football era

Chapter 75 More efficient

"Young master, today your thoughts are very thoughtful. Although the operation level of that country outside the fog is very average, he is the kind of person who is indispensable to a union... He has a deep understanding of the details of the dungeon, which is very important in professional competitions." It is of no use in the field, but it is of great help to the formation of trade unions. Arrange new people to upgrade in a more efficient way. For new trade unions, such a talent is very useful."

On this day, when he came out of the holographic cabin to rest, Meng Butler didn't rush to cook, but happily talked to Zheng Qi for a long time.

Zheng Qi blinked his eyes in confusion.

"Uncle Meng, what are you talking about, forming a trade union?" Zheng Qi asked.

Butler Meng's legs went limp, so he didn't sit directly on the ground.

"What's wrong with you, Uncle Meng?" Zheng Qi gave Butler Meng a hand.

"It's okay, I'm... a little messed up."

Butler Meng touched his forehead: "You insist on leveling with Wuwai Jiangshan today and help him level up. Why?"

"There's no reason. If someone helped us, we'll just help him. Besides, when everyone reaches level 23, we can go to the team dungeon together, and they can be divided into four teams, which is very efficient."

Zheng Qi snapped his fingers: "Look, we have already got the team copy for the first time, so we don't need to keep a group of people in one copy to ensure speed. Divide into two groups, the efficiency is not too high, just turn over The guy who meets me wants to join, he is not bad at operation, at least he can stand up to half of me, but in this way, we will be eleven people, and the grouping is not easy to divide. If another person is brought in, there will be twelve people. Three groups and four groups are fine, it’s so strong! Uncle Meng, aren’t my math scores very good?”

"...Divided into four groups, there is no strong candidate for one group." Butler Meng was silent for a moment, then replied.

"Yeah, but Xiaodao and Wandering Salary are both guys with good operational skills. It's okay for them to form a team with the third strongest team. At worst, you can take care of them with them, Uncle Meng. The rest of me and Yixin It is enough for Xiangfei to turn over and meet to lead a team, and the upgrade efficiency is much faster than killing wild monsters." Zheng Qi replied.

"Well, your idea is correct, but if you do this, some of you will have to work harder... How about this, put Su Jing in this group, Xinyi will be with you." Meng Butler said after thinking about it.

"Uncle Meng, why do you have to be in the same group as the big beauty? There's a big age gap between you." Zheng Qi replied.

" better shut up, young master. I'm already this old, and I'm not as foolish as you young people." Meng Butler said helplessly.

Zheng Qi chuckled.

Looking at the back of Zheng Qi leaving, Meng Butler shook his head.

Sure enough, do you still think too much?After all, the young master is a relatively simple guy. Although he has a flexible mind, his focus is only on these things in front of him.

But thinking about the current composition of this group of people, Meng Butler suddenly felt a little excited.

What will happen in the future?Butler Meng didn't know either, but it seems that the situation is very good now!
That night, everyone had a good time and slept soundly.

When they met in the game the next day, Zheng Qi began to assign candidates.

"Dao, you and Wandering and Jingying are in a group. Uncle Meng will follow you. Remember to listen to what other Wanderers say when you brush the dungeon, and try to brush it as soon as possible." Zheng Qi said to Chaotic Crazy Sword.

"Boss, don't you want me!" Chaotic Knife screamed.

"What do you mean I don't want you? You have a high level and can take charge on your own. It's not good to let you lead the team." Zheng Qi replied.

"Then why do you still let me listen to the vagabonds?" Chaotic Crazy Knife said dissatisfiedly, and immediately realized that he seemed to look down on the vagabonds by saying this, and immediately turned around and explained: "It's not for you, vagabond brother."

Heart in Wandering waved his hands dumbfoundingly, expressing that he didn't care. In fact, if the three of them brushed the team dungeon, Heart in Wandering was still a little nervous. He has rich experience and his operation is not bad, but compared with Chaotic Crazy Sword, his talent seems to be still It's a little bit worse, and he can feel more at ease with Chaotic Crazy Saber in the same group.

"They know more than you. Of course you have to listen to them, but you are still the main output."

Zheng Qi was so talkative, he calmed down the mad knife in troubled times, and then the grouping of the others was easy to talk about. He led a team with Xin Xiangfei and Fu Lei separately. Hu Yan Luan Yu and Lu Li, while Fu Lei went with the breeze to make up with Lu Li.

Among this group of people, Jiangshan Beyond the Fog, Go with the Breeze, and Su Jing and Lu Li's operating standards are all worse, but they are all veteran players with no problem in experience, and those friends who want to fly are all at the same level. It's pretty good, even if it doesn't reach the professional level, it can be considered a top player among ordinary players. With Zheng Qi and the others leading the team, it would be difficult for three of them to clear a level 23 dungeon, but it's not impossible things.

