After listening to Li Tiancheng's words, several people nodded in satisfaction, so when they looked at him, they all had a touch of approval on their faces.

"Okay, then it's up to you. We can invest in another small company, so that we don't have to suffer from Xu Feng's harm. People like him haha, I can see it before."

Several people quickly agreed to Li Tiancheng's words, and patted him on the shoulder earnestly when they walked out.

"Tiancheng, I know that your father founded the company, so you must be the most unconvinced, so we uncles also believe in you the most, so we handed over the company to you."

Hearing this, Li Tiancheng nodded, revealing a meaningful smile.

"Don't worry, uncle, I won't be so stupid. I have seen through Xu Feng's conspiracy a long time ago, but I just want to use this opportunity to bring us all down."

When he heard Li Tiancheng's words, the man sighed, showing a tired look.

"Yeah, but there's nothing we can do about it. Now we just need to find a way to fight Xu Feng again."

After several people discussed and left, Li Tiancheng showed a tricky smile at the corner.

What these people think he knows best in his heart, let alone if it is not according to the current practice.

It is estimated that they will not hand over the funds so quickly.

All this is also due to Xu Feng.

On the other hand, Xu Feng quickly changed the company to the food industry with his left hand.

As soon as the news came out on the Internet, it quickly caused a burst of fire.

Enthusiastic netizens are all guessing.

"Are you saying that the Li family is going to collapse, and an outsider is actually in charge of the company?"

"Yeah, I also feel that something is wrong, but I can't see it. You think it's not possible. These people are planning, black and red are also red, and take advantage of the heat to destroy the last wave of old brands, right?"

"Actually, I don't think it's possible. Since they have made corresponding supplies, I think we can give it a try."

At the same time, taking advantage of the fact that it had already ranked first in the hot search list, Xu Feng offered free snacks.

When the online version was launched, it was immediately appreciated by many netizens.

An Shan could see this activity room clearly, but he didn't understand it.

Why did he ignore Li Tiancheng's activities when he clearly saw them.

"President, I don't understand your thoughts. Li Tiancheng has already planned to start a new small company to fight against us. Why are you still indifferent?"

Xu Feng just turned around and gave him a meaningful look: "Then what should I say? Should I go to him and ask why I took the money to invest in another company?"

Fang Anshan was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but nodded when he heard Xu Feng's implication. He could understand why Xu Feng said that.

After all, Xu Feng has a pattern, besides, even if he goes to Lin Tiancheng, he may not be able to find anything.

So it is better to wait and see what happens, and wait for the opportunity to contend.

Talking about his current actions together, Wu Ya is now engaged in a tragic dispute.

So Xu Feng naturally ignored him.

"By the way, I only ask for a little food safety and quality must keep up!"

Xu Feng said with a serious face: "No matter what the price is or what the situation is, the price must be firmly grasped, and there must be no mistakes!"

Fang Anshan nodded quickly, of course he knew what Xu Feng meant, he didn't want to leave anyone with a clue, so he had to do his best.

Then Xu Feng quickly contacted the factory and told them to rush out the latest project as soon as possible.

After all, just like what they said, the Li family is still a little hot now, and naturally some old fans are willing to believe them. As long as this disaster is overcome, even if the previous black history cannot be erased, but in other respects Can be well adjusted.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Feng invited two or three well-known Internet celebrities to live stream their goods online.

Because in this way, relying on the popularity of Internet celebrities and offline praise, the product can be supported.

Of course, Xu Feng also succeeded in doing this.

It was just the first day, and there were nearly 1000 million sales.

This huge sales volume is enough to show their love for this product.

The scores below are all positive reviews.

"I swear on my life this is absolutely delicious!!!"

"My God, did I misunderstand Li's company before? This stuff is really delicious!!"

"But I really want to know, Li's company is now a conscience discovery, so is it selling so cheap to give back to us???"

"Hmph, don't think that you want to bribe us with just this little trick, woo woo woo, but it's really delicious!!"

The comments on the Internet quickly set off an upsurge, and under this upsurge, Li Tiancheng also quickly grasped this point and made a counterfeit product.

Xu Feng sells snacks, so he will change the packaging of the food and sell it under Li's name.

Relying on Li's reputation, soon, netizens also came to Li Tiancheng's live broadcast room to buy.

Another day.

When Fang Anshan looked at more and more sales lists, he couldn't help feeling a little headache.

So he approached Xu Feng, and he was naturally willing to bring questions again.

He didn't understand why Xu Feng suddenly stopped making good cosmetics and changed his career to making snacks.

And at this rate, their key thinking will soon replace cosmetics with snacks.

So what is the reason why they still bought this company?
"I found out that many people have already tacitly thought that we are the cheap route, CEO, otherwise we will raise the price..."

Anyway, if things go on like this, he's afraid that these people will make some kind of demon moth again.

"I don't think so."

Xu Feng shook his head and said calmly: "It is precisely because of the common people's route that there are many buyers. Haven't you looked at the net profit for the past two days?"

Fang Anshan was taken aback, "How can I see this thing, besides, the president, I'm just offering an opinion, if you think it's inappropriate, I can take it back."

Knowing that Fang Anshan was doing it for his own good, of course Xu Feng wouldn't say anything, he could only patiently explain to him.

"I explained this to you before, because everyone knows the reason, now that we have done a good job in changing careers, we can go straight on this route!"

Xu Feng said it was a gesture of strokes.

"And it is for this reason that they buy for the brand. On the one hand, Li's brand is still there. Everyone thinks it is a high-end luxury product, but the low price makes a big contrast."

"And just yesterday, the company's net profit was 1000 million."

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