football era

Chapter 872 The Gap

Corning was only one goal short of chasing, which made Corning's fans excited. They began to shout loudly, hoping that Corning could stop the extraordinary attack in the next time, and then counterattacked again to equalize the score.

However, Li Chengze, who watched the game, shook his head slightly.

The situation in Corning's current meeting is that it is a bit difficult to ride a tiger. Although their attack just now was perfect, but this kind of attack will have a lot of consumption. The low fault tolerance rate alone is enough to prove this. Attack itself is a very energy-consuming method. It doesn't matter if this kind of attack is used at a critical moment to securely score points, but if it is used in such a situation, Corning's performance will definitely be affected.

You must know that on such a map, the second half of the game requires the most concentration, because the ground will change at any time. If you are not careful and get involved, it will lead to the failure of the entire team.

Although Fan Fan played very cleverly in the first half, in fact they did not concentrate on the game, because in such a game, the first half needs to save energy.

But Li Chengze also knew that Kang Ning could no longer tolerate any problems with the attack just now, otherwise the morale of the entire team would be seriously affected, so they had to do this-you must know that drinking poison to quench thirst is often necessary. do it!

Because of this, Extraordinary already has enough advantages invisibly, which is not a good thing for Corning.

"This is an individual victory..." Li Chengze thought in his heart. Obviously, during this period of time, Zheng Qi's performance became the key. It was his few shots that put Kang Ning at a disadvantage unconsciously. In the middle, so I was forced to perform more perfectly in this attack, but this will affect the performance of the second half...

"I hope he didn't do this on purpose, otherwise, this kid will grow up too fast." Li Chengze said in his heart.

From Li Chengze's point of view, Zheng Qi's growth rate is simply astonishing.

It's not that he underestimated Zheng Qi's talent, but that Li Chengze knew that if he wanted to perform like this in tactics, he couldn't rely on talent alone - just like a person who can be born He is very smart, he can learn everything at once, and his IQ is extremely good, but when such a person is 20 years old, in terms of rich knowledge, he is definitely no better than a well-educated Confucian.

"Smart" and "wisdom" are different.

Cleverness can be born, but wisdom needs to be accumulated the day after tomorrow.

In Li Chengze's view, in the era of football, talent can be relied on to operate these things, and it can even be said that it can only rely on talent. Without operational talent, no matter how hard you practice, it is impossible to have the level of a god-level player.

However, targeted tactics require wisdom, that is, acquired accumulation, more games played, rich experience, and targeted tactics can be more effective. This can even be said to be an undoubted thing.

But does Zheng Qi now have such a command of the big picture?

Li Chengze really didn't believe it, and Zheng Qi didn't show such an overall tactical level in most of the games. It can only be said that in this game, his luck was better.

However, Zheng Qi knew that this set of tactics was really arranged by him on purpose.

The two months of participating in classical football brought him a lot of help.

Although it is said that after those two months, his game state has been greatly affected, and he has only gradually recovered until now, but in fact, such efforts are not in vain—it is not just as simple as winning a World Cup .

Although classical football and football era are almost two different games now, and the game methods are also very different, but in the final analysis, there is still not much difference in essence. Use your stronger side to attack the opponent's weaker side Locally, a temporary situation of playing more and playing less locally is what these two games need to do.

Because when your personal ability is getting closer and closer, it is very important to play more and less locally. At the same time, because of the strengthening of your physique, the time left for you to play more and less is getting less and less. Discover the opponent's flaws in the shortest possible time, and then carry out targeted responses.

This kind of exercise is also applicable to the football era.

Zheng Qi's previous downturn was not only due to his state, but also because he needed to better combine the two.

Now he can be considered to be able to combine the two very well-the feeling and instantaneous decision-making ability honed in the classical football game, so that he can also play a very good role in the football era.

Although such an approach is not always effective, even if it is only a few times in a game, it can bring great help and benefits to Fei Fei.

Li Chengze is also aware of this point, Fanfan has some outstanding features, but there are still many shortcomings and places that can be used, but now, they have gradually made up for these places that can be used, and at the same time It also gave me some more outstanding features. Such a team is often the strongest.

In the long league, they became stronger and stronger, which made Li Chengze shake his confidence a little - can such a team really be stopped?

