football era

Chapter 74

"You don't get paid for nothing." Fu Lei's lips twitched twice, and he choked out such a sentence.

"What's worthless and meritorious? If you feel that you can't make it through, join us. We're doing team dungeons together. Anyway, we only have ten people, and the team dungeon can reach up to 20 people. There are more places, so don't waste them. Let's do it together in the future." Let's upgrade!"

Seeing Zheng Qi's smiling face, Fu Lei was a little stunned.

He could tell that Zheng Qi's words were sincere, but he really didn't do anything, so would he be able to join the gang?

"And the boss of Wuwai Jiangshan, do you want to hang out with us?" Before Fu Lei could answer, Zheng Qi turned his head and shouted at Wuwai Jiangshan.

Wuwai Jiangshan, who had just bid farewell to those he had helped, walked over in surprise, and then pointed to his nose.

"Me? My skills are very average, don't drag you down."

What Wuwai Jiangshan said is the truth. In the fight just now, even Go with the Breeze can tell that Wuwai Jiangshan's operation level is really not very good, maybe even he can't compare with him. After all, Go with the Breeze Zheng Qi and his team were at the bottom in terms of operational ability, and even he could see that Jiangshan's operational level was not very good, which was enough to prove that this fat man was indeed not very good.

"Then there's no need to drag it down. Anyway, when the time comes, we can split up the dungeon. Think about it, we have these masters among us! It will be much faster!" Zheng Qi continued to greet Wuwai Jiangshan enthusiastically, so enthusiastic that other people I feel a little strange.

"Is that so, then I'll join!" Wuwai Jiangshan immediately took a big turn and agreed to Zheng Qi's invitation very happily, which made the others feel even more strange.

Even Coach Meng touched his chin, thinking about something thoughtfully.

Wuwaijiangshan's level of experience is similar to that of Fu Lei at this time, and he is also in the early 22nd level, and there is still a big gap between the 23rd level. The speed of upgrading between junior ordinary players and professional players is actually similar. The football era pays attention to when you are in the novice zone , more time is spent on adapting to the environment, and players are not encouraged to leapfrog and upgrade. This can be seen from the low experience of wild monsters in the novice area and the need to reach certain levels to enter new areas. In addition, the unveiling With the rich experience benefits brought by the battle, the levels of players can basically be evened out, which means that Zheng Qi and the others have slightly increased their experience advantage.

Fu Lei is only at level 22 because he died four or five times in the past few days, and almost lost half of his level of experience, so he lags behind so much. Wuwai Jiangshan is only at level 22, which proves that his progress in upgrading is really slow. Calculate fast.

But when Zheng Qi thought about it, when he just entered District 108 and saw Wuwai Jiangshan patiently pointing out some precautions for novices, he almost knew why such a veteran was so slow to level up, to teach people, especially what to teach Xiaobai who doesn't understand will always drag some time.

"Let's go, let's book a place to farm wild monsters." Xin Yi yelled loudly, obviously he didn't have any objection to wasting time for two new guys to upgrade, but the reactions of others were different, some didn't care, some He was reluctant but didn't express it. Meng Butler, who followed silently, observed all this.

What caught Butler Meng's attention even more was Yixinwan's reaction. He could tell from the past few days of contact that Yixinwan had a big goal in mind. He had excellent operational skills and was no stranger to this game. , and there are a few buddies with good abilities around him. Such rookie players often have greater ambitions.

And wasting some time to help the newcomers at this time will undoubtedly slow down their progress and give others behind them a chance to catch up. If you want to fly, do you have any opinions on this?

Even if there is an opinion, this is not a matter of character. For players who want to become a professional player, it is the most important thing to move towards the goal wholeheartedly. The most important thing is to hit the dungeon record and the first brush - that is It is related to the extra attribute points that can only be hit by yourself!

Thinking about Fu Lei's failure to create a strong account after ten years of mixing, he knows how rare such an opportunity is.

Zheng Qihe's single-minded desire to fly is one of the lucky ones among the newcomers. Their excellent operation level has allowed them to obtain a large number of extra attribute points, which can be said to be a good start for their careers. Under such circumstances, the progress will slow down, and maybe all the previous wins will be exported.

For such a proud and resolute guy who wants to fly, even if he gets an account with [-] points, he will think that this account is not strong enough.

Such examples are not without exception. Many talented players, when they got a qualified account in their early [-]s, felt that they were not strong enough, so they chose to start over, but for various reasons, they never got a better account. account, just like that—there are many people like this in the League of Street Fighters, Fu Lei is purely unlucky, while there are many people in the League of Street Fighters who keep going to the street because of greed.

