football era

Chapter 855 Confidence

What is the tactic?
Tactics is a method of finding ways to launch an attack when one has an advantage, avoid the opponent's advantages, and attack the opponent's weaknesses.

Or rather, this is the definition of a successful tactic.

As a person with a very high IQ, Zhang Shu's understanding of tactics is quite profound, so after he realized that the frontal attack could not tear the opponent's defense, he immediately began to think of other ways.

The reason why his tactical thinking is superior in specific tactics is because he has amazing calculation ability-after all, he is a mathematician...

In his mind, the attributes, characteristics, levels, and operational abilities of the two players will naturally be refined into specific data. Although such data may not be absolutely correct, in general, they are not much different. With a glance, he can see which players from both sides are in this area, and he can probably see that if he launches an attack, he can gain an advantage in a few seconds. During this period, there will be players from both sides around to support, and how long it will take...

This kind of calculation ability is basically impossible for other players to learn, and it is also the place where the number of cards is the best.

The reason why there were some mistakes before was because Zheng Qi and others were not around, which caused some deviations in his calculations, but now the number of cards has become accustomed to the current situation on the field, so his performance immediately appeared much better.

The absence of Zheng Qi and the others has indeed brought a lot of trouble to Fan Fei's offense. Without Shen Ruofei, the frontal breakthrough ability is much worse. Without Zheng Qi and Bin Shiqiang, the opponent's fleeting flaws will also be broken. Easily slip away from them.

However, Zhang Shu soon found a new way.

Of course, Jiang Xiaohan's frontal breakthrough alone can't create that much pressure, but at the same time, what about Li Guorui or Huang Yuanfan's attack from the side?When both sides work together, the effect is almost the same.

Without Zheng Qi and Bin Shiqiang, there is no way to seize those tiny flaws, so we should increase the strength of the multi-faceted attack and force the opponent to show more flaws. It will be easier.

What's more, he is also supported by Zhang Hai. Although Zhang Hai is very low-key and silent after joining this year, when he is on the court, he can always provide timely support. This can also make Zhang Shu play more boldly on the court. Some.

"His command is more delicate." Zheng Qi turned his head and said to Shen Ruofei who was beside him.

"He has a strong calculation ability, but he is weaker in operation, and his specific reaction is weaker, which makes him only a strategist, not a charge." Shen Ruofei replied.

"If it's really at Li Chengze's level, it doesn't matter if the reaction is a little bit worse." Zheng Qi laughed.

"I hope he can reach that level after accumulating experience." Shen Ruofei nodded.

"At that time, if he is like Li Chengze and you are like Lu Xiaotian, then our team will not be invincible." Zheng Qi sighed.

"Back then, our ZY team was invincible." Shen Ruofei replied.

Zheng Qi couldn't help laughing out loud at these words, and on the field, Zhang Shu's wonderful tactical command finally made Fei Fei a beautiful performance!

After continuous command, Fei Fei began to attack from three directions at the same time.

Even though there were only one or two players in each direction, it was still very difficult for Xingyu to resist the simultaneous attack. After all, Zhang Shu used a large-scale skill to block the opponent's sight before launching the attack. , and then began to attack.

Under such circumstances, Fei Fei's attack at the same time immediately attracted most of the attention of the Xingyu players.

However, Li Guorui, who was deliberately left behind by Zhang Shu, launched an attack from an angle that the opponent did not expect, and when he charged past and attracted the attention of the remaining opponents, Niu Lihua's skills began to cover a large area. in one piece.

With the help of Niu Lihua's skill cover and Zhang Hai's timely response, Li Guorui showed great power and killed the opponent's two players in one go. A big gap appeared in Xingyu's defense line, and the number of cards was issued immediately. After giving the order to attack, Fan Fei's remaining players rushed forward and tore open the hole immediately.

"Beautiful tactical command and acumen." Xu Shan couldn't help but praise. Before he had time to command just now, Zhang Shu made the correct command first. This is not easy-he is on the sidelines. much clearer.

Under such a swift blow, Fei Fan quickly scored a goal. They completely tore apart the opponent's defense, and then sent the ball into Xingyu's gate.

Five to three, extraordinary once again extended the lead to two goals.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with this game." Bin Shiqiang said with a smile.

