football era

Chapter 584

Zheng Qi actually knew what Su Jing said.

This is to let Zheng Qi not be anxious, don't worry about whether Changfeng can win the five crowns this year-after all, this kind of thing is very difficult to control. There will be no problem.

Zheng Qi didn't really care much about this, but there was a chance to stop the opponent - after all, in the league and the cup, Fan Fei had the chance to stop the opponent.

Whether it can be done is one thing, but whether to do it or not is another.

Two months have passed quickly. For fans of Football Era, the second half of the season they are looking forward to will soon kick off.

For the fans of Changfeng, their team has already won two championships. In the East Asian Cup, Changfeng was invincible. First, they defeated Japanese and South Korean clubs in a row, and then played against Indian clubs. Zhong also has a considerable advantage. Lu Xiaotian and Shen Ruofei are like two sharp knives, constantly cutting through the opponent's defense, and then the teammates take advantage of the situation to build an advantage. In front of top attackers, it can play an excellent role.

In such a tactic, the statistics of Lu Xiaotian and Shen Ruofei will not be very good - because they will take the lead in tearing apart the opponent's defense. This kind of work is very important, but it is very disadvantageous, after all, they will bear the opponent's most violent counterattack.

However, when top players like Lu Xiaotian and Shen Ruofei don't care about their own statistics but work hard for the team's performance, what else can stop this team?

Changfeng is just like their name, riding the wind and breaking the waves, invincible.

They won the East Asian Cup champion again, which is just the beginning for them.

"Looking at Changfeng's momentum in the East Asian Cup, the doubts about them can be eliminated. The unstable performance in the first half of the season is just that they are accumulating strength. It's beyond anyone's imagination."

Some media commented that, relatively speaking, Tianhe has fallen a bit this year. Compared with last year, Tianhe's performance does not seem to have improved, but has begun to become unstable. Now there is a gap of six points from Changfeng. In front of Changfeng who started his own sprint, the gap of six points seemed so huge.

The outbreak of Nanguo this year is considered by everyone to be a bright spot. Their ability to double kill Changfeng has proved their level and background. At the same time, their scoring rate against weak teams this year has also become very high. If there is an opponent, it should be Nanguo...

On the contrary, the attitude of the media towards Fei Fei, who is now at the top of the list, is very cautious. They admit that Fei Fei is a strong team now, but if they really want to say that they can win the championship, it still makes people feel uneasy.

"It's not so much that Feifan ranked first relying on his own strength, it's better to say that the strong teams have encountered some troubles. Relying on their youth and drive, they can achieve good results in the working season, but in the second half of the season, experience will be reduced. It's going to play a bigger role, and unless they get through that hurdle, they're still not title contenders."

Extraordinary fans feel very unconvinced by the media's evaluation, but they are not easy to refute, and the first game after the start of the second half of the season seems to prove the correctness of the media's judgment...

In the first game of the second half of the season, which is the No.20 fifth round of the league, Extraordinary Club challenged Tianhe away.

Li Chengze's ability to master tactics was brought into full play in this match. Even though Tianhe's personal level did not have the upper hand, Tianhe used meticulous tactics to give Tianhe an advantage in every link. Fighting under the pressure of Fei Fei, Fei Fei's individuals have their shining places, but under the suppression of the opponent's excellent tactics, as a whole, they are powerless to resist.

The final score of the game was [-]-[-], and Tianhe won Fanfan at home.

Like the first half of the competition, Fei Fan got a bad start.

However, the media are also depressed. Changfeng, which they are very optimistic about, also failed to win the game-obviously, after winning the East Asian Cup, they were a little tired, and there was not enough recovery time for a month In order to restore them to their best form, they were tied by the Thunder in this game, and they were still one point behind Fei Fei. The top scorer was Nanguo, who had steadily defeated Xingyu this round.

"Is the era of the Southern Kingdom coming?"

The media in City G excitedly said after this round of competition that Nanguo, as one of the traditional top three, has not won the championship for many years. The main reason is that they were suppressed by Changfeng and Tianhe. Tianhe does not look very good this year. In the same way, Changfeng was double-killed by Nanguo in the league. With such a performance, Nanguo has a chance to hit the league championship!