According to Meng Butler's understanding of Zheng Qihui's warm invitation to Fu Lei and Wuwai Jiangshan, it was mostly because he didn't know what kind of good start he had made now, and he didn't think about it. Of course, he was so enthusiastic. Maybe Zheng Qi would have other considerations for inviting Jiangshan from beyond the fog——Meng Butler has never underestimated Zheng Qi's thinking.

He knew that although this kid escaped, he was also a very calm and thoughtful person, otherwise his style would not be such a one-hit kill—to be a cold-blooded assassin would definitely not be a reckless one. guy.

And if you want to fly, will you have any objections to this?

The result of the observation is - no opinion.

Yixinxiangfei didn't say much, it was in line with his usual style, and after he circled a field to spawn wild monsters, he and Zheng Qi stood side by side, and when the others swept past, they would be swept away one by one The wild monsters in the trip were beaten to residual blood, allowing Fu Lei and Wuwai Jiangshan to easily harvest them.

It is not difficult for one person to swipe wild monsters alone. In fact, many players with a lone ranger personality like to do this kind of thing. However, wild monsters of this level have high stamina. It takes at least 1 minute to brush one. Although the experience is rich, the efficiency is not high.

However, it will be different when someone helps you to beat the remaining blood and then you harvest it. It will be the experience of a wild monster, and then it will be the experience of a wild monster. The experience will naturally increase like somersaults.

When he just started brushing, Fu Lei was level 22 and had more than 40.00% experience.

Jiangshan outside the fog is level 22 and 20.00% experience.

According to the normal brushing method, even if Fu Lei's operation level has reached the professional level, and all the experience of the personal dungeon and team dungeon are added, it will take Fu Lei at least two days to upgrade to level 23. I'm afraid it will only take three days.

And under such a good environment, by the end of the day, Fu Lei had already advanced to level 23 first, and the experience of Wuwai Jiangshan was only less than 23%, and he could be promoted to level [-].

"Old Jiangshan, hurry up, let's brush the dungeon together tomorrow, and the experience will skyrocket!"

"Yeah, yeah, with your skills, it's not a big deal for three people to brush a team dungeon. The Shilingguan dungeon is mainly because it is more difficult to deal with Guo Jin. This hero has excellent defensive ability, but his offensive ability is somewhat lacking. , if you can keep him stiff and unable to use skills, you can take it down very smoothly." Wuwai Jiangshan replied while beating monsters.

"Did it go so smoothly?" Chaotic Knife asked curiously, but he didn't notice that Yi wanted to fly and turned his head to look at Wuwai Jiangshan.

"Well, it's easy. Guo Jin's hero attribute is not particularly good. His strongest is stamina and physique, but his strength and balance are mediocre. His flexibility and explosiveness are even worse. He turns around slowly. We just need to get behind him in time and keep using skills to make him stiff. Of course, this requires a strong operation, but it is a good idea. In the final boss kill of Shiling Pass, only Guo Jin is the one who will not summon his subordinates until he has 30.00% of his blood left, but this can be interrupted, and if he operates well, he can completely prevent him from summoning his subordinates." Wu Wai Jiangshan subconsciously said for a long time.

"Are you so familiar with this team dungeon?" Zheng Qi asked in surprise.

"Not only this, I am very familiar with every team dungeon, but the operation is poor, I know how to deal with it, but I can't deal with it, so I can only honestly mix teams to clear the copy." Wuwai Jiangshan replied with a smile.

"Brother Jiangshan, you are really amazing." Chaotic Knife praised Jiangshan Wuwai, and his words seemed to be sarcastic, but those who are familiar with him know that this kid can't be sarcastic...

"If you're like me, if you've been playing this game for more than 20 years, and you've been paddling dungeons, you'll be as familiar with it as I am." Wuwai Jiangshan said with a wry smile.

His operation is really mediocre, and his upgrade speed is not fast, so his upgrade basically depends on brushing the book. It is difficult for him to get three balls in the personal copy, that is, to get all the experience, so the ones that really bring him experience improvement are often It's just a team copy.

And although he has helped many people, he has never formed a strong team, and it will be over after helping, so many times, it is a wild team.

The wild team means poor cooperation and uneven abilities, so after level 22, the wild team usually only opens the team dungeon when it is full of people-don't think that the team dungeon will definitely be able to pass, you must know that if the people are not strong enough Ordinarily speaking, it is not uncommon for all of them to be linked to the team dungeon. As long as one person in the whole team can clear the level, the whole team can gain experience.

Therefore, every time when there are 20 people, the team that Wuwai Jiangshan belongs to will start the book, and every time the wild team always has a few good players, so that Wuwai Jiangshan does not need to spend too much He seemed to have nothing to do in the dungeon, and when he was bored, he began to get used to memorizing the details in the dungeon. After so many years, he had a good memory, and it was normal for him to remember clearly...

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