football era

Chapter 842

For Li Chengze, he has already prepared for this season.

The transfer market this season can be described as turbulent, but such turbulence was stirred up by Fan Fei—they first poached Shen Ruofei, and then poached Liu Shibo. (Zheng Qi was not rated as a god-level player when he first entered the professional league), and suddenly became the only team in the league with four god-level players!
Although these four god-level players seem to be old and young, and none of them are worthy of fighting, Lu Xiaotian and Li Chengze will not ignore them. On the contrary, these three young players are all talented. For geniuses, the alliance in the next ten years will probably be a history of the three of them fighting for each other!

But now?These three guys got together!What is this concept?
Lu Xiaotian and Li Chengze are not young anymore. Other god-level players, such as Sun Fei and Fangyuan, are one or two years younger than Lu Xiaotian and Li Chengze, but the younger ones are limited. They have basically reached their peak, and there will be no more There is no room for improvement, that is to say, as long as they want to, they can completely rule the entire alliance for ten years...

Although they may have problems on their own and fall apart after a year or two, they will be invincible before they have problems, because they are young, and youth will always defeat old age. Lu Xiaotian and Li Chengze will inevitably grow old , the inevitable decline in status is something that is hardly in doubt.

That's why Lu Xiaotian and Li Chengze are constantly poaching people, even interrupting their own team building plan - Lu Xiaotian poached Di Xing, Li Chengze poached Yue Peng, both of whom were only a year or two younger than them, The top players who can fight, these two are god-level players, their strength is beyond doubt, and they have made up for the current shortcomings of Changfeng and Tianhe.

However, couldn't Changfeng and Tianhe do this kind of transfer before?Of course it can, but it’s not necessary. Both Di Xing and Yue Peng are only one or two years younger than Lu Xiaotian and Li Chengze. The introduction of such players is not for the future, but for the present, but Changfeng and Tianhe already had Lu Xiaotian and Li Chengze. Li Chengze, do we still need this present?
On the contrary, training successors in a down-to-earth manner is what they should do most, and it is the key to making them continue to be strong.

So Lu Xiaotian trained Jiang Wenqian before, and then Shen Ruofei, so after Li Chengze already had a top-level core like himself, he also specially trained He Liqiang as the second core-Li Chengze's debut is not too early, he was already young when he became famous. He is considered young, so even though he started to train He Liqiang early, He Liqiang is also a full six years younger than him, so he can support Tianhe for a long time after he retires.

A veteran who can hold the field, and a successor who has been in the club for a long time and has connections, this combination is the most stable. Under such circumstances, there is no need for other people to threaten these two people, so After Shen Ruofei arrived, Lu Xiaotian sent Jiang Wenqian away. Although Jiang Wenqian also had reasons for leaving, when Li Chengze trained He Liqiang, he never brought in stronger teammates. It wasn't that they couldn't, but that they didn't need them. import.

The reason why Lu Xiaotian and Li Chengze broke their plans was because they realized that if they didn't strengthen their own strength, then this season, Fei Fan would meet very little resistance and be able to win the five championships!

Of course, they didn't want the other party to easily get the honor they didn't get.

"Stopping extraordinary, it seems that we have to start." Li Chengze said to himself.

In the first half of the league season, Tianhe lost to Fanfan, but Zheng Qi went berserk in that game. Under his outburst, Tianhe lost a little bit of injustice.

But now, Tianhe's state has begun to reach a peak, and Yue Peng has finally fully integrated into the team, which has greatly improved Tianhe's level. Under such circumstances, Tianhe's ability to defeat Changfeng shows that they are now Enough to be the biggest opponent in the Extraordinary League.

Even in a single game, their level and explosive power may not be as good as Changfeng, but Tianhe is better than the current Changfeng in scoring continuously.

Yue Peng's integration into the team is a bit slow. After all, he is an all-round player. It is always difficult for such a player to integrate into the team. After all, he must be familiar with his teammates, and his teammates are also familiar with him, so that he can fully display his level .

This kind of thing is easy to say, but it is not easy to do it. However, as long as he fully integrates into the team, then his own performance and the performance of the entire Tianhe team will be improved to a higher level.

