football era

Chapter 657 For

As the final of the East Asian Cup, the attention of this game is of course very high-although the level may not be as high as the peak confrontation in the Chinese league, but in competitive games, the point of view in many cases is not only the level, but other things.

Just like when classical football was at its peak, European clubs were already the strongest in the world at that time, and many powerful clubs were stronger than any national team. The European Champions Cup they participated in represented even more The highest level, but in terms of attractiveness and significance, it is still not comparable to the World Cup at that time, even though the World Cup at that time had expanded to 48 teams to participate, it was a mixed bag.

This is the special feature of competitive confrontation sports. The level of competition is of course a very important thing, but it is not everything.

It is precisely because of this that countless Chinese spectators watch the finals of the East Asian Cup every year. Maybe the team participating is not the club they support, but at this time, it does not prevent them from watching the game as a Chinese.

When Changfeng and Tianhe were chopping melons and vegetables in the East Asian Cup before, they were very interested to watch, but now they are replaced by Fei Fei, and they are also interested to watch-mainly to see the performance of this team in the East Asian Cup What can I do.

Of course, Fei Fei also cut melons and vegetables in the same way in the previous games, which made them not surprised but also very satisfied, after all, they have maintained the fine traditions of Chinese clubs...

However, to really maintain the fine tradition, you have to win this final.

When the players from both sides appeared on the stage, the extraordinary players were startled.

Because the stadium clearly shows the number of people watching the game - this is more than any other league peak game. The number of people watching is as high as 6000 million, and two-thirds of them are Chinese audiences. The rest are Indian audiences.

"It's scary. The highest attendance rate I know for the league is only about 4000 million, right? That's a full 50.00% more." Zheng Qi said while eating.

"Of course, this is a national competition." Bin Shiqiang said with a smile.

The extraordinary young players were silent. It wasn't until this time that they really felt the true meaning of national competitions.

In the previous games, there were quite a lot of spectators, but not too many, especially in the first three rounds because the opponents were too bad, so the number of fans watching the game was about the same as in an important league match. Therefore, it doesn't feel like the extraordinary, it's just that there were more people in the last round against the Japanese club, and the extraordinary has never been affected by such a big impact.

There are many things that cannot be understood without personal experience.

"What, is everyone under pressure?" Zheng Qi turned around and asked all his teammates.

At this time, his tone had that kind of tone that was not worthy of beating, which made the others want to beat him up again.

"Of course there is no pressure!" The extraordinary contestants shouted one after another, waving their fists—of course they can't admit defeat at this time, otherwise Zheng Qi will see him as a joke?

"That's good, don't hold me back later." Zheng Qi said without paying attention.

The others hissed, expressing the utmost contempt for him.

"See, this is what he is capable of. Not only can he attract hatred, but he can also make everyone feel that he must not lose to this guy." Meng Fan said to Xu Shan with a smile.

"In the short term, the existence of this guy is like a whip, making it impossible for others to slack off." Xu Shan sighed: "But in the long run, there are still disadvantages."

"Let's just deal with the present for now, let's talk about the future." Meng Fan laughed.

Xu Shan nodded. This is indeed the case with running a club. Although there must be a long-term plan, if you can hit the honor in the short term, of course you have to hit the honor. You can't use the future as an excuse to affect the present.

Seeing the Extraordinary team from afar, Summitt and the others began to feel that this match might be even harsher than they had imagined.

"The extraordinary group of people seem to have high fighting spirit." Summitt said in a low voice.

"Yeah, in this case, it's not easy to deal with." Galawa nodded.

"It's bound to be interesting," said Nandana.

Players from both sides began to meet in the center of the field. The handshake at the beginning was the etiquette of the game.

As the captain, Zheng Qi was of course the first to shake hands with the opponent, and then he shook hands with Summitt first.

"It's a pleasure to have this game," Summitt said politely.

"Ah, I'm very happy too." Zheng Qi replied.

"We will win this game," said Galava, who was the second to shake hands.

"Really? Well, the past doesn't matter anyway." Zheng Qi replied.

Galava walked away angrily. Although he was mentally prepared, it was still different when he was slapped in the face...

"You are very interesting." Nan Dena came up to shake Zheng Qi's hand, and then said with a smile.

