football era

Chapter 644

For Fei Fei, they are really not too worried about being blocked by the opponent in the second half, because in the first half, Corning showed his best form, but he was not able to suppress them. Under such circumstances, they It didn't seem too difficult to gain the lead in the second half.

"Don't take it lightly. Don't forget. In the first half, we actually used almost all our strength to suppress Corning. Corning is now one of the strongest teams in the league. It may be a line behind us, but this line It's not obvious."

Xu Shan reminded all the players in the locker room, although he knew that such a reminder might not be necessary—maybe because the performance against Kang Ning has not been very good, the extraordinary players have never relaxed about Kang Ning alert.

"In the first half we were just trying and making initial contact, and we will need to concentrate more in the future. Corning's lineup is very complete, and there is nothing we can use. What we have to do is to continue to exert pressure and then win Victory, do you understand? Take turns, attack boldly when you have the opportunity, and tear their defenses apart!"

Extraordinary players nodded. This is how the game is. When the opponent has weaknesses, focus on attacking the opponent's weaknesses.

Extraordinary is not bad in these aspects. They already have a strong strength and can suppress almost all opponents, and Corning is no exception.

"Extraordinary is stronger than we imagined... We need to be patient in the second half of the game, keep the pressure on offense, and defend... Liu Yuan, it's up to you."

In Kang Ning's locker room, head coach Fu Qing told Liu Yuan, but Liu Yuan looked distressed.

"If a certain person comes up, no matter who it is, I will entangle him, but the extraordinary attack..." Liu Yuan replied.

"I know, so I'll leave it to you, no matter what, try to entangle them as much as possible." Fu Qing sighed.

Liu Yuan nodded, Fu Qing knew that Liu Yuan was reluctant to do this - he was actually not a defensive player who could organize the defense, his personal defensive ability was very good, but a good tiger is also afraid of wolves, not to mention Fan Fei Those offensive players are all tigers.

There will be no problem with Corning's offense, but Feifan's defense is also very good. Under Liu Shibo's command, their defense has become more and more solid. Xu Yi, Fu Lei and other players who already have good defensive ability are under his command. Being able to better display its own level, the offense is as unrestrained and eclectic, and the offense is strong and the defense is solid, is the key to Feifan's invincibility this year.

Comparing these two aspects, Corning suffers a bit, and of course it suffers even more on the whole.

Corning's chances of winning are really not high now, and if he wants to achieve good results, he can only fight hard.

But for this point, Kang Ning has long been mentally prepared. Facing a team like Fei Fei who is aggressive and wants to break the record, it is impossible to stop them if they don't fight hard.

Theoretically, it is almost enough for Corning to fight for a draw, but Corning can't just aim for a draw - such a goal is too low and does not meet Corning's overall goal of hitting the championship.

Although in many cases, it's okay to lower your body occasionally, but in fact, in such a situation, if you back down, the goals and energy of Kang Ning's entire team will also back down unknowingly.

You can't retreat. If you take a step back, you will retreat again and again.

Corning is very clear about this point.

So after the start of the second half, they still maintained a high fighting spirit, and launched wave after wave of attacks amidst the cheers of the fans!

With unbelievable courage, they confronted Fei Fan in any position. The skills of both sides were flying in the air. Someone would fall down at any time, and someone would continue to fill in.

In such a fierce fight, those with weaker willpower will often retreat first, wanting to accumulate strength before launching a counterattack. On the contrary, in fact, if someone does this, it will be very difficult not to retreat.

In such a confrontation, both sides showed their invaluable fighting spirit and desire to fight. No one retreated, but continued to invest troops in the confrontation until one side could no longer support it.

However, in fact, there are very few people who can't support it. Even if the Extraordinary attribute has the advantage, it is difficult to completely gain the advantage in such a tug-of-war. After all, it only takes ten seconds for the player who left the field to return to the field. To form a sufficient advantage, one has to find an opportunity to come out.

Fortunately, Fei Fei has such a guy who is good at seizing opportunities.

Bin Shiqiang has always been the focus of the opponent's attention on the court. After all, his metaphysical attack is too frightening. It's impossible not to pay attention. Kang Ning also played very well in this game. When Bin Shiqiang was on the court , They basically did not reveal any loopholes.

