football era

Chapter 694 The Shadow of Failure

"Hey, I'm just curious about one thing. Why do you want to keep it? Didn't you use it last year?" Overlord asked.

"The opponents in China know it, but the opponents in the World Cup, will they still look for our games last year? For a new team like ours, they will also look for this year. It is interesting to hide." Zheng Qi replied.

"Oh, yes." The Overlord nodded. It's nothing to put it bluntly. If the Overlord team enters the World Cup this year, then in the World Cup, they will be a standard new face. To deal with such a team, the opponents in the World Cup must be just scouts. Their performance this year, after all, if they were excellent before, they should be famous in the World Cup. If they are not outstanding, they can only be regarded as a dark horse. To see the strength of the dark horse, of course it depends on his competition this year. , No one is full and has nothing to do to read their materials from last year.

"But what if we encounter difficulties and can't win?" Long Qi asked.

"Of course we tried to win first. Didn't you see that both the Daming team and the Cao Wei team took out their hidden things after they met us? If you don't win the qualifiers, what's the World Cup?" Zheng Zheng Period replied.

After a few gossips, the time for the intermission is almost over, "Remember, in the second half, continue to disrupt the battle. They are uncomfortable, so we can be comfortable."

After saying such an obscene sentence, Zheng Qi stood up and walked out of the locker room.

It was the Cao Wei team that took the lead in the second half.

They began to patiently back and forth in the midfield, looking for opportunities, and gradually advancing.

The Overlord team rushed across the half quickly, including the two full-backs, and all of them started a fierce press near the midfield, except for the two central defenders who were guarding the middle.

The Cao Wei team's pass attack, the two forwards will also participate. Their running range is already very large, but the two central defenders of the Overlord team do not mark people, but guard in the middle of the backcourt. You have to rush past them.

As a result, the advance of the Cao Wei team encountered the same problem as in the first half. They continued to pass, and the midfielder was violently pressed by the opponent. Although the space is relatively large, once a mistake is made, the opponent can attack on the spot. It's big, and when the ball is sent to the frontcourt, it can only be directly handed over to the forwards in front, and let them play two-on-two. Such a situation is more difficult.

"Initiate an attack from the side, let them focus on one thing and lose another." Wei Wu commanded in the team channel.

Guo Jia received the ball, and then quickly passed the ball to the side. Xu Huang, who jumped in at a high speed, chased after the ball.

If the Overlords want to keep pressing, they will naturally focus more on the middle lane, and the side lanes are relatively vulnerable...

However, the next moment, they discovered that there was no flaw in the sidewalk.

When Guo Jia passed the ball, Zheng Qi, who was originally in the middle, started to start.

After Xu Huang caught up with the ball, Zheng Qi had already pushed up from the side, cutting off all his inward cutting routes.

Xu Huang could only control the ball and pass it back to the teammates who came up to meet him. The players of the Bawang team once again launched a constant press in the midfield...

"Play more direct passes, but don't hit the front of the opponent's penalty area directly. When you hit their half court, the one who catches the ball first protects the ball and presses the formation forward!" Wei Wu continued to command.

This is also a forward-pressing ball possession tactic, but it relies on the ball in the frontcourt to push the entire formation forward.

Sure enough, the Bawang team's defense line began to retreat, but their pressing still did not relax.

The most important thing is that Wei Wu soon discovered that even if the formation is successful, they must maintain an extremely fast pass rhythm, otherwise they will fall into the opponent's multiplayer press. As long as they slow down, the Overlords' press force will , much higher than usual!

Even if they can control the ball, it is naturally much more difficult to maintain a fast pass. This prevents them from maintaining the ball possession attack for too long, and must launch the attack as soon as possible...

In this way, isn't it similar to the situation in the first half?
After thinking about it, Wei Wu was really depressed, he managed to push the ball to the frontcourt smoothly, but he still needed to play fast.

But he is also a good and decisive captain: "Just fight like this, advance quickly, at least this way, we can bring out our characteristics!"

Rapid ball control and interspersed running. This is a variant of the ball control tactic. The difference from the previous ball control tactic is that it is more threatening. At the same time, it can also play the characteristics of their excellent offensive ability of the frontcourt players, but the success rate is true. will drop a lot.

After continuous passing, Zhang Wenyuan, who retreated, received the ball, and then without turning around, knocked the ball to the side with his heel. Guo Jia, who was inserted, took the ball and then slashed into the penalty area. The inverted triangle passed the ball to the middle of the penalty area and followed up. Wei Wu did not stop the ball and directly pushed the ball into the far corner, and the ball went into the net!
"Beautiful cooperation!" The commentators praised one after another. The Cao Wei team played a very exciting offense this time, with precise coordination and smooth delivery, which made people extremely happy to watch.

