I only saw that the whole office was a lot quieter because they left.

Although these people are not convinced by Xu Feng, they have to admit that Xu Feng is indeed much better than them, so even if they are not convinced, they have to sit here and listen to Xu Feng's speech obediently.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Feng was only seen smiling, and then put a layout on the LED screen.

"This is the introduction of the territory in the past few days. You should know better than me. Recently, the company's projects have suffered a lot of losses, so we are going to change careers."


As soon as the words fell, Li Tiancheng immediately refused.

"I know you have a new management company, but you have to see clearly. Our cosmetics industry has already laid a solid foundation in the market. If you suddenly change your target at this time, isn't it equivalent to starting from scratch?"

Hearing this, some people followed suit.

"Yes, I think your idea is wrong. Our company has been established for so many years, relying on a cosmetics brand."

Hearing what they said, Xu Feng certainly wanted to know what these people were thinking.

But there is one more point.

"Did you forget that the signboard of the cosmetics has been smashed by you?"

Those few people who were fierce just now shut their mouths instantly, just as Xu Feng said.

Now the outside industry is boycotting Li's company.

"At this time, if you don't switch careers and invest in other industries, what chance do you think you can stop them?"

The group of people didn't dare to speak for a moment.

Because as Xu Feng said, their cosmetics are in jeopardy now, and they will be easily destroyed if they continue.

That's why Xu Feng transferred a new territory overnight.

But he also expected that these people would never agree so easily.

Although they were a little guilty on the face, they still had the confidence to speak.

"That's not okay. The company has been established for so long and has not had a sideline business. If you want to harm the company, you can find another one. There is no need to make a name for our company."

"Yes, let me tell you that as long as there are a few of us here, it is absolutely impossible for you to let the company mess around!"

Hearing the majesty of these people, Fang Anshan was a little worried, because if these people imposed it, he was actually a little worried that Xu Feng would not be able to bear it.

But he looked at Xu Feng and could see that there was no reaction on Xu Feng's face, and he even smiled faintly at their sarcasm.

And that smile seemed to be more shocking.

Seeing this, Fang Anshan was startled.

Because he knew Xu Feng well, and knew that Xu Feng was a sign of anger.

Sure enough, in the next second, Xu Feng stood up and slammed the plan report on the table. Everyone was startled by him, and immediately looked at Xu Feng.

The expression on Xu Feng's face became extremely mocking, and finally he fixed his gaze on Li Tiancheng's face fiercely.

"Do you think that the things you have done to the company before are fair enough?"

Li Tiancheng was surprised when he asked him such a question, but he still smoothed things over for the sake of saving face.

"Something happened to the company, but we tried our best to make it up, but if we suddenly change careers at this time, I'm afraid it's really not good for the company..."

"Don't think too much."

Xu Feng directly interrupted the hypocrisy in his words: "I came today just to inform you, not to ask for your opinions."

Of course, Xu Feng didn't want to talk nonsense with these people, and it would be a waste of his time to talk to them for a minute.

"I will order people to follow my plan directly. If you have any opinions, you can come to me."

Although the people below had opinions, they also whispered, but they didn't dare to look up at Xu Feng.


There was still no sound from below, but after a long time, a shareholder nodded.

"Okay, then we will listen to you this time, but Xu Feng and our ugly words can be said first. If something goes wrong in this matter, we people will definitely not let you go."

Xu Feng just smiled, did not speak, and left soon.

After leaving, these people started talking again.

The first thing to bear the brunt was that he was reprimanded by Xu Feng just now, which made him feel particularly humiliated.

Anyway, he is also a high-level executive of a company, but he was reprimanded by a new yellow-haired boy and was speechless.

But having said that, it's normal for him to be unconvinced. Thinking about how difficult it was for him to become this position step by step, he even washed Li Tiancheng's underwear at that time.

But as soon as this kid came, he directly occupied the position of vice president of the company, and even directed him around.

Who can feel comfortable?
Who can be happy with this?

Everyone turned their attention to Li Tiancheng.

"What do you think we should do about this? We can't really let Xu Feng tamper with our company at will, can we?"

"Yeah, we are used to your words, what is that Xu Feng, anyway, I won't carry it out if it's me."

Those who are not evenly divided have forgotten how submissive they are in front of Xu Feng, and at this moment they keep clamoring for the anger in their hearts.

Fang Anshan, who was mentioned by everyone, raised his head and smiled at everyone.

"Don't worry, with me in the company, it is absolutely impossible for him to succeed so easily."

Immediately afterwards, I heard Li Tiancheng say: "I intend to invest in a new company, and the name will be the Li family as the branch, so that even if we give up this company, Xu Feng won't be able to find out about us. Involved, what do you think?"

Several people turned their heads to look at the opposite person after hearing this.

Because how should I put it, a new company in Touli not only has to bear this extra risk, but once Xu Feng finds out, it is very likely that they will continue to trace their black history.

If something bad comes out, Xu Feng's personality probably won't let him go.

So everyone was a little worried, so they didn't dare to say anything.

When Li Tiancheng saw their appearance, he naturally knew that these people were worried because of Xu Feng's matter, so he said with a smile beside him.

"Don't worry, I won't force anyone on this matter. If you want to believe in me, follow me. Of course, if you don't want to believe, I won't force you, so I will hide a fair attitude in this matter. Say it."

Fang Anshan's tone was sincere, and everyone who watched felt a little guilty.

That's right, when did Fang Anshan treat them badly from the establishment of the company to now?

Not all have money to make money together.

Besides, to let such arrogant people submit to Xu Feng's feet, to be honest, they would definitely feel dissatisfied.

It's better to set up another company directly as he said, so that not only can it compete with Xu Feng after making money.

At that time, even if there are risks, they will bear each other.

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