football era

Chapter 881

The extraordinary fans are very dissatisfied, because they didn't expect any difficulties in this game, but the mood of the extraordinary players at this moment will not be greatly affected.

They knew that this match would not be easy, and Jianmang's old fritters would not give up their pursuit of this match easily, but they really did not expect that Jianmang could give them a good look at the beginning.

But since the opponent has already scored the goal, the next step is to counterattack and chase the ball back.

"Okay, we can start defending now... This terrain is very suitable for defense. If we delay for a while, they will be more easily upset."

Jianmang's captain said in the team channel that he is very confident about this, such a map is indeed more suitable for defense, and they gave Fei Fei a sap at the beginning, and now they can be a little more wretched.

They will not give Fei Fei a chance to go straight in the middle. They don't mind constantly defending in front of their own goal to delay the opponent's attack. Anyway, for them, a draw is brilliant enough.

Regarding this point, Fanfan did not expect the opponent to be so wretched. After the re-kick-off, they launched an attack more cautiously, advancing all the way, paying attention to whether the opponent had an ambush...

However, the opponent did not ambush.

Pushing all the way to the small river in front of the opponent's gate, the extraordinary players realized that Jianmang's group of players had all stood guard on the other side.

Although he could only see four or five opponents' players on the other side, he knew with his knees that there must be opponents' players in ambush in the woods on the other side.

Seeing that the opponent was about to defend, Fei Fei could only sigh and prepare to attack.

To deal with this kind of defense, there is no other good way, nothing more than constant tentative attacks, and then look for opportunities to tear apart the opponent's line of defense, or after attracting the opponent's attention through a frontal storm, launch a surprise attack after crossing the river from the side, nothing more than Just one point, try to avoid the slow speed and slow response when crossing the river, so as to tear apart the opponent's defense.

Of course, there is an easier way, that is to use the core players to attract the opponent's attention, or use better players to forcibly hold the opponent's fire, and create opportunities for other teammates to land on the beach-every time this happens When the opportunity arises, the match will often be very fierce, and the atmosphere of sacrificing one's life to land on the beach will often give people a real battlefield atmosphere-even if there are only 20 people on both sides.

Extraordinary chose this simple method.

Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian rushed to the front immediately, while Li Guorui and Zhang Hai supported them on both sides, and Bin Shiqiang was behind them.

All three cores rushed into the river at the same time, and everyone was a little surprised by the momentum.

Surprise is nothing but surprise, Jianmang's players will not have any hesitation, they immediately started skill bombing - the four players guarding the river bank entered the river to entangle each other, and the others began to continuously add long-range skill blessings and Support - If you can take away all the opponent's core players in such a wave of confrontation, it is not uncommon to push back and score another goal.

This is also what Jianmang is willing to do - it doesn't matter if you lose the bet, but if you win the bet, you will make a lot of money, why not do it?

A small number of players entangle each other in the river, and others bombard comfortably on the bank-obviously, this is a very enjoyable thing, and it is also quite easy to defend.

However, there is one prerequisite, that is, to be able to entangle enough people in Hanoi.

At the same time as the four Jianmang contestants on the river bank entered the water, a burst of white light shone from the bodies of Zheng Qi, Shen Ruofei and Bin Shiqiang at the same time.

Before that, Fan Fan's other players then threw a wave of skills towards the shore. The light and shadow effect of this wave of skills temporarily interfered with the opponent's line of sight, making them ignore the white light emerging from Zheng Qi and the others.

Teleport skills.

The next moment, Zheng Qi, Shen Ruofei and Bin Shiqiang appeared on the river bank at the same time, in the middle of Jianmang's formation.

This looked like a dangerous position, but it happened to hit the seven inches of Jianmang.

Although Jianmang's players are all veterans, they couldn't help but panic in the face of such a situation.

Using the teleportation skill to send troops to the river bank is a relatively conventional tactic for playing this kind of map. However, Extraordinary’s method of first charging into the river, luring the opponent to empty the bank to defend, and then carrying out a sneak attack through teleportation, But it can be said to be quite subtle. It may be useless under normal circumstances, but for the current situation on the court, it is extremely targeted.

