football era

Chapter 873 Rogue

The gap between Corning and Feifan lies in the gap between top players.

Everyone knows this. Compared with Fei Fei, who has four top-level core players, Kang Ning, who has only one god-level player, is indeed much worse. However, everyone can also see that at the level of other players, Kang Ning It still needs some advantages, which is also Corning's greatest confidence to fight against Feifan.

However, the previous games have proved that Fanfan can hold back Corning in many cases—even if they have many substitutes on the court, relying on one or two cores to lead them, they can still hold a stalemate. They can rely on the explosion of a certain core player to obtain some details and factors to break the deadlock. After they have accumulated such an advantage, they can rely on the performance of the core players to continue to contain their opponents. The tactics are almost unsolvable.

"There are four cores that are at the same level as theirs to entangle the four of them, so that they can give full play to their overall advantages!"

Li Chengze thought like having fun in bitterness, this is of course a good way to absolutely suppress Fei Fei, but is it possible?

Feifan was able to get these four together because they were young and old, but they also had a level that is considered outstanding among god-level players. It is almost impossible for other teams to get together such a lineup.

You must know that even in the past two years when Changfeng was at its peak, the truly aggressive god-level players were only Lu Xiaotian and Shen Ruofei, Feng Tu and Jiang Wenqian were a little bit behind, and Wen Xiang was also a god-level player. , but it was partial to support, and at that time Shen Ruofei had just debuted not long ago, far less mature than now.

However, Changfeng at that time was much better than Feifan now, but even such a powerful Changfeng was overshadowed by Feifan.

Now it is almost impossible to gather such a strong team, at least it is impossible this year.

"Let's see if Chang Feng can stop them in the finals, Kang Ning... now he can only interfere with them."

Li Chengze thought in his heart, but he still has great confidence in Kang Ning. Players like Kang Ning, among other things, absolutely lack tenacity and fighting spirit. Even if they are already lost, they will definitely entangle with Fei Fei.

But in this way, it is really the most outstanding team in the league to deal with Fan Fei collectively——Thinking of this, Li Chengze also felt a little ridiculous, this team has only been formed for less than four years, and it has already come up with such a thing. In a big way, the entire alliance must work together to stop them.

But thinking back on the process of Fei Fei's rise, Li Chengze also felt that it was only a matter of time before such a team rose.

Although their advantage in creating characters in the new area has begun to weaken, as long as they wait patiently, they will become stronger. In other words, they have already occupied a great advantage at the source. Such advantages reflect It is only a matter of time before the first-team results are achieved.

Li Chengze shook his head. Fortunately, these core players won't stay together for too long. Other teams will always have a way out.

In the next league, there will probably be a situation where multiple teams will besiege Feifan. At that time, the league will be more lively, and every team will work hard to advance, otherwise it will be like a team like Shenhua Nanguo Xiongfeng, because they can’t keep up The footsteps of other rising teams, from the previous top teams, have gradually become as mediocre as they are now.

"I can't let Tianhe remain mediocre." Li Chengze took a deep breath, and then turned off the live channel.

There is nothing to watch in this game. What he needs is to find a way to continue to strengthen the strength of the team. Even if there is no chance this season, he will still fight for the championship next season.

Anyway, for professional players, a season's failure is definitely not a permanent failure. They still have a long time to compete, so even a temporary failure is nothing.

Although Li Chengze is close to 30 years old, his ambition has not diminished. What's more, a player with the same support core as him will not immediately decline in state. For the new core, it is enough to check for leaks and fill in the gaps by yourself.

He has great confidence that he can keep Tianhe's outstanding performance for a long time. Even if he can't always win the championship, he can always remain in the ranks of a strong team. After a few years, or even more than ten years, Tianhe's The position is also established.

For a player, this is also a great honor.

Li Chengze didn't watch the game anymore, but the game is still going on.

On everyone's own stage, he is the protagonist, but after his curtain call, the stage continues and will never stop.

After being suppressed by Fei Fan patiently, Kang Ning wanted to play, but they couldn't. Instead, they were quickly scored by the opponent. After Kang Ning started to counterattack, he was also blocked by Fei Fei even more tightly.

