football era

Chapter 583 Basics

"Boss, it's not your fault that you want to open it up." Li Guorui said.

"Boss, it's because of your teammates, otherwise we would have won." Huang Yuanfan said.

"Captain, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, so don't overthink it." Jiang Xiaohan said nervously.

Zheng Qi looked up helplessly at Jiang Xiaohan who was lying on the bathroom door: "You guys, you will persuade me wherever you meet me, even if I go to the bathroom? Are you afraid that I will commit suicide by swallowing excrement?"

Jiang Xiaohan turned pale for a moment, and then disappeared behind the door panel. Soon, the sound of his vomiting could be heard in the toilet.

"Young man, I don't even have the ability to bear this."

Zheng Qi pulled up his trousers, then pushed open the bathroom cubicle and walked out. While washing his hands, he said to Jiang Xiaohan, "How did you come to watch my game today? No more training?"

"Didn't I want to cheer you on?" Jiang Xiaohan managed to vomit: "Are you okay, Captain?"

"Of course it's fine, what can happen." Zheng Qi said.

"It's a pity that we couldn't make it to the knockout round," Jiang Xiaohan said.

"That can't be helped. A tie is a tie, and the strength is almost the same. Besides, it's not because of me that I lost. I don't have anything to be sad. I just try to sprint again next year." Zheng Qi said nonchalantly .

Jiang Xiaohan breathed a sigh of relief: "Let me tell you, how could the captain be sad because of this little thing? They are all worrying about it. I'll go and tell them."

Seeing Jiang Xiaohan come out of the bathroom, Zheng Qi smiled and looked at himself in the mirror, but the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"Damn, it's so annoying. You actually relaxed at the last moment. Otherwise, how could you let that guy score a goal? Shame on you, Zheng Qi, do you think you are ashamed?"

Zheng Qi pointed at himself in the mirror and scolded: "Remember, get this thing back next year! You lost the game you shouldn't have lost, you are so weak!"

After cursing, Zheng Qi let out a sigh of relief, snorted, and walked out of the locker room.

After the previous game, the Bawang team looked like it was about to collapse. Zheng Qi was actually very disappointed in his heart, but he showed a look of indifference.

"Come back next year. I can't hold me back next year... I remember you are all young, right? There is still room for improvement. Next year, let's go to the World Cup together!"

Hearing Zheng Qi's words, the Bawang team's faces improved a little.

Yes, they are still young, the oldest Overlord is only 24 years old, they are only in their second year as a team, and next year will only be their third year!

Come back next year, what does it matter?
"Will I see you again next year?" Overlord asked expectantly.

"Of course, as long as you show up, then I will definitely show up." Zheng Qi chuckled: "I have memorized your IDs, and I will contact you when the time comes."

"Which club do you belong to? Let's cheer for you!" Overlord said suddenly.

"No, I'm just an ordinary person!"

"I believe in your evil..."


Recalling this scene, Zheng Qi smiled slightly, full of expectations for next year's competition.

"The next thing is the professional competition... It's good to return to the club early. In the second half of the season, we can rush. Why don't we create more trouble for Brother Fei and the others?" Zheng Qi thought in his heart, swaying Into the training room.

For Zheng Qi, his journey in classical football was temporarily terminated. As a result, Lu Xiaotian actually asked him privately in the game the next day, why he didn't make it to the top 32...

"Damn, what does it have to do with you, you just won the East Asian championship, it's amazing!" Zheng Qi said angrily.

"I gave up your position, of course I have to ask." Lu Xiaotian said on the other end.

"Fault." Zheng Qi hung up the communicator.

"Hello? Hello? Damn, you actually hung up on me and beat them up in the second half of the season!" Lu Xiaotian said angrily.

"You too, if you lose, you lose, why are you angry?" Wen Xiang said helplessly.

"Anyway, he's the one I'm optimistic about, but he didn't even make it to the top 32, what quality. No way, I have to ask Bawang and the others." Lu Xiaotian said with lingering anger.

"It's not necessary, is it?" Wen Xiang said in surprise.

"Why not? I plan to return to the Bawang team after winning the East Asian Cup. The top 32 started at the right time. At that time, there was also a period of personnel adjustment. I also wanted to win the World Cup together. In the end, this kid didn't live up to it. , I lost without making it to the top 32, I lost a champion, can you not be angry?" Lu Xiaotian said as a matter of course.

"You still want to win the Classical Football World Cup? You never told me." Wen Xiang said in surprise.

Lu Xiaotian smiled a little embarrassedly: "Isn't this trying to make this year more perfect? ​​Think about it, if we win the five championships, and then also win the World Cup in classical football, then I will be the six-time champion. Is that not enough for me?"