"No one wants to win the league championship, but if we want to win the league championship, we need to do more. Now we have only one point advantage, and there are still [-] rounds in the league. It is too early to mention this now. "Chen Feng said in an interview.

"This year's league is starting to be interesting." Lu Xiaotian said with a smile after reading the report.

His smile stabilized the mood of Changfeng's players.

This is the case, as the captain and core of Changfeng, Lu Xiaotian has always been the barometer of Changfeng's competition.

League No.20 six rounds.

The media are very sad and shameless.

Nanguo, whom they praised just now, lost the chain this round and was tied by the newly promoted Yinshuang. Changfeng and Feifan also suffered a draw. , while Changfeng was once again tied by a weak team, this time it was the weak team Mingfeng.

The top three points climbed like a snail, while Tianhe won the away game without saying a word.

After the two rounds, Tianhe, who was originally eight points behind Changfeng and six points each behind Changfeng and Nanguo, is now only three points behind Feifan, two points behind Changfeng, and four points behind Nanguo.

"If I didn't admire these four teams, I would say that they were no match for each other in these two rounds." Yuan Fei complained to his friends depressedly in private.

In the second half of the two rounds, although Tianhe maintained a good state, the performance of the other three strong teams did not perform well. However, in this way, Tianhe, who was originally considered to be far away from winning the championship, has now once again become a strong contender for the championship. part of...

When the seventh round of No.20 started, the top four were finally a collective struggle.

When Nanguo faced Corning, they showed their excellent defensive ability. The whole game did not give Corning any chance, and then Sun Fei killed with one blow. Nanguo beat Corning with one goal and continued to rank first.

Extraordinary played at home against Sunderland, which had just tied with Changfeng. Extraordinary did not show mercy to this weak team that indirectly helped them. The score boosted the morale of the extraordinary fans, which had already been somewhat exhausted.

Changfeng is frivolous and frivolous with a small victory after adjusting his state. It is not Lu Xiaotian and Shen Ruofei who performed well in this game, but other players, such as Feng Tu, such as Yao Zheng, such as this year's gradual The newcomer Liu Yang...

Tianhe, who had performed the best among the four strong teams before, did not lose the chain. They defeated the mid-range team Chenxing [-]-[-] in a goal shootout. Chasing after him.

"Now should be the time to really sprint."

The media began to express their opinions cautiously. This year's league is a bit weird, but overall, the strong teams have shown their level. Now there are only eleven rounds left in the entire league. If these strong teams still make mistakes , that can only prove that the level of the entire league has started to decline this year...

In fact, the high-end level of this year's league, such as Changfeng, may have declined, but the standards of other teams have risen. These outstanding players from Changfeng have benefited other teams a lot, and Changfeng's stable level is indeed It has also dropped a lot, which has made the situation in this year's league complicated.

And the complex situation is obviously more attractive, or in other words, more exciting.

The two-hero rivalry that has been maintained for five years has finally fallen into a melee situation. Although the media are constantly being slapped in the face, they are actually very happy, because the current league has a lot more places to report .

"The league has entered the final sprint stage, and the cup competition is about to start the knockout stage. Now is the time for the real test."

Meng Fan said to Xu Shan thoughtfully.

Xu Shan's complexion was not very good.

In the second half of the competition, there were three rounds. Fanfan had one win, one draw and one loss. He was not satisfied with this result. In these three games, the players, including Bin Shiqiang and Zheng Qi, performed well. After a certain ups and downs, even if this is the price that must be paid, it still makes him not very happy.

"There's no need to be unhappy...but this kind of unhappiness can be shown in front of the players and put more pressure on them." Meng Fan laughed.

Xu Shan nodded: "Yeah, I have to put some pressure on them. The good results in the first half made them swell a lot."

"It's inflated. Otherwise, we wouldn't have lost so badly against Tianhe, and we won't have a chance to win against Xiongfeng." Meng Fan nodded, agreeing with him: "But this is normal, young man, It's normal to play inconsistently, and now they have fallen from the first position, they should learn some lessons."

"I can't lose the next cup knockout round." Xu Shan sighed.

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