football era

Chapter 843 Shock Impossible

"The top eight will meet Tianhe, what a shady scene."

Amidst Zheng Qi's exclamation, the quarterfinals of the Cup of China began.

In this extraordinary half area, there are many strong teams. Apart from Tianhe, the other two teams are Kangning and Shenhua, neither of which is easy to deal with.

As for Changfeng's half area, there are several weaker opponents - Tianlong, Xingyu, plus Ming Feng who is still trying to avoid relegation. Quite a bit, Changfeng can beat his opponent relatively easily and appear in the final.

"Yeah, this kind of lottery is a naked shady scene, but these guys are very good at playing. After all, it is normal for the lottery to have such a probability. The fans probably only think that our character is not good. " Su Jing laughed.

Zheng Qi glared at Su Jing—in the classical football game, Zheng Qi's team also ran into the top teams all the way and walked over. Could it be that his character is not good?
But obviously, Su Jing said that on purpose, making fun of him...

Zheng Qi has no temper for this.

"In this game, Tianhe is likely to entangle us. After all, we have more tasks in the game, and we are easy to be impatient, and we can't fight them. However, if a team like Tianhe really wants to fight you, you can't avoid it. ...Under such circumstances, what we have to do is to keep calm, entangle with them, and then look for opportunities to defeat them." Xu Shan said to all the players in the locker room.

Extraordinary players nodded their heads one after another. Although Zheng Qi's words seemed to be generalized, they expressed the essence of the upcoming game. Tianhe will be more patient, so they should not worry.

As for the specific tactics, there is nothing to say. In the football era, the head coach can only play a role in the usual training and grand strategy. The specific tactics are more determined by the players themselves.

Of course, Xu Shan is a coach who is very good at deploying tactical details. The tacit cooperation between him and the players is also a very powerful key.

Sometimes the players make their own choices, and sometimes they can complete the battle through the coach's command. With the compensation of both sides, of course the effect of the game is often better.

Of course, no matter how good the conditions are, it doesn't mean that they will be able to win, and it's not like Fei Fan has never lost before, so they have to be more careful in any subsequent games.

"The biggest opponent in the cup is Changfeng. Their explosive power is better. Now Tianhe can be regarded as Changfeng's vanguard." Zheng Qi said with a smile.

The others were stunned for a moment. Zheng Qi's words sounded very fresh, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be true.

The biggest opponent in the league right now is Tianhe, but they met Tianhe in the quarter-finals of the cup competition. In fact, in the cup competition, a stable team like Tianhe is not particularly scary. As long as you can suppress them, you will win. Basically it's just a matter of time, it just takes too much energy out of you.

It's not that there are no other ways to deal with them, but doing so would be outrageous—in terms of outrageousness, who can compare to Li Chengze?Surprisingly, it is possible to win more easily, but the greater possibility is to lose the game. You can gamble in the league, but in the cup, it is better to honestly use the game method with the greatest grasp.

Relying on one's own strength, patiently dealing with the opponent, and then step by step to compress the opponent's space, this is the safest way to score goals, and it is also the most able to prevent Li Chengze's whimsy and subtle tactics from being brought into play Methods.

During the two years when Changfeng was at its peak, he suppressed Tianhe in this way. If he didn't play tricks with Tianhe, he just relied on his own powerful strength to directly crush him.

Of course, this kind of tactic cannot be used if one’s strength does not reach a certain level. In the past two years, Changfeng masters gathered, and there were quite a lot of top masters, so they were able to suppress Tianhe with this simple and crude tactic. Now Fei Fei , also has such strength.

Four god-level players, and they are still god-level players who can serve as core positions, plus a large number of players who may be inferior in operation, but have very strong attributes, and extraordinary is not only these four god-level players, like Su The four Jing, Niu Lihua, Zhang Shu and Zhang Hai are also quite outstanding and capable, and they are no worse than any main force in the top league.

With such strength, there is a certainty of being able to suppress Tianhe.

Tianhe wants to spend time with Fei Fei, so Fei Fei can't be in a hurry, just spend time with them.

After unifying the understanding of this aspect, the extraordinary players began to prepare for this game more seriously.

It left them in a very different state and spirit when they came out in the cup quarter-finals three days later.

Li Chengze who observed this could not help but sigh.

Looking at the opponent's appearance, I also guessed that I was going to fight a war of attrition with them. If we really wanted to fight a war of attrition, Tianhe could be said to have the lowest winning rate, but it was just that he could better consume the opponent's physical and energy.

