football era

Chapter 65

"Ren Pingsheng is really strong!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's also very strong if you want to fly as fast as a mountain, but it doesn't seem to be as good as this guy. How many records has he robbed? It's scary to think about it!"

"However, I heard a news. Although this guy is very strong, but in the previous opening match, he only grabbed an extra attribute point, hahaha."

"Pfft, this luck is a bit bad."

"You laugh so happily, how many did you get?"

"Me? Uh, none of the…"

"Then you still laugh at people's bad luck?"

"I'm not an ordinary person. That kind of great god, don't take a few more. How dare you compare yourself with someone like me."

"That's true."

Listening to the chat of the two players around him, Fu Lei who just came out of the personal instance was full of emotions and mixed feelings.

That's right, it's normal that ordinary players can't get extra attribute points, but am I an ordinary player?

Anyway, he is also a veteran professional player. Although he has never played a professional game, he still has not been able to get a single extra attribute point.

In other districts, it's not that he hasn't gotten extra attribute points, but the number is indeed too small to maintain a top-level account, and this time he also got off to a bad start, although this time he only lost two extra attribute points. Attribute points, Fu Lei, who considers himself to be tough and never admit defeat, can't help but feel broken.

This is not the first time he encountered this kind of thing. When he saw hope, he was ruthlessly kicked back into the abyss, but once or twice was fine, and if there were too many times, no one could stand it.

Others may be disappointed only a few times, but he has been disappointed for a full ten years.

On the same day, some people just have such a hard time—it’s the same in any industry, some people are famous, and some people are unknown.

After silently brushing through his five copies, Fu Lei suddenly felt a little uninterested.

Too tired. In the past ten years, he has been full of hope countless times, and his hope has been broken countless times. What can he do now?Spawn monsters?leveling?Hurry up to level 24, and then hit the next record?
Thinking of this, Fu Lei smiled wryly. In other new districts, it was rare to meet such a top newcomer. Even if there was, it was nothing more than a hand. Most of his competitors were those who rushed to the street. In the league, sometimes he can still win, but there are too many people, and it really depends on luck to stand out.

His luck has always been bad, but he has always had hope, but what about in this district?

One is Ren Pingsheng, the other wants to fly, the other is as immobile as a mountain, and the other has nothing to do...

These four people came out one after another. Ren Pingsheng and Yixin Xiangfei broke many records, even if they were immovable as a mountain, Youfa Wutian came into everyone's eyes for the first time this time. Not good stubble.

The resources of a new area are actually not many. With such four newcomers, how many opportunities can others have?
However, after so many years, Fu Lei no longer knows what he should do. Now that there is no one in the raid with him, the only thing he can do is to hunt wild monsters.

There are also a lot of wild monsters in Shiling Pass. The officers and soldiers of the Song Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom are everywhere. They will not attack each other, but they will actively attack after seeing the player, as if the two sides are not in a state of war but It's like uniting to attack players...

Fu Lei started to brush wild monsters, these actions have almost become instinctive for him, and monsters in the wild are definitely not as difficult to fight as the monsters in the dungeon, except for bosses, so even if he looks a little distracted now, he can still brush. Not slow at all.

After brushing, Fu Lei wiped out all the wild monsters nearby, so he walked down in a random direction, trying to find another group of wild monsters.

Across a mountain range, Fu Lei saw a group of players—meeting players in the wild might mean PK. Although Fu Lei was in a very bad mood at this time, he never thought of conflicting with ordinary players——Professional The player's self-esteem is still a little bit.

Just as he was about to leave silently, Fu Lei saw two familiar names.

Two teams of players who are very close to each other are spawning monsters. One of the teams has a person whose ID is "Ren Pingsheng", and the other team has a person whose ID is "One Heart Wants to Fly".

The two most prominent newcomers actually know each other?Can we fight monsters well together?
Fu Lei felt a little surprised, because to be honest with each other, such newcomers are competitors in the final analysis. After all, the resources of a district are limited, and only the resources of the mythical district are endless.

Although Meng Feifei and Chen Feng were teammates back then, they were serious competitors when they were in the new area. Meng Feifei robbed too many resources in that new area and became the person with the highest account attribute points in history, so The associated consequence is that Chen Feng's attribute points are not particularly high, and he almost lost the opportunity to enter the first team of the Southern Kingdom. That is to say, he was lucky in the mythical area and gained some extra attribute points, plus he was in the new area. It is also at the top level, and he has received some rewards, so that his account has more than 700 attribute points. In addition, his performance and cooperation with Meng Feifan have achieved the prestige of both parties.

