football era

A good chance

"Don't worry, you know, this is also a good opportunity to train us. Without Zheng Qi and others, how we can show a better level on the court is also very important for the future."

Zhang Shu said in the team channel that Zheng Qi and the others were not on the field, so Zhang Shu naturally became the core and tactical commander on the field. He is very good in this respect.

His words made the Fanfan players quiet down. Indeed, compared with the usual game, the difference at this time is actually not that big. It is nothing more than the fact that Feifan used Zheng Qi and the others as the core, but now it has been replaced by Zhang Shu and Niu Lihua. , Su Jing, Zhang Hai, Li Guorui, Huang Yuanfan... These people are just the core.

Extraordinary staffing is also very reasonable. Four god-level players, followed by seven or eight main players who are above the average Super League players. This kind of collocation allows them to form a good enough overall advantage on the field when they make any collocation.

Of course, the current situation is considered a rather special situation. The core members are not on the field, and the whole team will be driven by Zhang Shu and their main force. He Niu Lihua is good at long-range skill bombing, Su Jing and Lian Fei are support players, Li Guorui and Huang Yuanfan are good at raids, Zong Qinghua and Zhang Hai can do everything and can connect the frontcourt. From the configuration point of view, even if the four cores are not there , Their offensive and defensive lineup is also complete.

After being reminded of the number of cards, the extraordinary players became more patient when attacking.

Seeing that Fei Fei became more stable in attack, Zheng Qi and others off the court nodded in unison.

After more than a season of growth, Feifan now finally looks like a mature team.

Even without these core players on the field, they can at least perform at their normal level without any psychological fluctuations.

Of course, playing their own level normally does not mean that they will be able to score goals.

There are many differences between the offense of the football era and the classical football, but one thing is the same, that is, in the game, you will not be able to score a goal unless you perform well. In many cases, scoring depends on luck .

Extraordinary luck is not so good.

After earnestly attacking for seven or eight minutes, Fanfan still failed to score a goal, but Xingyu seized the opportunity to complete a beautiful interception and lost possession of the ball.

"Return to defense, don't be impatient!"

Under the command of Zhang Shu, the extraordinary players began to quickly return to defense - it is normal to lose the ball, just don't let the opponent counterattack and score goals.

They quickly set up a defensive line in their own half. Such a quick action made Xingyu sigh.

"The return to defense is quick. It seems that there is nothing to use... In the next attack, we must score a goal and attack head-on!" Xue Bo said decisively in the team channel.

Since there is no place to take advantage of, it is necessary to use a more violent attack to tear apart the opponent's defense.

Xue Bo is also an experienced professional player, the judgment he made at this time is undoubtedly correct.

Extraordinary players have good attributes, and the overall configuration is also very complete, but compared with the top teams, without the four core players, the level they can perform on the field is indeed a bit weak.

At least compared to a veteran team like Xingyu, it seemed a bit weak.

Even though they are weak, their weaknesses are limited. At the professional level, such differences in heights have no substantial impact. However, the side with the advantage in strength can definitely play more patiently.

The four core players cannot play, and Fan Fei's defensive impact is actually greater, although Liu Shibo is the only defensive player among the core players.

After all, Zheng Qi and others don't play, Zhang Shu and Li Guorui's offenses are all very distinctive, and their offense still has a certain threat, but Liu Shibo doesn't play, Fan Fei can only rely more on defense when defending. Personal ability to defend, although their personal defensive ability is good, but everyone knows that if the offense can achieve good results relying on individuals, then relying on individuals in defense will only reveal huge flaws.

Last year's extraordinary defense was a weakness. It was because there was no player like Liu Shibo who could organize the defense. This year it was able to make up for this defect. After he did not play, the extraordinary defense could still be formed like he was. The overall defense, however, inevitably becomes rigid in operation, and it is easier for the opponent to catch flaws.