But when Bin Shiqiang is off the court, they will relax a little bit, and relaxation is the kingly way.

While Bin Shiqiang was off the court, another opportunistic shooter suddenly went berserk.

As an opportunistic shooter, Zheng Qi can seize opportunities but cannot create them—this seems to be a bit weaker than players who can create opportunities, but in fact, as long as it is in a game, opportunities will appear. It depends on whether you can catch it.

An opportunity that was not considered a chance was seized by Zheng Qi. Although he was quickly sent out of the court by the Corning players who reacted quickly, as a player who opened up the situation, it is very normal for him to die first. matter……

Zheng Qi left, but he also completed his task.

When he left the field, the four Corning main players who were closest to him were all close to blood.

If they stepped back, they would be able to recover to their best condition immediately, but Fei Fei didn't give them this chance.

Shen Ruofei's explosive operation completed a wave of triple kills, and the three main players of Corning left the field at the same time, including the captain Yuan Xiao and the two main players. Only Chang Er, who saw the opportunity quickly, escaped through his dexterous movement.

However, the extraordinary advantage was established in this way, and other players rushed forward, and Kang Ning's disadvantage finally turned into a defeat.

The next thing is Fei Fei's pursuit all the way. Kang Ning wanted to stabilize their position, but Fei Fei didn't give them any chance.

Attacking all the way to the opponent's goal, Fanfan firmly controlled the number advantage of his side, and continued to focus on killing Corning's players. Finally, Zheng Qi returned to the field and completed the final blow. Fanfan won the ultimate victory. An important goal!
One to zero!Fei Fei finally took the lead after 10 minutes in the second half, and this goal is likely to be a very crucial goal!

You must know that although a game may score a lot of goals, but the more critical the game is, the more the two sides are top teams, the less flaws the two sides may expose. One goal can often determine many things. .

Under such circumstances, Extraordinary has already taken the lead, and they are almost sure to win this game!
Of course, Kang Ning will not be caught without a fight, they have always been very tenacious, and they will not admit defeat until the last moment.

Corning launched a tidal wave of offense. Different from the constant rotation to maintain energy and state before, they sent all the main force, three attackers and players who are good at offense all played, and even the defensive core Liu Yuan was placed on the bench. , desperate to equalize the score in the remaining time.

But Fei Fei started to defend, with Liu Shibo leading the team and all the defenders on the field. On the offensive, only Zheng Qi, Shen Ruofei and Bin Shiqiang, three core-level figures, were left to prepare for counterattack at any time.

This style of play is also a bit rogue, but it is also the biggest advantage of Feifan's uniqueness-only they can form such a counterattack lineup, because in many cases, a counterattack team of one or two people is not good at all, and Feifan has so many personal abilities Excellent player.

With these three on the field, Corning couldn't really fully devote himself to offense, which made them have a huge impact on offense.

You must know that even if they attack with all their heart, it is not easy to score goals against Fei Fei who is concentrating on defense, let alone attack with all his heart?

"Extraordinary's approach is helpless. The winning streak is indeed very important to them. Even if they are a little rascal, they can understand."

"However, by doing this, they let us know that their current state will gradually decline. Now they are holding their breath in the championship. It is impossible for them to continue winning streak. They are not like we thought before. As it is, there is no weakness."

"Of course a team without weaknesses is scary. Now, extraordinary is more real. The days to come will be long."

While watching the match, Li Chengze thought in his heart, the next round will be the match between Fanfan and Changfeng, this is also a good opportunity for Tianhe.

Although he has already been thrown away by five points by Fei Fei and three points by Chang Feng, it is not an easy task to discourage Li Chengze.

Extraordinary showed their tenacity in the remaining time.

They maintained their lead until the end of the game, constantly resisting Corning's fierce attack until the final whistle sounded!

Extraordinary fans can finally let out their cheers unscrupulously.

The team they supported created a new winning streak record, eleven consecutive victories!An unprecedented winning streak!

At the same time, this is also the best start in the top league of the Chinese football era-the start of eleven consecutive victories, which is also unprecedented.

Such an achievement is enough to be praised for many years, and it is recorded in the history of the Chinese league.

Although Fei Fei has not yet won the league championship, such a good start is enough to make their name go down in history!

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