football era

Chapter 64 Bad luck

"The player is as immovable as a mountain and a rocky pass. The personal copy scored six goals, a new record in the whole region."

"The player scored seven goals in the personal copy of Wutian Shiling Pass, a new record in the region."

"The player wants to fly to Shiling Pass and score eight goals in the personal copy, a new record in the whole region."

When system messages appeared one by one, Fu Lei was almost annoyed to death.

As one of the members of the League of Street Fighters, Fu Lei can be regarded as the most street-going one. His skills are actually not bad. Although he is only in a middle-level team, his operation level is quite good. The whole team can rank in the top five. In theory, with such a level, it is no problem to get a main position in the team.

Yet he has been unlucky.

How bad is it?

Ordinary players, when they hit the full level, generally have 650 attribute points. If they are lucky, they can reach [-] points, and some people can even reach [-] points.

Of course, even if they have a character similar to a professional account, there is still a big gap between them and a professional player. Even if a professional player only has [-] attribute points, they can still beat them to the ground.

And what about Fu Lei?He is 26 years old this year. He started his debut at the age of 16. He has played in ten districts so far. The character has the highest attribute points, which is 630.

Miserable, not ordinary miserable.

You must know that according to the rules, to rise to the top level is 550 attribute points, plus the [-] attribute points provided by the union, this is [-], and some attribute points can always be mixed in the opening match. Take as many as you can.

So in general, [-] attribute points can be obtained by ordinary players. Professional players spend a lot of time playing, have a high possibility of killing bosses, and have a high possibility of breaking records. Accounts with [-] attribute points are not It's a very difficult thing, otherwise there wouldn't be an unspoken rule for passing [-] attribute points in the professional arena.

Fu Lei can only get 630 points at most, you said how bad his luck is.

That's right, even with an account with 630 points, he can beat ordinary players with more than 700 points to the ground, but those are ordinary players!
Holding an account with 630 points and playing against professional players with an average of [-] points, that is courting death...

For such a situation, Fu Lei himself is very helpless, and the club is also very helpless.

With Fu Lei's strength, as long as he has an account with [-] points, he will definitely be the main force of the club, and the Chinese Premier League club may not be able to keep him. If he is lucky, he will be poached by the Chinese Super League club. ——This is also a good thing for the club, after all, the transfer fee can also satisfy the other party.

But he doesn't know what's wrong, he just can't get a strong account, and he hasn't been able to break the record. Every carnival is a carnival for others, but a funeral for him. Ordinary players may also be able to Get a lot of bonus attribute points, and what about him?
In the opening carnival just past, it was no surprise that he didn't get a single extra attribute point. He was already numb to such an ending.

But he is 26 years old now, of course he can't go on like this, so this year can be said to be his last chance, if he is not lucky, he must go against the sky!

The only way to go against the sky is to break some records first in the personal dungeon. He can't even think about the team dungeon. Even the teammates in the club don't want to cooperate with him to clear the book, because he is afraid that he, the unlucky ghost, will make him tired. Can't brush.

He attaches great importance to the first team dungeon, because he thinks it is important to make a good start.


His luck left him again, and he was just a little short of six goals a few times, and then he heard the system message.

"What the hell, it takes nine to get the record..."

Fu Lei said to himself as if having fun in bitterness.

It's not a big problem to get nine, even if it gets ten, it's not a big problem.

At least in terms of experience and operation, there is no big problem with their old Pujie. Although the situation of a dungeon is ever-changing, it is impossible for people to sum up a set of effective procedures-after all, there are so many masters in the professional league. , which one isn't someone who has been in the game for so many years and is almost familiar with dungeons?They have quick thinking and rich experience, and they can't sum up the rules from the intricate details, which means that pushing personal copies is really irregular.

There was once an old coach with rich experience, who can be said to have spent his whole life studying this game, sighed and said, if the game that represented the limit of human thinking in the past was Go, then now is the era of football, and the entire system is huge and sophisticated. , has reached an incredible point, the system algorithm left by Bu Qingyun can be called great.

You must know that even though the international community has now made laws prohibiting any person or institution from invading the Football Era system, there are always individuals or organizations who are not afraid of death or have ulterior motives who want to invade the Football Era system and deconstruct its content. One exception was a failure—the system was like an untouchable hedgehog. Once it invaded, not only would it be blocked, but its own computer system would be anti-intruded and completely destroyed.

