football era

Chapter 658

As a professional team, after the start of the game, their speed of action is naturally very fast.

The map of the intercontinental competition is different from the map of the domestic league.

Everyone knows this in their hearts. The maps of different countries are actually different, but the heroes are the same. For this reason, other countries are very dissatisfied with the football era game, thinking that there are too many Chinese heroes in it, and there are not many foreign ones. Hero, but there is nothing to do, who made the era of football be made by a Chinese...

And until now, no one understands the operating mechanism of Football Era, let alone where the so-called server is. Naturally, even if they are dissatisfied, they can only endure it.

The heroes are the same, but the maps of each country are different, and they are closer to the familiar maps of their own countries. Under such circumstances, the maps of intercontinental games and world games solve this problem, and they are not much different from the maps of all national leagues. Relationships are all newly generated maps, but there are still certain rules for the details, nothing more than various obstacles, and various random damages in the later stages of the game. It also improves the contingency and freshness of the game.

The map of this game is also relatively complicated. There is a dense forest in the center of the field, but it can't completely block the two sides, it just blocks the view. At the same time, there will be cities, rivers, mountains and other things. It depends on who can get familiar with the map earlier.

In the initial contact, naturally no one dared to divide the troops, but acted collectively to explore the terrain.

Both sides are exploring the terrain, and soon, all the terrain of their own side has been explored clearly, and then they meet in the center.

When they met, Derry Fireworks was taken aback.

"Niu Lihua wasn't on the field, only Su Jing was there," Nandina said.

"Then prepare to sneak attack on Su Jing and fight them first," said the head coach of Delhi Fireworks.

The two sides quickly started to contact each other on the field. The attributes and confrontation between each other will test each other when they first contact. After all, attribute points can be adjusted at any time. Although few people will make major adjustments, fine-tuning But it is inevitable.

After the two parties came into contact, they immediately had a certain understanding of each other's strength.

"As expected of being the champion of India, the attribute points are all very high, and the average attribute point is almost [-]." Xu Shan said with some surprise.

"Well, with such attributes, it's about the same as a world-class team. After all, it's the second strongest team in Asia." Meng Fan nodded.

"However, the operation is a bit poor. It seems that I don't get particularly heavy pressure in the league. No wonder I can dominate the league." Niu Lihua, who was on the bench, said with some disdain.

The others nodded one after another. Although Niu Lihua's words seemed to look down on her opponent, they were on point—the reason why the Chinese League is strong is because the Super League is average, and every team will be tested in the league. , In this way, you will get better exercise-after all, under such pressure, players can get more exercise opportunities.

The mechanism of the Football Era is different from the classical football in the past. A classical football club has [-] or [-] players, but the main force is only eleven. There are only fourteen or five players who can train better. Under the pressure of performance, few coaches can let go of using young players. This can easily lead to a consequence that mature players who have fully grown up can get more Many young players who need a lot of competitions to grow have not had many opportunities to practice. Many players who could have grown up lost their best growth opportunities because they couldn't play when they needed them most. lead to premature death.

And what about football games?Even if it is the strongest and most in need of results, every player in their team will have a chance to play, and those who are talented will gradually show their heads. As long as they are talented, they will not die No chance.

Therefore, the more intense the competition in the league, the easier it is for the players to develop their overall level, and then drive others to become more outstanding. After the overall excellence, there will always be some players who are superior to other players. It has witnessed the continuous emergence of high-level players in the Chinese League.

From this point of view, although the Indian League is also very good now, most of their players are concentrated in a certain team, which leads to Delhi Fireworks dominating the entire league, and killing other teams without saying a shot. It is not too difficult to win the opponent.

Although this allowed them to perform better in intercontinental competitions, it has always suppressed the improvement of the entire league level.

This is not unknown to India, but in the absence of experience in the World Series, if they disperse their strength, then the competitiveness of the champion in the East Asian Cup will definitely be weakened a lot. Faced with such a situation, They are also very difficult.

The strength and weakness of the league were clearly reflected in the East Asian Cup.

After the two sides met in the midfield, although it was very rare for Fanfan to not have a big advantage in terms of attributes, they still gradually gained the upper hand through manipulation and the drive of a few core players.