Wen Xiang couldn't help but laugh: "You are too vain!"

"Isn't it just such a hobby?" Lu Xiaotian shrugged.

Wen Xiang nodded. She knew Lu Xiaotian's character. Although Lu Xiaotian's image in the outside world was cold, arrogant and domineering, but that was just a commercial image. In fact, his original intention was nothing more than to pursue the highest honor. That's all.

Only such a player will continue to attack the five crowns, and the original intention will never change.

After hanging up on Lu Xiaotian's call, Zheng Qi didn't think much about it. He was indeed a little upset about this loss, but although he was young, he had experienced many things. He failed, and when he got back next time, he would be brooding. On the contrary, it is not good.

In the next few days of training, Zheng Qi's performance was very ordinary, and the extraordinary players were relieved - Zheng Qi will be able to participate in the overall training in the next month, which will affect the performance of the extraordinary in the second half of the season. It will be of great help.

Now Feifan ranks first in the standings. This is a very remarkable thing, but Feifan players and coaches all know that this is only temporary. This year, the teams in the league are relatively close in strength. At the beginning, I didn't pay much attention to the extraordinary, which gave the extraordinary enough space and opportunities, but it was obvious that such opportunities would not last for too long.

Now Changfeng and Nanguo are only two points behind them. Although the fourth-ranked Tianhe is far behind them in points, it is actually only eight points. With [-] rounds left, the eight points may not be achieved. Insurance.

Now Feifan is the No. [-] team, and any other team will fight against them, and at the same time show their best side. Under such circumstances, the pressure on Feifan Club is much greater than that of the first half of the season. too much.

"Under such circumstances, they can be tested more." Meng Fan said to Xu Shan: "Only strong pressure is enough to make people grow the fastest. I dare say that in the second half of the season, the fourteen The improvement brought about by one game is much more than the dozens of games we played before."

"Of course I believe it." Xu Shan replied with a smile: "But in the second half of the season, do we really have no chance to win the championship?"

"Yes, why not? If you have the chance to win the championship, of course you have to go for it. The training effect brought by a championship is also extraordinary, and if you don't win the championship in the end, the experience of failure will also be extraordinary. So-so, so what do we have to worry about? In short, it’s a steady profit.” Meng Fan replied.

"Tall, really tall." Xu Shan gave a thumbs up.

Regarding the chat between these two coaches, the extraordinary players are of course not clear. They have been tossed by rigorous training recently and have no energy. The previous time to watch Zheng Qi's game was the only relaxing moment. With Zheng Qi's return, Their training continued to become more severe.

It doesn't matter if it's just being strict, and they will adapt anyway. However, under the close observation of the ten Frankensteins in the tactical department of the Extraordinary Club, once they adapt, they will increase the amount the next day, and keep it at the level they want to spell out themselves. The whole power can only be completed in one day.

This approach is of course cruel and strict, but it can excellently train the player's state.

And with Feng Qinghua and others mastering it, the players of Feifan Club will not be able to bear it and collapse - their physical condition and mental pressure will be tested after daily training, and Meng Fan is also worried that some players cannot bear the pressure and collapse. .

But fortunately, they are mainly young players. They may be inexperienced or emotionally unstable, but they are very capable.

This is the advantage of young people.

Bin Shiqiang, as a veteran of the team, has not suffered such inhuman torture, but he also knows that what he needs now is to better integrate with his teammates, and he is also very determined to make a contribution in this team. Come on, because this is the strongest teammate they have ever encountered.

In short, there is hope for everything, they have lofty goals, and under this premise, they can bear more.

All teams that can create results often have such a major premise, which is one of the foundations of success.

"Do you think we can succeed?" Su Jing asked Zheng Qi before the start of the second half of the competition.

"That depends on what counts as success." Zheng Qi chuckled.

"What is the definition of success in your mind?" Su Jing asked back.

"Then it must be five championships at least." Zheng Qi said: "There will be championships every year. Many people think it is a success to win it. But based on the foundation of our club, it is not difficult to achieve this. Are we going to be content with that?"

"If you are not satisfied, you will be motivated." Su Jing laughed.

"Yeah, desire is the key to driving human beings forward, and it's the same in competitive games. Anyway, I'm moving towards the goal of five crowns, regardless of whether others can win it or not, whether we are the first to win five crowns King, I will aim for this." Zheng Qi said firmly.

"This kind of honor, in fact, no matter how many times it is won, it will not damage its greatness." Su Jing said softly.

Zheng Qi smiled, but did not answer.

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