football era

Chapter 695 Perfect Suppression

Although Zheng Qi's words were not very clear, everyone understood what he meant.

Now that the other party has been shaken emotionally, then don't have any other thoughts, continue to attack and make the other party's wavering bigger, or as long as the other party has no time to stabilize their emotions, that's enough.

"Turn them down! Run faster again!" Overlord shouted in the team channel, which immediately aroused the sympathy of others.

It is very difficult to improve running at this time, after all, they have already run quite fast before - physical fitness is not a problem, but running is not running blindly, especially this kind of pressing, who can deal with it Who, when dealing with the opponent, how other people should fill their positions and how to force them, there are rules and regulations.

And physical fitness is not a problem, but there is an upper limit to speed, can you still fight hard?
The players of the Bawang team fought hard. The reason is very simple. Their running has become more active, and they almost never stop. Moreover, when they are highly concentrated, their running is more effective and reasonable. .

The Caowei team managed to pass the ball to the frontcourt, and the pressing they faced became even more fierce. Wei Wu began to take over the offense. After receiving the ball, he forced forward, intending to use his own breakthrough to create opportunities.

However, Zheng Qi immediately blocked him. He was the first to block Wei Wu's several consecutive breakthroughs. When he was about to pass the ball, Ying Bu and Ji Bu who made up for him had already moved him to the left and right. One direction is tightly blocked.

Wei Wu sighed secretly, he knew that he had made a mistake just now, and his mentality was not so calm, otherwise he would have passed the ball long ago, and he wouldn't be in such a desperate situation now.

It's just that even if the ball was passed just now, it was nothing more than continuing to be fiercely pressed by the opponent, so he could only maintain continuous and fast passing. If this continues, sooner or later he will still make mistakes.

"The strength of the Caowei team lies in their average level. Each of them is above most of our players, so they have the best results in the cup because they are the most stable. However, their fatal flaw is that none of them can have super A strong player, Wei Wu is a team player, but he doesn't have such explosive power, and under such circumstances, he was restrained by the Bawang team's tactics."

Seeing that Cao Wei's attack failed in the end, Zhuge Wuhou in the stands sighed.

"Well, we should be better in this respect, at least you and Guan Er are outstanding." Zhao Lie laughed.

"However, compared with Wei Wu in other positions, we are a little worse. However, if we met the Bawang team, we would not be so passive. Moreover, the Cao Wei team has always had concerns in today's game. They have not been able to play well. Their level is the best." Zhuge Wuhou replied.

"Huh? No way, they shouldn't make such low-level mistakes." Zhao Lie said in surprise, in such a game, if you can't let go completely, it's no different from slow suicide. How could such an outstanding player make such a mistake.

"It should be due to concerns about Guan Zhong. After all, in last year's game, Guan Zhong's scoring ability was fully displayed, but this year he has not shown this side. No one knows when he will explode." Zhuge Wu Hou replied.

"Facing the Caowei team, you can still keep a hand... How strong is the current Bawang team?" Zhao Lie asked in surprise.

"No, it's because the Cao Wei team has always been worried, so they can gain such an advantage in the general situation. If they really use it, it will be different--the killer move that is drawn but not released is the most threatening. This point In fact, the Bawang team has a master, who has accurately grasped the mentality of the Cao Wei team. Even if we encounter the Bawang team, we have to worry about this, but we have not personally experienced his scoring ability, so the other players can't help it. If there is any concern, we just need to pay attention to it." Zhuge Wuhou replied with a sigh.

Zhao Lie nodded silently.

On the other side of the stadium stands, Zhou Gongjin rested her chin on her hand, looked at the field, and did not make a sound.

"How is it? Do you see anything?" King Wu asked beside him.

"It's hard to say, the Bawang team should be the strongest team now, but their style is somewhat restrained from the Cao Wei team, so they can have such an advantage. If we fight against the Bawang team, it will be different, and we are still sure. "Zhou Gongjin replied.

"We have to make a breakthrough this year, otherwise, the Bawang team will rule the world next time. These guys are very young." King Wu sighed.

"That's right, but in any game, don't give up easily. What we need to maintain is a strong fighting spirit and a calm mood. The Cao Wei team's not so calm." Zhou Gongjin said.

"There are too many worries, that's right, but if we meet the Overlord directly, I guess it won't be much better. Now, it can be regarded as a wake-up call for us by the Cao Wei team." Said Boyan, who had been silent all the time.

"It's a good observation. That's the reason. The authorities are obsessed, and we are also bystanders to understand." Zhou Gongjin laughed.