So even the top professional players still have to rely on luck when breaking records in dungeons. Even if you have the strength to win ten balls, it does not mean that you can do it every time. Yes, it doesn't mean you can do it before everyone else.

You can only call one room at a time, try again and again.

If the previous attribute points have an advantage, it is naturally easier to take advantage of it, but it is not absolute. After all, the advantage of dozens of attribute points is a great advantage for the player character at this stage. However, facing the NPC Time, but it is not a great advantage.

Fu Lei has the ability to score ten goals in any personal dungeon, but to do this, he needs to rely on constant experimentation. Whether he can get the record before others depends on luck.

His luck has been bad, but he never gave up.

So even though the appearance of three consecutive system messages let him know that his luck was probably not very good this time, he was still not discouraged and walked towards the next room.

Great Song Spearmen, Great Song Sword and Shield Soldiers.

Fu Lei is already very familiar with these two monsters. The spearmen are long-range and the sword and shield are close-combat. They cooperate very well. If you want to score quickly, you need to give up something at some point. Time is also limited, and these details need to be taken into consideration.

For ordinary players, just thinking about these things is enough to make them feel their heads explode. However, for a professional player like Fu Lei, this is not very difficult.

After summoning the Kaiser card, Fu Lei quickly charged forward. This was not a heroic charge. However, after using the Kaiser hero card, his attributes already had an advantage over these two NPCs. His stamina dropped a lot, but he forced the sword and shield soldier back a certain distance.

Regardless of the wound left on his body by the opponent's blade, Fu Lei strode forward until he was close to the goal. Then he suddenly accelerated laterally, dodged the spearman's attack, and then fell to the ground with a shovel , Let the gunman also stiffen up.

In this process, he only used the sacred oath to increase his attribute points, and none of the other two skills were used—now he used the skill, and the status of the NPC would be refreshed after scoring a goal, while his skill cooldown was It will not recover, so whether it is war looting or heroic charge, he will be used at the last time.

After the gunmen froze, Fu Lei didn't stop for a moment, he raised his foot and hit the ball into the goal, then jumped back high and quickly returned to the kick-off zone in the middle circle.

Saving every second is the key to breaking records.

After returning to the kick-off point, Fu Lei felt that he was lucky. This series of attacks only took him less than five seconds. If this continues, it is not a problem to score ten goals in one minute.

But he needs to save time as much as possible, because this time he succeeds, the system will automatically adjust the way to deal with him, no matter how experienced he is, he still can't guess what the system's reaction will be next.

The second ball, the third ball...

Fu Lei concentrated all his attention, and began to rely on his own reaction and instinct to deal with different situations again and again. The light of Caesar flashed on him, allowing him to complete one goal after another!

It is not easy for Fu Lei to enter such a state. This time he finally entered such a state, and his luck seems to be good. One after another, his results began to accumulate continuously.

When he returned to his position again, Fu Lei was pleasantly surprised to see that he had already scored eight goals!

If someone hadn't already obtained the record before, he would be able to obtain three additional attribute points now!
It's just that at this time, Fu Lei didn't feel any regrets in his heart. Why should he regret the attribute points that others snatched with their own abilities?What's more, there are still ten seconds left in the 1 minute dungeon, no matter what, it is enough for him to score at least one goal!

If the next goal is lucky, and he used both heroic charge and war looting at the last moment, and scored ten goals, there would be no problem!
The turmoil of the mood was just a momentary thing, Fu Lei didn't waste time, he knew the difference between "will get the reward" and "really get the reward".

"Come on!"

Fu Lei roared, and then rushed forward.

"I'll make a heroic charge first, get the ninth goal, and then do a war plunder and get the tenth goal!"

While rushing forward, Fu Lei was thinking in his mind, although the two extra attribute points are not many, this is the first time he has snatched the record reward!

A system message flashed in front of his eyes.

"Player Ren Pingsheng scored ten goals in the Shiling Pass personal dungeon, the record is capped, and the Shiling Pass personal dungeon record statistics are closed."

"Fuck me!"

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