Although there are still about 10 minutes before the end of the game, with Bin Shiqiang's rich experience, he can naturally see that under such circumstances, it is actually already necessary for Fei Fei to win this game. One thing is not difficult.

In the case of leading by only one goal, the situation at that time was actually a bit delicate. After all, their mentality was most likely to be shaken at that time. However, at such a critical time, Fanhua's substitute players were very important and stable. In this way, their own advantages are maintained. At such a critical moment, stability is more important than anything else.

Extraordinary stabilized at that time, and now they have expanded their lead again, which makes them regain the advantage they lost just now. There is not much time left in the game, and they want to win this game. Of course it will be much easier.

For a player like Bin Shiqiang, of course, watching the game is not just about the current situation, but also distinguishing the mentality of both sides - maybe he can't watch so carefully when he is on the court, but when he is off the court, he can see it more clearly. clear.

The judgment he made this time was also very correct.

After expanding the score advantage to two goals again, the extraordinary players began to deal with the game more easily.

In the next defense, they continued to destroy Xingyu's offense. Xingyu's overall performance was better than Feifan's now, but his strengths were limited. With a stable mentality, Feifan's players kept pushing Xingyu's offense was destroyed, although they were at a certain disadvantage, but with the help of their players returning to the court faster defensively, they still firmly withstood the opponent's attack.

For this kind of defense, Xingyu is also a little helpless. There are many loopholes in the extraordinary defense line, but they have started to adopt clumsy man-marking tactics. It is difficult, but it takes time to find an opportunity to kill a few of them in one fell swoop, so that there will naturally be huge problems in the defense line.

Normally, Xingyu can attack patiently, but now he is still two goals behind. If he attacks patiently, then the time left may not be much...

But at this time, of course, you can't be anxious. If you play steadily, there is still a chance to equalize the score at the last moment. If you are impatient, then maybe you will not even have such a chance.

So they also began to attack more patiently, looking for opportunities little by little, and finally after 6 minutes, they seized the opportunity to fight a wave of annihilation, and then narrowed the score gap to one point again.

"It's dying, but if we have a problem, they may really steal a draw." Bin Shiqiang said on the bench.

Zheng Qi nodded, but he didn't really care. Extraordinary players may be inexperienced, but their mentality is actually very mature. Ordinary players don't have superfluous thoughts. They only need to surround themselves with a few core players. That's good, and Zheng Qi is more familiar with Zhang Shu and the others. They may have their own weaknesses in terms of standards, which prevents them from reaching the top level, but in terms of mentality, they will not be different. what is the problem.

In such a situation, it is impossible for them to make mistakes.

They will lose some games because of their strength, but they will not lose some games that should not be lost because of their mentality.

Zheng Qi was really familiar with Zhang Shu, Niu Lihua, and Zhang Hai.

So maybe Bin Shiqiang would be worried, but Zheng Qi wouldn't.

And his judgment is undoubtedly correct.

Once again leading by only one goal, they were not able to block the opponent's attack, and did not change the emotions of these people on Fanfan's field. They still launched a counterattack very calmly.

But this time, extraordinary can be said that except for the four core players, the other main players are on the field. Originally, Li Guorui and Huang Yuanfan played in turns, but now they play collectively. Seven or eight main players are matched with two or three substitutes. When Bo Gong went out, Xingyu was stunned to find that he couldn't resist...

The offensive lineup composed of Li Guorui, Huang Yuanfan, Jiang Xiaohan, Lianfei, Zhang Hai to support, Zhang Shu, Su Jing, Niu Lihua's auxiliary lineup, plus Xu Yi and Fu Lei's protection by his side, this extraordinary lineup is quite powerful in attacking. outstanding.

But think about it, most of them have the level of top league players, although they all have some flaws that prevent them from reaching a higher level, but the tacit cooperation between them and the advantages of attribute points , if they really concentrate on playing the game, they will be better than the average top league players.

Now that it was launched like this, Xingyu, who lacked top players, immediately couldn't resist it.

After Fei Fei once again extended the lead to two goals, Xingyu knew that they really had no chance in this game.

This kind of thinking also made them lose the game quickly.

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