Although she couldn't get used to this woman, when Niu Lihua who was beside Zheng Qi saw Nan Dena, she had to admit that this little fairy was really pretty.

The key is to be young.

"Oh, really? You'll find a more interesting side of me during the game." Zheng Qi replied.

Hearing this, Niu Lihua suddenly felt relieved.Because she knew that this little fairy would be very miserable next time...

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to the game." Nan Dena didn't seem to hear anything else, but replied with the same smile.

Except for her, the next contestants of Delhi Fireworks didn't show any good looks to Zheng Qi, but no one approached or talked to him, and Zheng Qi was also happy and relaxed.

After the handshake between the two sides is completed, they start to disperse on the field, preparing for the start of the game.

"Nandina, after the game starts, pay attention to the two female players on the other side." The head coach of Delhi Fireworks said in the team channel.

Nandina nodded, of course she understood what the coach meant.

The opponent's two female players are actually very important. Su Jing is the only supporting core. Although she doesn't have much offensive ability, with her on the court, the entire extraordinary endurance is very good, and Niu Lihua is able to complete Players with large-scale skill suppression, everyone can use this skill, but it is difficult to use it well, and players who are proficient in the use of this skill, with appropriate tactics and the support of the whole team, can completely show super strength Strength.

In other words, under the right circumstances, such a player can have the power to focus fire on two or even three or four players.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. Few players choose their own direction in such an extreme way, because if they want to form such power, they have to use heroes with a wide range of skills like pure support players. Try to enhance your offensive ability as much as possible. When attribute points always have an upper limit, it will inevitably affect the increase of other attribute points. That is to say, except for the moment of covering the attack, at other times, such a player is very It is difficult to help teammates or something, but needs the protection of teammates.

In terms of self-protection ability and other aspects, Fei Fei and the two female players are very average, but in the environment that suits them, they can display their outstanding abilities.

Such a player, of course, needs to be actively targeted.

Of course, in normal competitions, such players would also be closely guarded by their side, and even if they wanted to target them, it would be very difficult to target them.

But Nan Dena is an excellent opportunistic shooter. Such a player is more like an assassin on the field, appearing at a critical moment and killing with one blow.

Killing the opponent's relatively weak support is a very important thing.

Therefore, this task will fall on Nandina. If she wants to fight Feifan, Delhi Fireworks will appear weaker in terms of overall strength. Taking advantage and then defeating the opponent, who can say that it is impossible to happen?
Nandina replied confidently: "Don't worry, I will leave this to me."

Of course, her confidence is not in vain. In the Indian league, as long as it is the opponent she wants to kill, no one can keep herself-this is not because the standard of the Indian league is too bad, in fact, it is not bad. The reason why there is such a high kill rate is because Nandina's level is indeed very good.

She has excellent operation level and explosive power, and at the same time, she is very patient, and her judgment ability is also very good. Every time she makes a shot, she is quite sure, making her opponent unavoidable.

In the Indian league, she, Nandana, is a famous beauty snake.

Beautiful, but dangerous.

Even if Feifan is very familiar with the situation of the fireworks in Delhi, it is difficult to understand such details within a day or two, and as the strong side, the Chinese clubs are always in a relatively high position, looking down with all opponents.

The location is high, of course, some places will not be so clear, and this is also an opportunity for the fireworks in Delhi.

However, what Delhi Fireworks did not expect was that Fanfan didn't think highly of himself.

Coupled with Meng Fan and Xu Shan's intentional or unintentional neglect, they did not enjoy any enjoyment in the competition space during this time, and spent more time training and familiarizing themselves with their opponents.

The tactical department led by Feng Qinghua, together with Xu Shan and others, had already thoroughly studied the fireworks in Delhi.

Although Nandina is a newcomer who made her debut this year, her characteristics are too distinctive and conspicuous, so how could she not notice this.

Delhi Fireworks wanted to use this to intimidate Fei Fei, but it was already expected by Fei Fei.

This is very important. Knowing what kind of conspiracy the opponent will use to attack, and carrying out targeted tactics will give Fei Fei an advantage in the game.

This is much better than not knowing what tactics the opponent will use, and paying more attention and distraction in all links.

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