football era

Chapter 492 Catharsis

There are many maps in Football Era, and they are basically based on famous battles. You can experience these battles in the dungeons during the upgrade process, so even players from other countries will not be unfamiliar with these maps.

As for why they are all maps named after ancient Chinese battles... It can only be said that Bu Qingyun, the creator of Football Era, is a Chinese. Of course, he only uses the things he is most familiar with. Foreigners have been dissatisfied with this before. But now it's all calm.

The names of these maps are naturally well-known. If someone who doesn’t know much about maps looks at them, they may think that each map is very remarkable. For such a famous battle as the Battle of the Julu, the map represented should be even more remarkable...

However, in the eyes of the players, when they saw the map of the Battle of the Julu, only one word would come to mind—the training map.

Yes, although the map of the Battle of the Giant Deer is in the game gallery, and its reputation looks high-end and high-end, but generally no one will use it in the game, it is only used as a training map.

Just like when Fei Fei and Changfeng played friendly matches before, most of the time they used the Julu map, because it was the most simple and clear.

Ordinary players also use this map a lot, and it's all to solve the problem of grievances. It's a scuffle, and whoever wins will be the best.

In fact, it is not impossible to use such a map in the game, especially when a top team like Changfeng has an advantage in strength, using such a map can fully display their personal abilities, but this Doing it is undoubtedly a bully. If you do too much, you will definitely be disgusted by everyone, and as a competition, there is no beauty.

What's more, if you are used to playing like this at home, you will suffer even more in away games. Random maps are also a way to train players to respond randomly. If you have been playing in relatively simple situations, you will be able to adapt to complex environments. ?
Of course not.

Using such a map will offend people in vain, and it will not be beneficial if it does not have a good reputation. Naturally, no team will use such a simple map. Strong teams need face, while weak teams cannot use such a map. So slowly, although this map is still one of the game maps, it has almost been forgotten.

Anyway, it's just a big plain, with nothing, and nothing to adapt to.

But Feifan, this time he used this map that could almost be said to have been put into the pile of old papers...

This kind of practice seems a bit bad, but in the context of Feifan and Lei Ting's competition, people think about it and say-oh, so it is like this, Feifan wants to choose this one for Bin Shiqiang and Cheng. Tone...

After thinking about it like this, everyone suddenly felt that it was understandable for Fei Fei to do so. They didn't use such a map in other games, and it was not because they wanted to take advantage of this map. The level on complex maps is also well-known.

Of course, a team that racks their brains to take advantage of loopholes is worthy of contempt, but it is not for the purpose of taking advantage of loopholes, but to give the players a sigh of relief. They will not hesitate to give up the complex maps that they are good at, and come to such an upright confrontation. Such a team is a bit admirable up...

Of course, Lei Ting would definitely not think so.

As the object of being confronted with such a map, their mood appears to be very bad.

This is also understandable. Of course, people will be very angry if they are targeted. What's more, although Fan Fei is a new player, there are two former Thunder players, and one is the legendary Thunder captain Bin Shiqiang. This game brings a different meaning.

"Our ex-captain seems to be doing very well. He should be a captain-level figure in Extraordinary now, right? It's really amazing to come here to humiliate the former team."

Xia Bo said something sarcastically, and his words immediately mobilized the Thunder players to feel the same hatred against the enemy.

You must know that Bin Shiqiang is highly respected in the Thunder, but his prestige has been reduced a lot last year. Coupled with the clean-up during the transfer period this year, his hardcore is almost no longer in the Thunder. Some of them feel like passers-by, and a small part are Xia Bo's direct descendants...

If Xia Bo said such a sentence without any reason before, someone would definitely defend Bin Shiqiang, even if Xia Bo is the current top card and captain.

But now?Taking advantage of the trend, they focused their hatred on Bin Shiqiang...

I have to say that Xia Bo is still a very astute guy. Without any certainty, he easily set up a target, thus boosting the morale of the whole team!

It's a pity that Bin Shiqiang didn't start this game, otherwise, the effect would be better...

Xia Bo thought in his heart that he hoped that Bin Shiqiang would be more aggressive in the game. In this case, the Thunder team would forget about the former captain faster, and it would be better for him to be the new captain, right?
The Thunder fans in the stands had mixed emotions.

Most of them will never forget the contribution of Bin Shiqiang, the old captain, to the team in the past eight years. After all, he brought the Thunder to the highest level. In this regard, Xia Bo led the Thunder to No.4. Before better results, there is no way to obliterate it.