"It's really exciting! This will not be the coach's arrangement, it can only be the player's own improvisation. When you don't see Jianmang's defense line, you won't know what you are facing... This extraordinary targeted tactic , It must have been done immediately after seeing the opponent's defense line, otherwise Jianmang would not be fooled if he hesitated a little! When they reached the river, they attacked without stopping, let Jianmang rely on instinct to make a move. In order to deal with it, the following tactics are all aimed at Jianmang's instinctive reaction! What an amazing tactic!"

Yuan Fei shouted with joy, maybe many people think that Jianmang is too idiotic, knowing that the teleportation skill is the best way to cross the river, but still can't guard against it, but Yuan Fei can see it at a glance. It can be seen that this is an extremely targeted offensive tactic!

Being able to make such a targeted tactic before the battle, the extraordinary now is indeed getting better and better.

This is also the reason why Yuan Fei is happy—as an old commentator, every time he sees a team that is expected to win five championships, he always looks forward to it—after all, everyone wants to witness history, but The previous two times, Nanguo and Changfeng fell at the last moment, which made Yuan Fei sigh endlessly.

It's just that Nanguo and Changfeng at that time showed their peak state at the beginning, and although they were in a state of turmoil all the way, there was no change. Such a situation is easy to be understood-after all, you are so Strong, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, after a season, others can always figure out some good things. Under the targeted tactics, plus some problems of their own, it is not too outrageous to fall at the last moment.

But extraordinary is different, although they won the Super Bowl at the beginning, but at that time, they were far from reaching the peak, along the way, their state has had ups and downs, but they are constantly improving themselves Step by step, make yourself more invulnerable.

This reminded Yuan Fei of the previous era of classical football. At that time, the clubs that could win the highest honor, except for a few teams that really swept everything and suppressed all opponents, the rest were able to win the highest honor in Europe, the Triple Crown. Teams are often not considered to be outstanding in strength, but they play better and better, and finally reach the peak in that season, winning streaks all the way, and obtaining top honors that they may not have thought of.

Extraordinary is a bit like this now, but their overall strength is even better.

With a strength that can almost sweep everything and a better and better state, such a team is truly worthy of winning the unprecedented five crowns!
Of course, Feifan still needs to play a lot of games to be able to truly hit the five crowns. After all, on this road, they can no longer tolerate any mistakes.

Although they have already won two championships, the next three championships all appeared separately in a short period of time. A little mistake at this time may make all the hard work of a season in vain.

So although Yuan Fei was happy, he didn't say much, he just explained the attack.

In the sound of his explanation, Fei Fei has already defeated Jianmang's defense line. The most difficult part of this map is when the beach is landed. After the beach is successfully landed, the next thing is much easier.

Fei Fei quickly equalized the score with a strong attack.

This situation made Jianmang a little depressed, but the score was only a draw. Although they missed a good opportunity, they would not have no chance in the future.

A draw means that you are not behind, so you can still have a good entanglement with the opponent.

So after the re-kick-off, Jianmang Shangxia did not attack like before, but began to advance steadily gradually, competing for the village to get BUFF, and then launched an attack.

And Feifan didn't give up intercepting in the middle because they were behind just now. Their tactics still had no specific changes, but they kept intercepting in the village and woods, creating opportunities for defense and interfering with the opponent's advance.

The blocking Extraordinary players were defeated and left the field one by one under the opponent's superior force, but there was no problem with this. Both sides knew that such blocking would be of no use, it was nothing more than delaying time.

So after cleaning it up, Jianmang's players suppressed all the way to the extraordinary gate, and immediately saw four or five extraordinary players waiting on the shore.

The number of people is not right, this is normal. On such a map, everyone will ambush a few people in the woods to defend. This is an advantageous part of the defense. If you can’t see who is on the opponent, it is easy to have tactical problems. .

Especially in a lineup like Fei Fei, if Zheng Qi and Shen Ruofei are hiding in the woods, or other substitutes, the difference will be huge.

However, Jianmang had already prepared for this, in short, he was going to attack, just pretend that Zheng Qi and Shen Ruofei were hiding in the woods to do it.

They started to launch a tentative attack. Landing on the beach has never been an easy task. The players of Jianmang will be very patient.

Anyway, it's a draw now, be patient and kill some time, the ones who are anxious will be Fei Fei, not them.

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