This is also the reason why Tianhe's players didn't quite understand at first.

Although Li Chengze wanted to consume the opponent, he never gave up the idea of ​​eliminating the opponent directly. With the consumption tactics, if Fei Fei and his colleagues became impatient, it would be Tianhe's chance to win.

But now, Fei Fei had already had such mental preparations, so of course there would be no impatience, would Tianhe still have a chance of winning?
Obviously, there won't be any more.

Even with Li Chengze's mental capacity, he would not be too willing to fight a match that he knew he would lose.

But he still has to raise his spirits to fight this game. In a war of attrition, he was only wasting one game, and Fei Fan would spend a few more games.

With the level and strength that Extraordinary has shown this year, if you want to stop them, you really have to pay a sufficient price.

After thinking about it this way, Li Chengze became a little calmer - in short, even if he loses, he still needs to make Fei Fei pay more, let alone not necessarily lose - if Fei Fei is a little impatient or did not expect Tianhe to resist so tenaciously, If there is any flaw, he will quickly catch it.

Tianhe is actually at its peak this year, especially after Yue Peng joined the team. From the perspective of top players, Li Chengze and Yue Peng are both god-level players. The young people who are quasi-god-level players include Han Yiming and He Liqiang, Yan Ziyun, Gan Yutian and Yu Gangtian Zhixin is also a faction whose strength exceeds that of ordinary players. Coupled with Duan Baodu, Qingfeng Guyi and other young people who are of the same level, but not as bright as Han Yiming, Tianhe's overall level this year, both offensive and defensive, has reached It's quite outstanding, and it's not surprising that they can catch up closely behind Fei Fei now.

On the contrary, Changfeng's strength has indeed declined a lot this year. Although the introduction of Di Xing, a god-level player, has made up for Shen Ruofei's departure, the loss of personnel in the past two years has indeed been serious. Xing Liqun, Fang Xi, Liu Yuan, Jiang Wenqian, Shen Ruofei...these are all top players, and Jiang Wenqian and Shen Ruofei are well-deserved god-level players. After they leave, Di Xing cannot completely make up for them.

So there is a reason why it is Tianhe not Changfeng who is the most ferocious in chasing Feifei this year.

Such a team, even if their explosive power is slightly lacking, so they cannot win against Fei Fei who played perfectly, but as long as Fei Fei has some problems, they will unceremoniously give Fei Fei a defeat.

Zheng Qi is also very clear about this.

So when the players from both sides shook hands, Zheng Qi came up and said something.

"We won't reveal any flaws in this match, you guys just admit defeat!" Zheng Qi said.

Li Chengze smiled slightly and remained unmoved.

Seeing that Li Chengze didn't answer, Zheng Qi also felt a little boring, let go of his hand, turned and left.

"Captain, what does this guy mean?" Han Yiming couldn't help asking in the team channel, Li Chengze was calm, but he was not so calm.

"It's just trying to provoke us, don't take it too seriously." Li Chengze smiled slightly: "They also want to win a little easier, but we won't let them be so easy."

"Haunt them to death and lay a good foundation for the league!" Tianhe's players responded in unison.

"Isn't it just a war of attrition? What are we afraid of?" Zheng Qi said in the team channel: "Keep calm, score goals when you have a chance, kill them, and let them know that they are not our opponents, whether it is the cup or the league. !"

"No problem!" The extraordinary players also answered in unison.

After 29 rounds of the league, the cup has entered the quarter-finals, and all the extraordinary players are beginning to feel that it is now the final sprint stage.

Go through, five championships are in sight, but if you don't go through, it's just an ordinary brilliant season.

They didn't think about the chances of next season. Shen Ruofei and Liu Shibo won't stay in Feifan for too long, because they can be top players, and it's impossible for such players to be in the same team. For too long, their self-esteem will not allow it.

So in one season, after two seasons, Fei Fei's current Big Three will definitely fall apart.

And Bin Shiqiang is not young anymore, and he will probably retire after one or two seasons. At that time, if Fei Fei wants to gather four god-level players together, he really doesn't know when he will have to wait. ...

You must know that even god-level players are divided into core and non-core players. The extraordinary four god-level players are all core-level players. It is almost impossible for such players to get together.

Now that they have got together, of course they have to hit some impossible honors to make them feel satisfied!

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