football era

Chapter 880 Easter Eggs

The old fritters will not do things that seem uninteresting to them-this match against Fei Fei seems to be such a non-profitable thing, but in fact, the old fritters know that if they perform well in this game, It is of great benefit to them.

Among other things, Fei Fei's current fame and what they are going to do are attracting the attention of everyone. If they can perform better under such circumstances, their own fame and status can also be greatly improved. Even if there is a transfer in the future, the treatment will be much better.

Of course, the old fritters are very clear about this difference, not to mention with their vision and experience, they can naturally see that there is no problem with Fan Fei's state and energy in this game, but they can really put their heart and soul into it. Into this game?

Three days later, it will be the China Cup final between Fanfan and Changfeng. No one will give up in such a match. Under such circumstances, will they be able to give their all in the league?

If Feifan's goal this year is not the Triple Crown, they may not have any concerns about this game - after all, compared with cup games, the league is still more important, the league championship is a priority, and everyone will do it. As for whether it will affect the final of the cup, that is another matter. After all, if you can fight for it, you have to fight for it first. Everyone understands this truth.

But Fei Fei is now aiming at the five championships—under such circumstances, can they still focus on the league first?The cup finals will also be very important, and it is impossible for them not to be affected. This is Jianmang's opportunity.

For Jianmang, they are very aware of this, so in this game, they have reason and confidence to fight for the victory of this game, or a draw.

In fact, all they want is a victory.

Because of the characteristics of Jianmang, they are not good at defending, but good at attacking. They are good at scoring goals in competition with their opponents. Chaos, either win or lose, draws are rare.

This can also be seen from Jianmang's current results. After 36 league rounds, they won 22 games, lost [-] games, and only drew one game. In many games, the win or loss was within a hair's breadth.

So for Jianmang, they just want to fight against Fei Fei. If the scene is similar, even if they lose the game in the end, they will still win.

This kind of competition is of course very cost-effective. For the old fritters of Jianmang, of course they have incomparable efforts and enthusiasm to meet the next competition.

When No.30's seven rounds of the league began, Feifan ushered in Jianmang at home.

More than 1000 million extraordinary fans in the stands shouted frantically. With the steady rise of extraordinary performance this year, their fans are also increasing, especially the goal of hitting the five crowns. They came out, and now Feifan has already proposed this goal, and at the same time is making great strides towards this goal, how can they not make their fans more and more crazy?
Of course, such crazy attendance has also led to more and more extraordinary income. Their players can predict that they will earn a lot of money. In the next time, they will all become rich level of existence.

It's just that the extraordinary players haven't thought so far, they just want to be the first team to win five championships.

At that time, with such a halo on their bodies, money will not be the first thing they have to think about. At that time, their net worth will only be a number to them.

Extraordinary players appeared, and Jianmang's players also appeared.

As old fritters, of course they will not be intimidated by such a scene-they have experienced many battles anyway, and the atmosphere of the arena will not make them feel moved. Instead, they think of being able to support them in front of so many people The team looks good, but it makes them feel even more happy.

There were also millions of Jianmang fans who came to support his team, but their shouts were suppressed by the extraordinary fans who had an absolute advantage. Moreover, Jianmang's performance was mediocre this year, and the fans didn't shout too enthusiastically. Fierce, it's just a habit for them to come to the game, besides, Jianmang's performance this year is not very bad, at least he is not relegated, isn't he?
Although as a supporter of a traditional mid-range team, I am used to the team's lackluster performance, but Jianmang's fans still hope that Jianmang can perform better.

The competition started soon, and the Changbanpo map that appeared in front of everyone's eyes made most people understand the meaning of Extraordinary.

In terms of defense, it will bring more troubles to Jianmang's offense, so Fei Fei will naturally have the upper hand.

The fans can basically see it, and the players on the field will of course see it more clearly.

"They seem to be a little afraid of our defense. This is a good opportunity."

After a brief exchange in the team channel, Jianmang immediately launched an attack.