Xingyu's players are basically veterans. Although they also have some newcomers, most of them have sufficient experience and quickly grasped the extraordinary defense line. The solid defect, after three or four consecutive frontal pressures, quickly changed the focus of the offense, then seized the opportunity, tore through the extraordinary defense line, and regained another point!
"Beautiful goal, Xingyu tied the score to three to four! They are only one goal away! After the start of the second half, Xingyu showed an extremely strong momentum and kept scoring goals! Now the second half of the game is only Less than 10 minutes later, they were only one goal away from Fanfan. Fanfan is now starting to encounter some troubles. If Zheng Qi and others don't play, maybe they will just watch this victory helplessly Slipping away from them, this is a scene that Tianhe hopes to see... Tianhe's match will start a little later, if Feifan is tied or even loses again, it will have a huge encouraging effect on Tianhe!"

The commentator was amazed. After all, at the end of the first half, he also felt that the game had been settled. Even if Fei Fei had two consecutive draws before, it was because of the continuous battle and the opponent was really good. Who would expect a mediocre player? How could Xingyu make the entire game turbulent again when he was behind by three goals?
"A veteran team is a veteran team. The next game will be up to you." Zheng Qi sighed on the bench, and then said something in the team channel.

He didn't intend to play, not only him, Shen Ruofei, Liu Shibo, Bin Shiqiang also didn't intend to play.

Speaking of rest, it means rest. They have completely relaxed their spirits. Even if they play at this time, it will not be of much use, and they will lose the opportunity to rest.

At this time, what the extraordinary players on the field should do is to better display their own standards, instead of expecting Zheng Qi and the others to turn the tide.

It's time for them to show their worth.

In fact, the extraordinary players on the field did not show any intention of letting Zheng Qi and the others play to stabilize the situation at this moment. It is expected that after they decided to take a good rest in this round, they just want to rely on their own strength to win this game!
Although Zheng Qi and the others didn't pay much on the field, they had indirectly helped them gain a sufficient lead in the first half. If they couldn't win this game, they would feel that they were not worthy of being a professional player. .

Although we are only one goal ahead now, isn't our advantage still there?
"We were not lucky and played very well before, but this can be made up for... In the next attack, we must score goals."

Zhang Shu is directing in the team channel. The pressure of this game is actually not small for him. The extraordinary on-the-spot command before was done by Zheng Qi. If Zheng Qi is not there, Zhang Shu is in charge. From a certain point of view, The two of them have the same level of command, and the number of sheets in the details is even better, because his mind is more delicate.

But now that Zheng Qi was away, Zhang Shu realized that it would be much more difficult for him to fully assume the on-the-spot tactical command.

This situation is not because Zhang Shu's command ability is not good-in fact, Zhang Shu is better in the detection of small details and some specific tactical capabilities.

However, the team currently commanded by Zhang Shu is worse than usual - without the four cores, some tactics that can play a huge role in normal times are not so useful now.

This is also a matter of course. When you are in a war, you have a main force that can break through all defenses. Of course, it is easier for you to break through the opponent's defense. Now that the main force is gone, you want to break through the opponent's defense. Then you have to put in more energy than usual, and even because of the lack of the main team that can fight toughest battles, you can't break through the opponent's defense no matter what...

This is not something to be ashamed of. After all, tactics have their limits. No matter how good the tactics are, they cannot make a weak army defeat the most powerful team in the world head-on. can make a difference.

Of course, the current lineup on the extraordinary field is not that bad, but it also makes Zhang Shu feel a little troubled.

But the number of cards is also clear, this is also a kind of exercise for one's own command ability, how to tear through the opponent's defense line and win the victory you want when the team is weak, this is the ability that a tactician needs to possess.

In fact, Zhang Shu has been learning from Li Chengze. Li Chengze is such a player. When his strength is about the same or slightly at a disadvantage, he can make up for this gap through subtle tactical arrangements. This is what he can do as a support player. The key to contending with Lu Xiaotian, Zhang Shu has been learning this point, and now, it is also a good opportunity for him.

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