"Prepare to retreat and entangle with them patiently." The head coach of Delhi Fireworks began to order. During this period of confrontation, Delhi Fireworks has already begun to be at a disadvantage, and the detection of the opponent's strength is almost the same. Under such circumstances , Gradually withdraw, wear down the opponent's strength, and then look for the flaws in the opponent's defense line, it will be a very wise choice.

The players of Delhi Fireworks began to retreat gradually - it's not that they can't persevere, although they are already at a disadvantage now, but if they persist for a while, they can still do it.

It's just that if they retreat now, they can still maintain the initiative, retreat steadily, and not be defeated by the opponent. If they entangle with the opponent for a while, maybe there will be no such good things.

In this regard, Delhi Fireworks can be regarded as experienced in many battles, and they will naturally not make such a mistake.

Delhi Fireworks retreated steadily, while Feifan was steadily pressing forward.

This is also a very particular thing, chasing and counter-chasing - if the retreat is not careful, it may become a rout, and if the chasing is not careful, it may also fall into the opponent's trap and become passive instead.

Extraordinary did not make too many mistakes when chasing, which was expected by Delhi Fireworks. After all, although the team has only been formed for a few years, their players have at least one year of experience in the top league. Who would believe that they would make such a low-level mistake?If it is true, then there is a conspiracy...

Regarding this point, Delhi Fireworks is very clear about it. However, although Fei Fan did not rush forward, there were indeed signs of a little disconnection when chasing. This sign seems to be due to not paying enough attention to it, so some people rushed faster, while others Rush slowly.

"Don't rush to counterattack, continue to retreat." The head coach said in the team channel.

Counterattack at this time, although it can bring back the disadvantage, but it is only to bring back the disadvantage, and it does not help the advantage of the whole game.

He wants to make a big one, and to catch the opponent's mistakes, he needs to have the opportunity to form a wave of counterattacks. Such a small advantage is actually not very meaningful.

The players of Delhi Fireworks also understood this point. They continued to retreat, while Nandina followed her teammates to retreat, but kept paying attention to Su Jing's position.

Su Jing has always been protected by at least one player, and she is always in the most heavily defended place of the extraordinary army. If she is attacked, the nearby teammates can quickly return to the defense.

This is the status and treatment that an auxiliary core should have.

However, in positional battles, such protection is definitely enough, but in pursuit battles, there will be some problems. Su Jing is in the center of the formation, and Fei Fei's current overall formation is stretched. If he can If he appeared beside Su Jing in time to kill the opponent, his teammates would be able to form a sufficient advantage in a wave of counterattacks.

Just have to wait for some opportunities.

For Nandina's idea, Delhi Fireworks still agrees with it. As an opportunistic shooter, Nandina has great freedom in Delhi Fireworks' offensive system. She does not need to participate in the overall offense and defense, just looking for Opportunity, when she expresses her thoughts on the team channel, as long as the head coach agrees, everyone else will listen.

Because her tactical ability in this area is really amazing, and the observed opportunities can often have very good results-of course, there are not no examples of failures, but there are no failures in the game, and opportunities must be grasped when they arise. One success is one time.

What's more, the tactic that Nan Dena said still has a great possibility of success - in the process of the opponent's pursuit, use the teleportation skill to quickly teleport Nan Dena and the two players to Su Jing's side, and Nan Dena immediately hits Su Jing. Killing Su Jing, and then the others launch a counterattack, attacking back and forth, at least the first half of Fei Fei's chasing players can get into a great predicament, so as to gain the advantage and initiative on the field, and take advantage of the trend to push back—even if Fan Fei can stand in front of his own defense line. Stabilize the ground, and the Delhi fireworks can also take the lead and take the initiative!

Such an overall tactical idea was originally set before the Delhi Fireworks Competition.

Seize every opportunity to kill Su Jing——Although Su Jing is inconspicuous on the field, the key players in the extraordinary oppressive attack are Su Jing, Zheng Qi and Bin Shiqiang. With continuous offensive ability, Bin Shiqiang can create opportunities, and Zheng Qi can seize opportunities.

These three people are very important, but Su Jing is the most basic one.

Killing Su Jing, extraordinary tactic, will be greatly affected, and the counterattack of Delhi Fireworks will also have a better effect!
Delhi Fireworks still has an opportunistic shooter like Nandina. If they don't work hard on this aspect, it can only show that they haven't made any pre-match preparations at all...

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