When Corning launched this attack, there was still enough time, more than ten minutes. However, in the following time, Corning encountered extraordinary and fierce interceptions. They continued to intercept in the midfield, and even Divided into several teams, one or two people will act without fear of dying, as long as they throw the skills they can throw before dying, and bring enough damage to the opponent...

This is also a very effective method of combat. Extraordinary has brought out the advantages of their attributes to the fullest. You must know that such damage can be recovered quickly through the skills of the auxiliary core, but you must know that the recovery skills also have a cooldown. Yes, an excellent auxiliary core often needs to keep all of its auxiliary skills sufficiently cooled. At the same time, when the skills are used, how to allocate them is also very particular. When small skills are used on teammates with less damage, the teammates will unite instantly. Sometimes, you can send out a wide range of recovery skills, and even whether the skill recovery effect will be interrupted, or when to use which skills, this is very particular.

So don't look at the recovery hero cards that the auxiliary core carries. A hero with three skills, adding up to [-] skills looks like a lot, but how to use them smoothly is also a science.

How to maintain the cooldown of skills has always been a problem.

If Fei Fei continues like this, their progress will inevitably be greatly affected. At the same time, under Fei Fei's involvement, time will just pass by like this.

Corning can push forward in a group, but in doing so, it is easier to be taken away by the opponent's large-scale skills, and some large-scale skills can take away most of the players' physical value, so be more careful , their stamina value needs to be kept at a safe line at all times, but such a maintenance will make the skill cooling of the auxiliary core always not in the best state.

This is not a big problem, but when the two sides collide with each other in a large area, if the cooldown of a skill is not enough, it may be a huge problem.

Moreover, Fanfan is now frequently deploying troops and generals, and it is not long before the end of the first half. They can definitely use the strongest lineup in the last wave of defense, which requires maintaining a good cooling of recovery skills. up.

So every time they are attacked by the opponent, Kang Ning needs to recover, and then wait for the cooldown of the skill to get better before moving forward-they dare not wait for the cooldown while advancing, and the opponent suddenly launches the final attack in the middle What about the decisive battle?
Although the map is clear at a glance, the existence of teleportation skills and stealth skills can continuously form surprise attacks. Kang Ning has already suffered a lot from Fei Fei's endless small tactics and sneak attacks, so of course he dare not venture into it now. .

Under such circumstances, even though Kang Ning was very resilient up and down, he was entangled quite a headache.

It took a full three or four minutes for Kang Ning to attack the midfielder. You must know that although the entire field is very huge, if a professional player runs at full speed, he can go from his own goal to the opponent's goal. It took them three or four minutes to recommend such a distance in ten seconds, which is enough to prove how many obstacles they have encountered along the way.

And when they met with most of Fei Fei, almost without accident, they ran into Fei Fei who played the main force.

Fortunately, Kang Ning has been prepared for this. During the process of advancing, they have gradually completed the substitutions. Although they are not the main force now, but several cores are on the field, this is equivalent to the main force.

Under such circumstances, the two sides began a contest.

The offensive side must have an advantage, but Feifan relied on the temporary overall advantage, and began to confront Kang Ning constantly——As a whole, Feifan is weaker against many teams, but just looking at the main lineup , apart from Changfeng and Tianhe, there is really no other team that can compare with them, even Kang Ning is slightly inferior.

Although such an advantage is not enough for them to fight back, it is also enough for them to support Corning's offense during this period.

It’s not that Kang Ning didn’t notice this, but it’s useless to see it—whether it’s the extraordinary interference before or the current confrontation, their intentions are very obvious, and they are using rogue tactics to delay time, but you no way...

In the past, Extraordinary's offense was delaying time, you could play more aggressively, even if you lost the ball, you still had enough initiative, but now, you can no longer play more aggressively, and no matter how active you are, it is easy to show your flaws and be caught by Extraordinary. Give it a push - there are Zheng Qi and Bin Shiqiang in the opponent's formation, two good players who are good at catching loopholes.

Kang Ning began to feel at a loss for this almost rogue style of play. Although such a rogue style of play is based on extraordinary overall strength, such an advantage cannot be shaken.

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