football era

Chapter 643 Differences in Background

"Zheng Qi's gimmick is a bit poor. At the end of the game, he said he wanted to break the record, and then turned around and said that he was afraid of us the next day. This is incoherent." Ni Lili said to Yuan Xiao with a smile.

"Maybe it was on purpose." Yuan Xiao frowned slightly: "He has never spoken so incoherently before, to be honest, Zheng Qi was so scared by us, do you believe it?"

Ni Lili smiled wryly, to be honest, she really didn't believe it...

Although Corning has never suffered a big loss when encountering Fei Fei in recent years, Kang Ning has also lost to Fei Fei in the knockout rounds of several cup matches. Relatively speaking, both sides have similar winning percentages, but Fei Fei won The game becomes more critical.

Under such circumstances, Zheng Qi would be afraid of Kang Ning?It's totally unreasonable.

"Why is he afraid that we won't be trusted?" Chang Er asked while sucking on a bottle of yogurt.

"Because we are not so scary." Yuan Xiao smiled.

Chang Er nodded and stopped talking.

Yuan Xiao and Ni Lili looked at each other. On the court, Chang Er has already reached the level of a god-level player. However, in life, she is like a little girl who has not grown up. She often asks questions that make people puzzled. The problem, the captain and deputy captain still have to coax, really tired...

"In short, no matter what they think, we just need to finish this game well. Our overall strength is not comparable to that of Tianlong. The previous tactics of Feifei against Tianlong are useless to us." Yuan Xiao said.

"But they won Tianhe. To be honest, Feifan is really strong now." Chang Er said suddenly.

Yuan Xiao nodded, and Chang Er's words were on point. Although they beat Tianlong before, it seemed a little tricky, but with their strength, they have indeed reached the point where they can win no matter what team they face.

Tianhe's personnel composition is similar to that of Corning, even stronger, but Feifei still won, although it was more difficult to win - if he really won casually, then other teams would not be able to fight Feifan...

Of course, in professional leagues, strong opponents are never a reason to give up the game, not to mention these female players in Corning are much tougher than many male players, otherwise they would not be able to perform in a field dominated by male players so well.

They have fighting spirit and lofty ideals, and they want to defeat Fei Fei - not only to stop Fei Fei from creating a winning streak, but also more important factors. Only by defeating Fei Fei can they have a chance to hit the championship.

They won No.5 last year, and they want to go further this year. They can’t be satisfied just by getting No.4. An ambitious team will always aim to be the champion. Abandon such goals.

Corning is such a team.

"I'm really happy that I'm facing you in the crucial match that hit the record!"

Before the start of the competition, Yuan Xiao thought about many possible situations, but he never expected that Zheng Qi would be so elated when he saw them...

It's just that there was something wrong with what Zheng Qi said, as if he didn't even think about it, Yuan Xiao was a little uncertain about the meaning of Zheng Qi's words, and really didn't know how to answer or express it.

"Look down on us?" Ni Lili next to her didn't have such worries as Yuan Xiao, and asked directly.

"Of course not. For ordinary teams, it doesn't seem too enjoyable to win them to set records. If you encounter Changfeng and break their records with your own hands, it will be very enjoyable. It's a pity that the schedule is not strong. Of course, in such a Under such circumstances, meeting you would be the next best thing, you are good enough, and if you win the record you set, no one will be able to speak!" Zheng Qi said in high spirits, although it was the appearance of the system, You can feel how terrified he is at the moment.

"If you talked like that in real life, I would have beaten you long ago." Chang Er interjected.

Zheng Qi chuckled.

"Then let's contribute to a wonderful game together." Yuan Xiao nodded, let go of Zheng Qi's hand, and turned to leave.

"What about the captain?" Chang Er asked Yuan Xiao.

"What else can I do, fight them!" Yuan Xiao said.

Corning's heroines waved their fists in unison. Yes, the attitude of the other party is actually respecting them, so they have to show their best state to deal with this respect.

Only by performing equally well under such circumstances can they prove their level and outstanding strength!

Only by playing their own style in such a strong confrontation can Corning truly become a strong team, and the outcome is secondary.