But soon, Li Chengze changed his mind. After all, no matter how strong the team is, it is easy to lose one or two crucial games due to some problems. Fanfan will not be different place.

At this time, of course I can't be discouraged, only by continuing to persevere can I catch the time when Fei Fei makes mistakes.

He continued to watch, even if he had watched many extraordinary games this season, he would continue to watch.

Because it seems that every game, extraordinary will show something new. Young teams are so scary, because when they play well, they often improve rapidly every game.

Only young players and young teams can do this. Li Chengze doesn't care about this, because the young players he trained have also made such rapid progress. Now they have become Tianhe's main core players Han Yiming, Duan Bao, Du Qingfeng, Guyi... all made such rapid progress.

"We are also making progress. This season we also drive low and go high." Li Chengze thought in his heart.

On the court, Fanfan started to counterattack. They didn't use a rigorous attack method, but continued to attack unrestrainedly. Before the second half of the final, they were saving every bit of energy.

This situation was brought about by Zheng Qi. His several tactical arrangements gave Feifan an advantage, and in these processes, it was only him who was really consumed, not all of Feifan.

Corning needs to work together to make up for this gap.

This is an extraordinary advantage, a kind of potential they gradually formed.

At this time, Zheng Qi was still resting off the court, Shen Ruofei entered the court, Bin Shiqiang remained on the court, and now Fei Fei still leads by one goal, so they can definitely attack more safely.

Gradually suppress, don't rush forward, look for opportunities, in short, with Shen Ruofei and Bin Shiqiang on the field, you are not afraid that there will be no opportunities. Shen Ruofei makes a strong attack, and then Bin Shiqiang seizes the opportunity, maybe he can score.

It may take a lot of time, but they are leading now, and it doesn't matter if it takes time. They would like to delay scoring until the end of the first half, so that they can lead by two goals and enter the second half.

On such a map, the lead of two goals is already quite huge.

"Let's not worry, don't forget, Bin Shiqiang is on the court, this person can always seize the gap, even if we fall behind and enter the second half, we can't worry at this time." Yuan Xiao said in the team channel.

Ni Lili raised an objection.

"Captain, if the delay continues, maybe they will be happier. We can play more aggressively. Even if we lose the ball, we will attack next. At least we can score goals as much as possible, so we can be more active."

"Lily's thinking makes sense, and we can do the same."

Fu Qing expressed his agreement, and Kang Ning immediately reached an agreement and prepared to counterattack forcefully.

Take the initiative to attack and disrupt the opponent's plan. Even if the ball is lost, at least the opponent has no chance to delay the time-the leading party always wants to delay the time, not to mention that they still occupy the offensive initiative.

Corning started to counterattack - they found an opportunity, and then Ni Lili took the lead in the front, Chang Er assisted, and started to counterattack from the side.

The opportunity they were looking for was very good. When Shen Ruofei launched a frontal breakthrough, they launched a counterattack from the side, cutting Shen Ruofei and other extraordinary players apart in one fell swoop.

However, just after they were separated, Bin Shiqiang appeared in their formation for the first time.

Relying on his own operation and the supplies from his teammates behind him, Bin Shi forcefully blocked the opponent, but at this moment Shen Ruofei did not turn around and return to defense, but continued to charge forward.

At this moment, Kang Ning's defense line is weak, and their large force is restrained by Bin Shiqiang and other extraordinary players. For a while, no one can stop Shen Ruofei. Shen Ruofei directly broke through Kang Ning's defense line, and then sent Kang Ning's goalkeeper It flew out from afar.

At the same time, Su Jing's long pass from the backcourt directly crossed the entire battlefield and landed in front of Shen Ruofei. Shen Ruofei didn't stop the ball, and directly volleyed and kicked the ball into the empty goal!
Fan Fei scored a goal quickly and extended the lead to two goals again!
"Have they even counted our counterattack? Is this impossible?" Corning's players were a little shocked.

Li Chengze shook his head helplessly.

Maximizing one's own advantages is also a characteristic of Feifan. It is not impossible to say that Corning is not outstanding and hardworking. However, compared with Feifan, the gap between them has been clearly displayed.

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