Changbanpo is a map with quite complicated terrain. In the center of the map, there are villages, plains, and forests. Forests can be used for ambushes. Plains are a good place for confrontation, and villages can bring some BUFF gains. These The buffs are all random, some temporarily increase attributes, some restore blood, some speed up... When the BUFF of each village is refreshed, it will become a place of contention.

More importantly, there will be a river in front of both sides. The river is naturally passable, but in the river, it will bring negative attributes such as slowing down the speed and reducing the response. Therefore, for the defensive side, this map has a very large help.

Whether it is interception and interference in the middle, or gathering in the defensive line of defense, it is particularly beneficial to the defensive side.

Of course, Feifan will not be so conservative in the game, they still start intercepting more in the midfield, and several small woods and villages are good places for them to intercept.

Jianmang launched an assault in the middle from the very beginning.

Instead of going to the village to eat buffs, or exploring the woods for ambushes, the army gathers together and starts attacking directly from the middle.

As an experienced team, they quickly grasped the key to this map.

A direct attack in the middle will, on the contrary, directly reach the opponent's goal with little loss.

And if the opponent has ambushed too many troops in the woods, their defense in front of the goal will be weaker at this time, which is a very good opportunity to attack.

Although leaving the opponent's other players behind is also a very dangerous thing, as long as the opponent's defense is defeated first, there will be no problem. In the final analysis, this is an opportunity to take advantage of the time difference.

Of course, if Fei Fei hadn't set up an ambush in the surrounding woods, but concentrated all his strength in front of the door, their light assault would definitely be hit head-on by the opponent who was waiting in full force - after all, their army was in the river. When the action is slow, if the opponent's ambush appears in the forest on the river bank, it will definitely be defeated.

This is also a gamble.

However, Jianmang can afford to gamble. Losing the bet is nothing more than losing a ball. If you win the bet, you can take the lead by one ball...

You must know that when the China Cup game attracts attention, once Feifan encounters obstacles in this game, it will often cause greater consequences. The players of Jianmang also know a lot about the mentality of the players. That's why such a risky tactic was immediately used.

Their venture was a success.

Feifan indeed arranged a lot of troops in the forest along the way, and wanted to gradually drag the opponent down, wear down the opponent's energy to increase the possibility of his own defense, but Jianmang directly launched an attack from the middle without hesitation .

There were six extraordinary players ambushing in the forest. As a result, Jianmang's large army rushed past. The skills they threw only caused a little damage, and Jianmang's team had already broken through the midfield .

Extraordinary players began to gather back to defend, but were entangled by the two players left behind by Jianmang. Those two were also experienced old fritters. Taking them away is just to disturb them.

The others quickly came to the river and began to cross the river.

Fei Fei, who only had four defenders left behind, couldn't resist the opponent's onslaught, but Jianmang's current attack was desperate, and naturally became more ferocious. He broke through Fei Fei's defense line at once, and scored a goal!
At the same time that Jianmang scored a goal, the Jianmang fans, who had been suppressed silently by the extraordinary fans, immediately shouted crazily!

They didn't have much hope before, but at this time, Jianmang took the lead through a fierce attack, which was enough to surprise them!
This is why they like Jianmang-although most of the time, Jianmang's performance is very stable, winning if they can win, and it is difficult to win if they can't win, but they will explode occasionally, and every time they do this The outbreak of Jianmang made the fans of Jianmang very happy-just like looking for easter eggs in movies. The movies made by Jianmang club may not be very high in standard, but every time the easter eggs found in movies , Enough to keep the fans happy for a while.

This is also a feature that fans of Jianmang like very much. Now, in this game that has attracted countless people's attention, such an easter egg has appeared. How can it not make Jianmang fans feel more happy?

However, for extraordinary fans, such an easter egg makes them feel a little disgusted and angry.

So they just kept quiet for a while, and immediately let out a huge cheer again, hoping that Fei Fei could quickly bring the score back.

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