Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 144 The Supernatural Video Tape

Unexpectedly, Liuli Sun and Professor Sun are distant relatives. It seems that there are inextricable connections between the big shots in the world of tomb robbers.

Ji Changsheng nodded immediately.

"Then reserve a few places for us, and he will notify me directly when he returns to China next year."

Seeing that he agreed so readily, Liulisun couldn't help being overjoyed, raised his glass and said.

"Mr. Ji is really the most forthright person I have ever met, I would like to offer you a toast!"

Between the toasts and cups, the reception banquet ended successfully.

For the next half month, Ji Changsheng and the others stayed at the Crescent Hotel, eating and drinking every day, doing nothing.

The others didn't know what Ji Changsheng was waiting for, Wu Xie asked several times, Ji Changsheng just replied with a smile, after working so hard for so long, everyone should take a break.

In fact, everyone has also thought of it. Mr. Ji must have his reasons, but he just doesn't want to say it.

In view of the trust in this peerless master, everyone will not ask any more questions.

Until the end of September, when it was almost the golden autumn of October, what Ji Changsheng was waiting for finally arrived!
Two mysterious packages were sent to the Crescent Hotel. It was written clearly that they were addressed to Wu Xie and Aning, but the strange thing was that there was no sender's information.

This was beyond Ji Changsheng's expectation, because in the original book, the sender's signature was Xiao Ge and Wu Xie, and the real sender was someone else.

But this time there is no signature from the sender!

Ji Changsheng realized that the story line of Tomb Raider World is gradually changing.

Wu Xie and Aning held two almost identical packages, looking at each other with confusion in their eyes.

"Who sent this from? Why didn't you even leave a name."

"The sender's address is Tamutuo, Qinghai? I don't remember any other friends in China."

The fat man grabbed the package in Wu Xie's hand and opened it without any explanation.

"What's the use of guessing, just open it and see if it's right."

"You are not a big shot, are you still afraid that others will send you bombs?"

After the package was opened, there was an old videotape inside.

It is old because it has long been eliminated by the times. Except for some data storage companies that are still using it, the folks did not use it 20 years ago.

Now is the digital age, this video tape is indeed an antique.

The problem also arises, the video recorder that can play this thing is also an antique level, where can I find it?

Ji Changsheng smiled faintly and said.

"Have you forgotten what this place is?"

Crescent Hotel!

Both the northern and southern factions are in awe of the Crescent Hotel, because Boss Yin's methods are superb, and it is easy to get a video recorder.

Miss Yin just made a phone call, and an hour later someone delivered a brand new unopened video recorder. It is estimated that this thing has been in the warehouse for at least 20 years.

Everyone gathered in the small theater on the third floor, eagerly playing the mysterious video tape.

Ji Changsheng sat at the back. He already knew what was inside, and he also knew that it was sent from Qinghai by Dingzhu Zhuolma following Chen Wenjin's instructions.

The reason why he didn't say it was because the content in the video tape was too unbelievable, and they could only believe it if they saw it with their own eyes.

According to the original plot, the person who appeared in the videotape Wu Xie received was Huo Xiangu's daughter, Huo Ling.

This person went to the Xisha Undersea Tomb with Chen Wenjin 20 years ago, and then disappeared mysteriously after exploring another ancient tomb, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

Waited for a moment.

A bunch of messy snowflakes appeared on the big screen. Everyone watched patiently for more than ten minutes, but it was still snowflakes...

The fat man couldn't bear it anymore, stepped forward and pressed the fast forward button.

Fast-forwarding halfway, finally there is a picture!
The picture shows a dimly lit room, the layout of the room is not clear, only a table can be seen.

The fat man couldn't help but slapped the video recorder.

"What kind of ancient picture quality is this? I can take pictures with Nokia better than this."

Wu Xie couldn't help complaining.

"This is a problem with the camera. It doesn't help if you smash your hands."

The fat man shrugged before sitting back.

The screen was almost static, and there was no movement after waiting for a long time.

The fat man couldn't help complaining again.

"Hey, naive, isn't this a supernatural video tape?"

"Waiting for this for a long time? It's really lonely to watch."

At this time, there was finally movement in the screen, and a person slowly walked into the screen.

Wu Xie waved her hand to signal him to shut up.

Everyone's already relaxed mood immediately became focused as the figure broke in.

It's just that the person in the picture looks a little weird, even Ji Changsheng was stunned.

Although the picture is very blurry, it can be roughly seen that this is a slender woman, wearing very ordinary clothes, but her hair is so long that it even covers her entire head and hangs down to her abdomen.

Coupled with the slow walking speed, the first impression of this woman is that she is Miss Sadako!
Ji Changsheng blinked his eyes.

Director, this script is wrong!
According to the original book, Huo Ling in the screen should sit down and comb her hair constantly, and her appearance is generally normal, and there is nothing weird about it.

But why did it become such a ghost?
If it wasn't for the clothes, and the scene was exactly the same as in the original book, Ji Changsheng wouldn't be sure, the person in the picture is Huo Ling!
When the fat man saw it, he couldn't help but be startled.

"I'm going, what the hell is this?"

"Could it be true that I was right, is this a supernatural video tape?!"

Wu Xie also frowned, feeling uneasy and puzzled.

"Keep reading, don't make any noise."

After walking to the center of the screen, the long-haired woman sat down at the table, picked up the comb, and combed her hair slowly.

However, the movements were very stiff, and the hair was too long, so the face could not be seen at all, and the whole process seemed very strange.

Except for Ji Changsheng, only the little brother recognized the person in the picture.

he said in a low voice.

"Mr. Ji, I know this person, but the situation is probably not good."

Needless to say, the situation is not good.

According to the speculation in the original book, Huo Ling is slowly becoming a forbidden woman!
Ji Changsheng frowned slightly. Although the story line has been changed, the general direction has not changed, but the time has been moved forward a little.

But at this moment, the woman on the screen actually spoke!

The sound she made was so weird that it was no longer human!
It sounded like a bellows, whirring.

The others couldn't hear what she was saying, and they were all at a loss.

Only Chen Pi Asi had excellent hearing ability, and he could hear clearly what it was saying.

His face changed suddenly, and he turned to look at Ji Changsheng.

Said a little uneasy.

"Mr. Ji, this person seems to be calling your name!"

As soon as the words came out, the others all trembled, as if they heard clearly.


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