It is precisely because of such understanding at the beginning that Corning was able to perform better and better, which is the kingly way of a team.

"Judging from the current scene, Corning's performance is quite outstanding. It is worthy of being one of the top teams that performed well this year! From the very beginning of the game, they played very proactively and played their own characteristics. Confrontation, although this may seem a little unwise, but if a team can't play its best side, even if it wins the game, it has no future."

After the start of the game, various media praised Corning’s performance. This year, Corning’s performance was quite good. Although they lost two games before, they won seven games in the remaining eight games, and there were many of them. Such a strong team relies on their fierce offense.

Corning's offensive level is also well-known in the entire league. From the very beginning, they have been based on offense-as a female player, if they want to gain a foothold, they have to be more aggressive than men. This point is very clear to Corning.

It's just that before they only had Yuan Xiao to support the overall situation. Although the overall strength of the other players was not bad, it was difficult to form support for Yuan Xiao. It was not until Ni Lili and Chang Er grew up that their offense became truly against the strong team. At the beginning, there was enough threat, and Liu Yuan's joining made their originally fragile defense become stable, and this ushered in the explosion of results.

In this game, they showed their characteristics. From the beginning, Yuan Xiao was the main player, constantly attacking from the midfield, using the overall level, and constantly exerting pressure on Fei Fei, so as to find opportunities to score goals.

Fan Fei also started to entangle with them in the midfield - in terms of personnel composition, both sides are actually similar, there are three or four players who can be the core, and the strength of the other players is quite outstanding, no matter how the rotation is, the field The strength of the players on the top will not drop too much, relying on their strong overall strength to constantly entangle with the opponent and then create opportunities-this is one of the reasons why they have a high winning rate against weak teams.

There are too many games in the league in a year, it is impossible to arrange a particularly detailed strategy for each game, it can only be arranged in some important games, and the ability of the middle and lower teams to grab points depends on the team Isn't tactics more suitable for grabbing points? Any team that can hit the championship has such an ability. Obviously, Feifan and Corning are such teams.

Now that these two teams meet, the fight is often not about tactics, but about details.

In this regard, Corning has to take advantage, because female players are often more careful, and when they are weak in operation, they can smooth out such a gap by mastering the details, while extraordinary has a higher fault tolerance rate. After all, they The attribute advantages of each player are obvious.

The two sides were constantly entangled in the midfield, and Fanfan had a certain upper hand. However, Corning was still able to maintain a strong enough strength under constant rotation.

Although there was no goal in the first half, the commentators agreed that the first half was quite exciting, and it could be said to be a high-level contest. The two sides showed extremely high performances in both individual confrontation and overall contact. Even if there is no goal in such a confrontation, it is enough to bring great pleasure.

"To some extent, Corning is very similar to Fei Fei... Haha, it's a bit strange to say that, after all, Corning's history is much longer than Fei Fei's, but in terms of personnel composition and tactical characteristics, they are very similar to Fei Fei. However, Feifan has formed such tactical characteristics and style very early, and Corning has gradually achieved this goal. Judging from the first half of the game, Feifan has a certain advantage, but it is difficult to form a huge advantage. Corning also has the same problem. They can form a balance of power on the scene, but their key points are seen dead by extraordinary players. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult for them to break out and take the lead. On the contrary, the possible explosion of extraordinary cores at any time has become their biggest worry."

Yuan Fei talked to the camera: "This is the difference in background. Corning is very good now, but in terms of overall and explosive points, he is now especially the strongest in the league... This point was reflected in last season. It is not very clear, but after Shen Ruofei and Liu Shibo joined this season, the advantages they showed are very scary. No team has such a strong lineup. Maybe only Changfeng two years ago can compete with them ...the only thing that can hinder them is the running-in problem, but they have completed the running-in surprisingly quickly, otherwise they would not have started with a ten-game winning streak and defeated Changfeng in the Super Bowl. If not very good They can't do this. So what I'm curious about now is how far they can go. If it weren't for Changfeng and Tianhe to quickly show the most powerful impact, Feifan would be like this The start of the game can even quickly establish a huge lead, just like what Changfeng did in the league two years ago."

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