"Okay, the game is back to the rhythm we are used to, attacking." Zheng Qi smiled.

As expected, the players of the Bawang team were not demoralized by this goal. They are also very good at such a quick attack.

So even though the Bawang team failed to score a goal in the next attack, under their pressure, Cao Wei's fast break also failed to score a goal. This time they failed to hit the penalty area. The forward pass was interrupted by Yingbu's early judgment.

Immediately after stealing the ball, Yingbo gave the ball to Zheng Qi. Zheng Qi was always able to appear in the most appropriate place when his teammates had the most difficulty in controlling the ball-this alone was terrifying.

After receiving the ball, Zheng Qi took the ball and turned around. Just when everyone thought he was going to dribble forward, he suddenly raised his foot and sent a beautiful long pass!

This is a long pass that is difficult to describe in words - Zheng Qi took the ball on the right side of his half, just past the penalty area line, and his long pass was not in the air, but on the ground. Like an arrow, he flew across the entire court, sticking to the ground and flying obliquely to the left side of the front field. Lu Xiaotian, who started to activate at the same time as he passed the ball, burst out at his highest speed, and rushed past Xun Lingjun who was dragged behind in an instant. Although the Cao Wei team was attacking, Elai had been marking Lu Xiaotian all the time, but he was still thrown away by him!
The ball rolled quickly, and Lu Xiaotian rushed forward quickly!
Everyone looked down from the sky and saw the running Lu Xiaotian and the rolling ball converging towards a certain position like two straight lines, and when Lu Xiaotian ran to that point, the ball also flew to that point!

Simple straight-line passing and simple straight-line running bring an extremely pleasant viewing pleasure!
After receiving the ball, Lu Xiaotian took the ball to the center, accelerated and rushed into the penalty area.

Blind Xiahou greeted him with open arms, and Xun Lingjun, who was back on defense, also rushed over from the side. It only took less than one-tenth of a second for him to stick to Lu Xiaotian, and Blind Xiahou was also able to stop Lu Xiaotian. forward……

But Lu Xiaotian didn't give them such a chance.

Before the opponent could complete the defense, Lu Xiaotian tipped his toes, and the ball drew a beautiful arc in the air, flew past Blind Xiahou's outstretched hand, and fell obliquely into the dead corner of the goal!
From stealing the ball to scoring, the whole process took no more than five seconds!

Fantastic goal!
In the face of this goal, the team goal of the Cao Wei team just now seemed a bit overshadowed!
This is the charm of football-of course the team is the most important, and the team's goals are also the most commendable and proud, but the occasional personal inspiration and the brilliance of that moment are the most talked about!

Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian took away the glory of Cao Wei's entire team at this moment.

And no matter how wonderful a goal is, although it is just a ball, sometimes a goal is not the same as a goal.

At such a critical moment, such a wonderful goal dealt a huge blow to Cao Wei's team.

Although their mentality is very good, they are all experienced players who have seen big scenes, but such goals have also begun to make them feel powerless.

Their fast pass attack, the turnover rate is not low, this is an unavoidable mistake, if the opponent can counterattack quickly and score a goal as soon as the opponent takes the ball, can they continue to play?

Every attack may be a chance for the opponent to score. How can such a game be played?
Although they all know that such a counterattack goal, even Zheng Qi and Lu Xiaotian can't hit it casually, but as long as they have the ability to hit this kind of goal, then the next game will be special. It's a bad fight!

They have always had confidence in themselves. This confidence did not come for nothing. After all, their outstanding results have exercised their strong team mentality and kingly demeanor. However, under the current situation, they began to truly I really felt my own powerlessness, if I continue to fight like this, I'm afraid I really have no chance...

This kind of disappointment will spread like a plague. No matter how strong the player is or how determined the team is, it is impossible for them to continue to maintain their fighting spirit under such circumstances.

For a mature team like the Caowei team, they don't need someone to remind them to calm down, because they generally don't have such depressed emotions, but once such emotions appear, no one can calm down.

Even Wei Wu himself fell into such a mood at this moment, because they had already imagined various competition methods with the calmest mind before, but at this moment, they began to realize that there was no way for them to Victory has been achieved.

This was an extremely huge blow, and the shadow of failure began to hang over their entire team.

"After this goal, their fighting spirit should have dissipated a lot. Next, we have to work hard to keep their emotions alive!" Zheng Qi said on the team channel.

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