And many fans of the Thunder in this game came for Bin Shiqiang. They had mixed feelings. They hoped to see Bin Shiqiang perform well, and they also hoped to see the Thunder win. In their opinion, the best The good situation is of course that Bin Shiqiang performed well, but the Thunder won the game. After the game, the two sides smiled, and Bin Shiqiang wished the Thunder better and better...

Based on their understanding of Bin Shiqiang, if Bin Shiqiang really tried his best and still lost the game, he would bless the Thunder.

However, now, the cruel reality has appeared in front of them from the very beginning of the game. Fei Fei used such a map to express his attitude - Fei Fei and Lei Ting will definitely not be friends, but may become mortal enemies!

Those famous mortal enemies often develop gradually because of some small things.

Now that Fei Fan has made it clear that he wants to break up with Lei Ting, of course Lei Ting can't show his face to be friendly with others.

Say one thousand, say ten thousand, two horizontal and one vertical is to do.

fuck it!

The fans of the Thunder started to shout crazily, and the extraordinary fans were not to be outdone, shouting even louder than usual.

It's very simple, if the two sides have opposing emotions, the fans' emotions can be better mobilized.

This is the reason for the so-called common hatred and hatred.

"Don't tell me, Uncle Meng's move is really powerful. It is clear that the horses and horses will have trouble with Thunder, and it immediately mobilizes the fans' emotions." Sui Qingfeng sighed.

"Yeah, in this way, no matter who the opponent is, the fans have invested enough affection, and the probability of becoming our die-hard fans is much higher. Anyway, we don't have any affection for Thunderclap. If we are offended, we will be offended. A club In the league, it’s not enough to have few friends, and it’s not enough to have few mortal enemies, otherwise how can the morale of the team be gathered!” Xue Wuqiu said.

On the court, the morale of the players on both sides has naturally been mobilized.

Needless to say, the extraordinary players, just breathing out for Bin Shiqiang and Cheng Xuan, this reason is enough to make them look forward to the victory of this game.

Not only to win, but also to win heartily!
The Thunder players were also enraged by the opponent's actions, and with Xia Bo's help, their anger quickly reached full value.

The other party already regards us as enemies, so there is nothing else to say, just do it!
When the game whistle sounded, players from both sides rushed over like a tide.

On such a map, any countermeasures, detours, or ambush are all nonsense, and only a frontal impact is the most effective approach.

The first kick-off was Fei Fei. They all rushed over except Su Jing who was holding the ball at the back and Xu Yi who was protecting him.

In the extraordinary starting lineup, apart from Su Jing and Xu Yi, there are a lot of offensive players. Although Thunder didn't expect it at first, after seeing this map, they quickly completed the substitutions, and also replaced all offensive players. come up.

Jiang Xiaohan took the lead and rushed to the front. He was already an extraordinary arrow. As long as he started, he would rush to the front and break the formation.

Generally speaking, one of Li Guorui and Huang Yuanfan would be at a similar level to his rushing. They are fast, but they don't attack head-on, they usually attack from the flanks.

However, today, Cheng Xuan is also rushing ahead with Jiang Xiaohan.

Cheng Xuan is a jack-of-all-trades player, and his usual tasks on the court are to cooperate, assist, connect the midfield and frontcourt, and support... But today, he just wants to make a quick impact.

It's also cathartic.

A man has never been able to vent well and is prone to perversion. Cheng Xuan has been waiting for this day for more than two years, and now he wants to vent it out.

The two sides were in the center of the field and soon collided with each other.


Cheng Xuan saw Xia Bo who was also at the front at a glance.

Xia Bo is the attacker, the arrow of Thunder, of course he will rush to the front.

This position is not easy to do. After all, the arrow is the most powerful part of an arrow, but it is also the easiest to break.

For any team, if the attacking player is the core, then one must be careful of the consequences of the arrow being broken. This has been proven many times, so most teams will not do this.

For example, Shenhua, they have a powerful attacker Fang Yuan, but their core is still Ye Mo, such as Nanguo, they have a powerful attacker Sun Fei, but they have always been quite strong in defense.

Only Changfeng used this tactic before, but that was also because they had a unique Lu Xiaotian.

Compared with these top players, Xia Bo is naturally a little worse, but since the Thunder takes him as the core, there will be backup players. Even if Xia Bo dies, the rest of the follow-up can persist well. It is the essence of this tactic.

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