Relatively speaking, Chaotic Crazy Knife and their team are indeed the weakest, but with Butler Meng taking care of them, it's not a big deal.

It is no nonsense to want to fly. He has no opinion on this, which means that he also approves of this group.

"Let's go, get the team copy experience first!" Zheng Qi waved his fist and shouted loudly.

The task of the Shiling Pass team copy is to break through the Shiling Pass. After killing the final boss Guo Jin, you will definitely get a lot of experience and a few equipment upgrade materials. At the same time, there is also a chance to drop Guo Jin hero cards. This is why they choose to split the book The reason is that a dungeon only has a probability of dropping a hero card. If everyone brushes the dungeon together, it will take more times. There are only five team dungeons a day. According to the general probability, two or three times If a card is dropped, it will take six days for everyone to get the hero card if they form a group team. If you have this time, it is better to go to the next dungeon as soon as possible.

And now such a group, if you are lucky, maybe everyone will be able to get a hero card in one day, and the difference between them will be huge.

"There will be an elite monster jumping out of the corner here... It must be killed within ten seconds, otherwise a group of soldiers will be summoned."

"There is a shortcut here. If you want to get the first brush, you can jump over it, and you can avoid the two teams of monsters. But we are here to earn experience, so it's better not to jump over it."

"It's Guo Jin... clear away the surrounding monsters first. Guo Jin won't summon mobs at the beginning. When he reaches half blood, he will first summon the surrounding monsters. He only summons once. If there are no monsters around, he can continue to fight. It will be summoned again when the remaining blood is left, and then it will depend on your operations, I can't do it."

Pushing the dungeon all the way, Wuwai Jiangshan was talking about some details all the way. These details are not clear to Zheng Qi and Xinyi. Listening to his guidance can save a lot of time wasted.

Advance all the way, attack, and progress is extremely smooth.

Wuwai Jiangshan talked a lot, and his operation was indeed a bit worse, but it was not completely helpless, so when they finished the first dungeon, they were shocked to find that other people hadn't been able to get out of the dungeon...

"Hahahaha we are the first!" Xin Yi said happily, although there is no real reward, but as a competitive game, it is always a happy thing to be able to take the lead.

"Strange, why didn't they come out? I thought they were the first." Zheng Qi said something strange.

"Tch, he is so poor, how could he do it." Xin Yi said disdainfully.

"Relying on them alone, the output operation is a little worse than ours, but with Uncle Meng helping them, a coach's push book can play a greater role than an ordinary character." Zheng Qi shook his head.

"It must be that Chaotic Crazy Sword is too bad, dragging down wandering!" Xin Yi said.

Zheng Qi laughed, and didn't say much, but started the second copying.

After playing once, the second time is naturally smoother. Unlike personal dungeons, which start to be random after reaching level [-], team dungeons are more regular, so if you play more, your proficiency will naturally increase.

Of course, there are not many perverts like Wuwaijiangshan who open a new account every year and have to start over from the beginning every year to firmly remember the details of all team copies.

For the first dungeon, Zheng Qi, who took the least time, took more than 40 minutes, but after two and a half hours, the slowest, Chaotic Knife, also completed five dungeons and came out.

"Uncle Meng, you are very slow today, this is not acceptable!" Zheng Qi said with a smile.

He didn't mean to blame Butler Meng, but the others had been waiting for the team for a while, and now that he said this, the others were embarrassed to say anything more.

Su Jing stuck out her tongue: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the main reason is that I moved a little slower."

"No way, your skills are not bad." Lu Li asked Su Jing privately in surprise.

"Uncle Meng gave me a training plan and told me to follow it as much as possible when I was brushing the dungeon, so I was slow." Su Jing chatted back to Lu Li privately.

"Personal training?" Lu Li was surprised again.

"Yes, Uncle Meng said that there is still room for improvement in my operation." Su Jing chuckled.

"Okay, next is the personal dungeon, and we will have lunch at noon. Everyone will regroup here at two o'clock. Is it okay?" Zheng Qi asked.

Everyone shook their heads. This was the rhythm they were used to. They first brushed the team dungeon together, and then went to finish the personal dungeon. It was time to farm wild monsters in the afternoon, so they could make better use of their time.

Today, I spent a lot more time brushing the team copy than usual, but because of splitting the copy, the experience I gained was much higher than usual. In terms of efficiency, it was better than usual.

Seeing that everyone else had entered the personal dungeon, Zheng Qi wanted to ask Uncle Meng why the Chaotic Knife team seemed a bit slow, but when he turned around, he found that Butler Meng had disappeared...

"Strange, where did he go?" Zheng Qi felt that Butler Meng looked a little strange today, but he didn't care about the details, so he entered the team instance without thinking too much.

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