For example, now Changfeng can output 95 points when it bursts out, but under normal circumstances it may only output 85 points, but what about Tianhe?They were able to output 88 points steadily. In a league with an average of [-] points, Tianhe may have won more victories than Changfeng.

"We are in charge of the league and Changfeng is in charge of the cup. Such a schedule is really interesting."

Li Chengze continued to think in his heart, he couldn't help but think of Xia Tian, ​​when Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian teamed up to deal with him, and now, it's his turn to team up with Lu Xiaotian to deal with Zheng Qi...

Looking farther away, the year when Fanfan hit the Super League, it could be considered that they teamed up with Li Chengze. When Li Chengze was delaying Lu Xiaotian's attention in the league, Zheng Qi led Fanfan to defeat Lu Xiaotian in the cup match. That was the closest Changfeng was to the five-time champion.

"This is really the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. After a long period of separation, we will unite, and if we unite for a long time, we will divide." Li Chengze smiled self-deprecatingly.

Tianhe's explosive power is not as good as Changfeng's, and it is impossible to stop Feifan in the cup match. Under such circumstances, they should try their best to entangle Feifan in the cup match and consume them as much as possible.

"Although this task is a bit difficult, we must do our best." Li Chengze sighed.

Of course, in the team, he will not tell others about the tacit understanding between him and Lu Xiaotian. To stop Fei Fei in the league is not only to prevent Fei Fei from winning five championships, but to maintain the self-esteem of a strong team.

You know, even if Fei Fei is going to win the championship, if Changfeng loses to Tianhe, Tianhe may win the championship, and Lu Xiaotian will not choose to let go.

There is a premise for the tacit understanding between them, that is, their team must strive to win!
This is the most important premise.

"In this game, we have to be prepared to fight a protracted battle. Extraordinary's offense is very fierce. It is difficult for us to compete with them. We have never been good at this. Although we have Yiming and Yue Peng this year, but Under such circumstances, it is difficult for us to compete with them in a head-to-head attack, kill their fighting spirit, and drag the game into an unknown situation, so that we have a chance to win." Lee Seung-taek at the team's tactical meeting explain.

After hearing Li Chengze's words, Tianhe's players were all taken aback.

Although many people in the outside world think that Tianhe's tactics are extremely stable, in fact, Tianhe will prepare a set of countermeasures every time he performs steadily, but most of the time he can't use this set of prepared tactics. Li Chengze personally designed it, which also made Tianhe's players admire their captain more and more.

But now Li Chengze only emphasizes delaying the game. Of course, delaying is not a problem, but if delaying, can the team win?

"Any tactic is possible to win, but such a tactic can make our opponents more tired. We need to look at all games as a whole, not as an individual. What is the championship we have the best chance of hitting now? No The China Cup is the league instead. We are now six points behind Fanfan, but we have no matches against top teams in the future, and Fanfan still needs to deal with Changfeng. We have already played against Changfeng... in In the league, we are sure that we can continue to grab points, and the next step is to see how much energy can be involved in the cup match."

After hearing Li Chengze's words, Tianhe's players nodded. This is indeed the truth. Now that Yue Peng has joined the team, Tianhe's ability to grab points has been stabilized. As long as they can continue to win and catch up with the extraordinary, then They will also have countless opportunities.

"So in the final analysis, we have to win the games we can win, and then wait for them to make mistakes. Of course, we can't really wait for them to make mistakes, but to force them to make mistakes in various ways. No one can stop them from winning the league championship. However, in such a good situation, will they only be willing to win a league championship? The five championships are what they need to pursue, so they will definitely not give up on the cup competition. This is Where we can take advantage."

Li Chengze continued: "The closer to the final stage of the league, the more we cannot tolerate any mistakes, and the more we need to concentrate all our energy. We can lose this game. If we lose, we can concentrate on winning one game after another in the league. One victory, but extraordinary can't lose. If they lose, they will lose the five crowns. We pester them, and they may not show impatience at ordinary times, but at this time, they will. This is our Chance, understand?"

"Understood!" Tianhe's players replied in unison. They now understood what Li Chengze meant. to the league title.

After such an explanation, it will naturally be easier for people to accept.

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