"Then why don't you pay a moment of silence for the Cao Wei team..."

"Be decent!"

On the field, after fighting back and forth, the Bawang team finally expanded the score.

This is the first time they have extended their lead to two goals in this game.

It was Lu Xiaotian who scored again—this time the Bawang team did not launch a quick attack, but finally found an opportunity after passing back and forth. Zheng Qi passed the ball into the penalty area. Somewhere in the middle of the penalty area, Lu Xiaotian immediately appeared at the spot where the ball landed and shot successfully.

Nine to seven.

Compared with the first half of the game, the frequency of goals scored by both sides in the second half of the game was much lower. However, in terms of technical content, it increased a lot. The two sides began to show their own characteristics in tactical confrontation. In this regard, Overlord However, the Cao Wei team had the upper hand, which surprised many fans, because in their opinion, the more mature Cao Wei team should have the upper hand.

In fact, the chaotic battle in the first half had already disrupted the rhythm of the Cao Wei team, and in the second half of the tactical confrontation, their rhythm was always interrupted by the Bawang team, which caused such consequences.

During the chaotic battle, because the threat brought by Lu Xiaotian and Zheng Qi was too great, Bawang and others got a lot of opportunities, but now when the lineup is opened up in a serious manner, the Bawang team begins to concentrate Delivering the ball to Lu Xiaotian, Lu Xiaotian's true qualities of a shooter were fully displayed at this moment.

After gaining a two-goal lead, Zheng Qi began to control the team to slow down the pace, and Cao Wei's team finally had a breather, but this was still a bad thing for them, because the end of the game was running out... …

After continuous passing and rhythm changes, the Cao Wei team finally recovered a point. However, under the leadership of Zheng Qi, the Overlords began to firmly control the rhythm of the field, attacking with the same ever-changing ball possession, The players of the Cao Wei team were firmly suppressed, and most importantly, they began to waste a lot of time...

"Suppressed from the beginning to the end, the current Bawang team is really outstanding." Boyan sighed.

"It's also because the Caowei team is really good, so the Bawang team used this method to suppress them-this is actually a very risky thing, because if they can't be suppressed, the rebound of the Caowei team will make them miserable. ——That was really miserable, and it wasn't just a joke." Zhou Gongjin replied.

"But they still did it." Wu Wang said with a frown.

"Yes, they did it, but it's also very dangerous. The Bawang team is very good, but they are not as good as they showed on the court. The key lies in Guan Zhong and Chen Fengxiao, and the most important thing is Guan Zhong, if he can be controlled, then the Bawang team as a whole will not be so threatening." Zhou Gongjin replied.

"It's hard to do. Both Zhong Da and Wei Wu can't control him well, and he doesn't need to hold the ball for too long to create a threat. Such a guy is the most difficult to deal with." Boyan thought After thinking about it, I said.

Zhou Gongjin nodded slightly, noncommittal.

On the court, the time of the game has come to the end, and the Overlords are still in possession of the ball—everyone with a discerning eye knows that the failure of the Cao Wei team is only a matter of time.

Throughout the game, the Bawang team has been controlling the rhythm. This is something that makes many people shudder. Although many people in the Caowei team dislike their style of play and think their style of play is too utilitarian, no one can deny their strength , such a utilitarian team is suppressed to have no chance at all, so how strong is the team that suppresses them?

Of course, for Zhou Gongjin, Zhuge Wuhou and other experts with good vision, they knew that the Bawang team suppressed the Cao Wei team not because they had an overwhelming advantage, but because they adopted a risky method in a situation where tactics were incompatible. It means that the Bawang team must be much better than the Caowei team. Although the threat posed by the Bawang team is still great, it will not make them feel any fear.

And they still have a match in the afternoon, and only when they reach the semi-finals will they really consider the threat of the Overlords, as well as the threats of Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian.

The Caowei team is still resisting. The game is not over yet. They are only one goal behind. If they can seize the opportunity to counterattack, they can drag the game into overtime. In any case, there is a glimmer of hope, and there is no hope. better.

However, Lu Xiaotian's sixth goal shattered all their hopes.

Lu Xiaotian, who pulled out of the penalty area to catch the ball, received Zheng Qi's pass, and instead of being able to push up immediately, he waited for his breakthrough. However, Lu Xiaotian kicked the goal without warning at the top of the penalty area!

Fantastic spinning ball!The ball roared into the air, then fell rapidly, and flew into the gate under Blind Xiahou's desperate eyes!

When Lu Xiaotian scored the goal, Zhou Gongjin in the stands stood up for the first time in astonishment, with deep surprise in his eyes.

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