Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 145 The Second Naive Appears

Ji Changsheng had never had such a weird feeling, a woman who was about to become a forbidden woman called his name across time and space.

He even felt that Huo Ling on the screen was talking to him!

Damn, can you talk nicely?
What is the name of the ghost!
Under the reminder of Chen Pi Asi, the others also heard these three words clearly, and they all showed incredible expressions, and looked at him together.

"Mr. Ji, this woman is calling for you."

"Is she your old friend?"

Ji Changsheng's head suddenly turned black.

"Fatty, don't talk nonsense!"

The little brother immediately scolded, he knew that woman was Huo Ling, and she must not be Mr. Ji's lover.

After Huo Ling yelled a few more times, the picture stopped abruptly.

What followed was another 30-minute snowflake.

No one spoke until the end of the broadcast.

This scene is really weird, who is the person in this picture?
Why do you call Mr. Ji's name?
Ji Changsheng also realized one thing. In the cave of Yunding Tiangong, Chen Wenjin carved his name, and that was ten years ago!

And this video tape is obviously not recorded recently. According to the original work, it was recorded when Huo Ling was young, that is, 20 years earlier!
Why both Huo Ling and Chen Wenjin knew his name in advance?
What exactly does this mean!
To solve this mystery, the only way is to find Huo Ling and Chen Wenjin in person.

Thinking of this, Ji Changsheng said immediately.

"A-Ning, open your package."

Only then did Aning wake up from the shock, remembering that she had also received the same package.

After opening the package, there was indeed a video tape inside.

With the lessons learned from last time, this time people are full of vigilance and curiosity about the contents of the video tape.

What kind of weird content will be in this box?
The fat man whispered to Wu Xie.

"Naively, I think this should be Mr. Ji's romantic debt when he was young. Those women turned into wraiths came to him to ask for debts."

"Let's go out and find a temple later, ask for a peace talisman, and don't get angry."

"If there is another woman in this tape, let's close our eyes and don't look at it!"

Wu Xie couldn't help shivering, thinking of the midnight bell and the curse.

"Don't tell me, maybe there is such a possibility!"

"Mr. Ji is very handsome, it is not strange to have a few old friends."

"This is really a supernatural video tape!"

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but said when he heard this.

"What are you two mumbling about?"

"No matter how blind Bibi is, they all go to squat in the dark room!"

Fatty Wuxie and the pair shivered in fright, quickly shrank their necks, and closed their mouths.

The second tape started to play, and the first half hour was also a snowflake with no signal.

Due to a big problem with the first volume of video tape, people were afraid of missing any detailed clues, so they didn't fast-forward this time.

After waiting patiently for half an hour, I finally got the picture.

The clarity of the picture has been greatly improved this time, and it can be clearly felt that this was shot with different camera equipment.

There is also a room in the picture, but unlike the previous one, this one is bigger and shot from a different angle.

For as long as 10 minutes, the picture remains still, like a painting.

Until people were about to lose patience, suddenly there was a voice!

It is completely different from Huo Ling's weird voice, this time the style of painting has undergone a 180-degree change!

Ding Ding Dong Dong!

It is actually cheerful music! ?

Listen carefully, it is a popular dance music in the dance hall more than ten years ago...

Then, a young man appeared in the picture with a passionate dance.

I saw this man stretching his fists and stretching his legs, whirling and dancing, sometimes as light as a flying swallow, sometimes as crazy as a drunk.

Jump up and down, roll all over the floor, completely let go of yourself.

Everyone, including Ji Changsheng, was dumbfounded.

The fat man said in a daze.

"Is this guy drunk, or on drugs?"

"Not to mention, he dances really hard, but he's a little crazy..."

Wu Xie frowned, showing a puzzled look.

"Fatty, I always feel familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere, but I just can't remember."

"That's weird, who is this guy?"

At this time, the song ended.

The man in the picture roared, imitating the superstar Jackson, knelt on the ground and tore off his shirt, revealing his face for the first time.

When everyone saw this face clearly, except for Ji Changsheng, everyone else was petrified on the spot and turned into statues.

The whole place was silent.

Everyone turned their heads together, and all looked at Wuxie with strange expressions.

The fat man swallowed and said slowly.

"Naive, I didn't expect you to hide such a wild side, I really can't see it."

"When did you record this?"

The man dancing wildly in the picture is none other than Wuxie!
Wu Xie was also completely confused, and quickly waved her hands.

"I don't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

"This person is not me, I have never done such a shameful thing!"

The fat man sighed and patted him on the shoulder.

"Dude, I know young people today are under a lot of pressure. It's normal to release the pressure properly. There's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Although your dancing posture is a bit wild, the overall evaluation is still good."

The veins on Wuxie's forehead bulged out of anxiety, she stood up, walked to the screen, and pointed.

"I've never been to this place, and look here!"

"I don't have such a thing on me!"

I saw "Wu Xie" in the picture with his upper body bare, and on his shoulder and right arm, there was a string of tattoos impressively!
The tattoo was a little fuzzy, I couldn't see what it was, it seemed to be a string of words.

Wu Xie took off her coat, revealing her shoulders and right arm.

Not to mention tattoos, not even a little scar.

"Look, how could this be me?"

Everyone is confused, what is the situation?
Look at the "Innocence" in the picture again, except for the tattoo, everything else is exactly the same!
At this time, that "innocent" was panting, looked up at the camera, and was facing everyone.

He looked very serious and a little nervous.

After looking around for a while, he said slowly in a low voice.

"Remember, don't come here, it's dangerous!"

"You must remember, you..."

Before he could finish a sentence, the picture stopped abruptly.

Behind is all snowflakes with no signal until the end.

When the scene ended, there was silence in the theater.

Everyone frowned and fell into deep thought.

The mysterious woman who called Ji Changsheng's name was as innocent as a lunatic!
The contents of these two videotapes are too weird!

Even Ji Changsheng didn't expect such a change?

If you want to know the answer, you can only find it from the source.

Since the sender has not signed the payment, their only clue is the sender's address.

Qinghai Tamutuo Sanatorium!

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