Of course, even Chen Feng wouldn't feel that Meng Feifei almost deprived him of the opportunity - after all, Meng Feifei didn't know Chen Feng at the time, nor was he a teammate in the club, so the more attribute points, the better.

But even so, it seems a little strange that Ren Pingsheng and Yixin Xiangfei, two top rookies, can spawn monsters together.

So Fu Lei wanted to observe, he didn't intend to go up and surprise the opponent, he was not a person who liked to do this kind of thing, and because of this, he didn't have many friends in the street rusher alliance.

Now he will stay and pay attention because he suddenly became curious about these two newcomers.

As for the upgrade, Fu Lei is really disheartened now. At 26 years old, he is already too old. After all, professional players in the football era, although not like those e-sports players a hundred years ago, retired at the age of 25 The age is basically the same as the football players at that time. After they can play until they are 30 years old, many of them can play until they are 40 years old with good physical fitness. However, they have not played professional games at the age of 26.

Ten years have been delayed, and I don't care about delaying it for a while.

"Hey, why is that man watching us all the time?"

Chaos Knife, who wouldn't stop looking around when he was fighting monsters, asked curiously.

"I probably saw Zheng Qi's ID and wanted to come up and ask for his autograph." Lu Li covered her mouth and said with a smile.

"How can I be so famous." Zheng Qi shook his head.

"Maybe it's from the Street Attackers Alliance. If they want to sneak attack us, they need to pay more attention." Sui Qingfeng said very cautiously.

"No way, if you sneak attack us, you have to come over secretly, why stand there still." Chaotic Knife expressed objection.

"Anyway, it's better to be careful." Sui Qingfeng said, and then he sent a reminder to the team who wanted to fly, but he didn't need to remind them, they also noticed that they were watching from afar their player.

"Turn over and meet? This fame is interesting." Xin Zai Wai said with a smile.

"Just don't relax your vigilance at any time." Xin Xiangfei replied with a deadpan expression.

The terrain near Shiling Pass is very different from that of Pompeii. The terrain of Pompeii is complex, and the streets and alleys are as dense as spider webs, while Shiling Pass is all plains and mountains except for the pass. Sneak attack is really not an easy task.

So although they haven't set out to clear the dungeon as a group, they are not worried that someone will ambush them. The team dungeon can't be done until level 23. Now Zheng Qihe is already at level 23, but the others because of I lost some experience, and I haven't reached level 23 yet. I need to farm some wild monsters to get my experience up before I can start to farm the team copy.

There is no record that can be broken in the team dungeon, but there are rewards for the first brush. At the same time, there may be hidden bosses, which are also an important source of top-level materials.

But even if Zheng Qihe wanted to fly, he didn't expect that the Alliance of Street Attackers did not ambush them, but joined forces for the first time, organized a strong team, and prepared to deal with them from the front!
There are not many people in the Street Fighter Alliance, that is, dozens of less than a hundred. After all, there are so many people who are capable of playing professional games. They have professional strength but no professional roles. This kind of luck is not good. There are indeed not many good guys, so even if there are at least twenty or thirty professional players in a club, there are a total of 44 clubs in two levels of professional competitions, and the number of professional players is at least a thousand. It is a very high proportion.

These people basically seldom cooperate with each other, because most of the time, they are competitors, especially in some new districts where the newcomers are not outstanding. The only ones who can really threaten them are themselves.

So it's hard to imagine that this group of people can work together against the enemy. Even Butler Meng, who seems to know everything, didn't think of it this time.

However, the reality forced them to unite together—especially when they discovered that Ren Pingsheng's team and the team that wanted to fly were together killing monsters. They began to understand that if they acted alone to involve this If two guys, then they will definitely be linked back one after another. In this new area, they will never have any hope of success!
As for the immovable and unprofessional, firstly their achievements are not as dazzling as Ren Pingsheng and Yixinxiangfei, and secondly, they are at least backed by a big union - the subordinate union of Nanguo has already been established, immovable and unyielding. Rich and talented all have extremely high positions in the trade union, which is enough to prove their identity.

Such a big club is not something they can afford to offend, so naturally they can only deal with Ren Pingsheng and One Want to Fly.

Of course, they didn't call Fu Lei when they joined forces in private - Fu Lei's misfortune is well-known in the street-hunters alliance. Even if they are street-hunters, they are afraid of a guy who is so unlucky that he will make them angry. .

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