stopped in the middle of the Gobi.

Several leaders gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

Aning pointed to the map, and said to Ding Zhuo Ma.

"We should have reached the target area two hours ago, but we still haven't found Shishan."

"Old man, did you remember the wrong direction?"

Zhuoma Zhuoma immediately shook his head and said.

"No, the direction must be right, I'm not so confused yet!"

When Wu Xie heard this, she couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Old man, that's not what you said yesterday."

"How can you be so sure today?"

When people found out that the desert was gone yesterday, they also asked Dingzhu Dolma the same question. At that time, her attitude was ambiguous, and she had already doubted her own memory.

But after one night, she regained her self-confidence and insisted that she did not lead the wrong way.

This is indeed a bit strange.

A trace of panic flashed across Dingzhu Zhuoma's face, but then he said again.

"Yesterday I thought it was the devil who was at work, so I doubted myself."

"But it's different now. With the Living Buddha and Bodhisattva with us, the devil dare not mess around!"

"That's why I'm sure, I didn't go the wrong way!"

This rhetoric can barely be justified. For the superstitious Tibetans, once they believe that Ji Changsheng is a living Buddha, it will give them incomparable courage and confidence. This is the result of firm belief.

People look at me, I look at you, and they don't say anything, so they accept this statement.

The fat man immediately raised his hand and spoke.

"Whether Mr. Ji is a living Buddha, we will not discuss it for the time being."

"Even if he is, why can't he find Shishan?"

"Won't that thing disappear too?"

This is the crux of the problem. Confidence is confidence, and reality is reality.

If they can't find the stone mountain, they can only wander around the vast Gobi.

The black glasses who had been silent all this time spoke.

"Everyone, I don't know if I should say something or not..."

Before he finished speaking, the fat man interrupted him.

"What time is it, talk quickly if you have something to say, and let go of your fart!"

He seemed to have some prejudices against the black glasses, but the black glasses didn't care, and just smiled at his rudeness.

"Then I'll be blunt. I don't think the real problem lies in these. Everyone ignores one of the most important things."

Everyone turned to look at him.

"what's up?"

The black glasses said word by word.

"Have you ever thought about whether Chen Wenjin's notes are real?"

"What if she didn't find that ancient city back then? Aren't we just wandering around!"

This is indeed the crux of the matter, the authenticity of the notes!
As soon as these words came out, Chen Pi Asi was the first to express his objection.

"Wenjin won't lie, I trust her!"

The black glasses smiled helplessly.

"Si Grandpa, of course you believe her. Even if she says the moon is square, you will believe it."

"But now is not the time to act emotionally. What if I hit the spot?"

The facts are right in front of our eyes. If Chen Wenjin's notes are true, why can't we find that stone mountain?

Although Chen Pi Asi believed in her daughter, she was still moved by these words, her confidence was shaken, and she bowed her head in silence.

Even the fat man, who couldn't get used to the black glasses, didn't say anything to refute, but changed his face, thinking about his words.

Others also remained silent, including Wu Xie who had doubts about the notebook.

This is an extremely serious problem, in case that notebook is fake, or wrong.

Then they would not be able to find that stone mountain!
At this time, Ji Changsheng, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

"The notes are correct, that ghost town is real."

As the leader of the team, his words are the most convincing.

People looked at him again, with a glimmer of hope in their eyes.

After thinking about it for a while, the black glasses asked carefully.

"Mr. Ji, I know that ghost city exists, but the question is, have you found it?"

"What if Chen Wenjin didn't find the ghost town and made a mistake in his notes?"

Ji Changsheng smiled faintly, shook his head and said.

"You don't have to doubt this. She must have found it, so she will notify us to come here to find her."

He knew that even if Chen Wenjin could lie to other people, he would not lie to my little brother and Wu Xie.

The black glasses made a helpless gesture, pointing to the vast Gobi.

"But why can't we find the stone mountain in the notes?"

Ji Changsheng said calmly.

"Although I don't know the reason, there is still a way to find it."

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help being overjoyed.

The fat man asked impatiently.

"Mr. Ji, what is the solution?"

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly.

"It's very simple, just find someone who has been there to lead the way."

The fat man was stunned for a moment, and looked at Ding Zhu Zhuoma.

"You mean her?"

Ji Changsheng shook his head, obviously, he was talking about someone else!
The fat man was stunned.

"But besides her, only Chen Wenjin has been there."

"Where are we going to find Chen Wenjin now?"

Others also showed inexplicable expressions. What Ji Changsheng said was almost nonsense, and what he said was equivalent to nothing.

But how can Mr. Ji, who is full of mystery, talk nonsense?
He must have deep meaning!

Ji Changsheng smiled faintly, and said something that shocked everyone.

"Who told you that only the two of them have been there?"

Everyone was stunned, besides Chen Wenjin and Dingzhu Zhuoma, who actually went there 20 years ago? !

But Chen Wenjin never mentioned this matter in his notes, so how did Mr. Ji know about it?
After thinking about it innocently, she asked suspiciously.

"Mr. Ji, is the person you mentioned here?"

This is also a key point. If that person is far away in the sky, it is equivalent to not saying anything.

Ji Changsheng chuckled and nodded.

"Of course it's here, otherwise why would I mention him."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became delicate.

People look at each other and look at each other, and they are suspicious of each other.

If what Ji Changsheng said is true, then this person has been hiding in the crowd, and what is his intention!
Thinking of this, both brother and Wu Xie's expressions changed.

Could it be "it"! ?

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