football era

Chapter 491 Extraordinary Picture Selection

"Hey, have you got the attendance statistics for this game? It's really surprising!"

In a box above the stands, someone rushed in with the breeze, shouting loudly.

Lu Lixue Wuqiu Wuwai Jiangshan and the others in the box looked at him with mentally retarded eyes: "You still need to check the attendance statistics? You can tell with the naked eye that there are many, many more people coming to this game than before!"

Hearing what Xue Wuqiu said, he went with the breeze and smiled: "I didn't find that there were too many people, so I checked it out. Guess, how many people are there in this competition?"

"Anyway, it's a lot more than the 500 million people in the last game. I guess there are 2000 million people." Lu Li said after thinking about it. ,

"More than two million in 2000! Among them, more than 1000 million are supporting us, and the rest are Thunder's." Sui Qingfeng said with a smile.

"We have 1000 million supporters? This is a bit more than the last game, but does Thunder actually have so many fans?" Wu Wai Jiang Shan asked in surprise.

"It wasn't originally. After all, they didn't do well this year. Many fans are reluctant to come to watch the game. But for this game, some old Thunder fans came. Do you know why?" Sui Qingfeng said .

"Because Bin Shiqiang." The others were not stupid either.

"That's right, I didn't expect him to have so many fans..." Sui Qingfeng sighed.

"What are you thinking? He has been the number one player in the Thunder for eight years and led the Thunder to the best result of No.20 in 4 years. Guess how many fans he has?" Xue Wuqiu asked.

"That's right. I checked. In previous years, the Thunder would have at least tens of millions of fans supporting them, but this year, the number has dropped to about 800 million. It seems that Bin Shiqiang has a lot of fans... But why? Didn't they follow Bin Shiqiang to support our team?" Lu Li asked curiously.

As soon as this question was asked, the three men laughed at the same time.

"Because they are Thunder fans after all, even if Thunder treats Bin Shiqiang badly, they can't follow Bin Shiqiang around. Although there are individual fans of the player, but generally, it is because the player is in the team that the fans like. If they perform well, they will like it even more... Bin Shiqiang will bring us some fans, but not all of them. They still support the Thunder, and they came to watch this game live. In addition to supporting the Thunder, they also I want to take another look at Bin Shiqiang in such an opportunity." Xue Wuqiu explained.

"So that's the case, it sounds a bit complicated." Lu Li nodded: "It sounds very powerful."

"In short, we have a good momentum now. Our consecutive victories have stabilized many fans. It seems that this year, we can share more." Wu Wai Jiang Shan said happily.

For a club, it is of course very important to have good income, and good income often depends on the team's good performance on the field-only when they continue to achieve good performance, will they attract more people to come to the club. Look, it's even more so for Football Era clubs now.

The characteristics of the football era determine that your fans will no longer be basically from the local area. Otherwise, a team like Fanfan would be useless, because most of the fans in City G where they are located are fans from the southern country, but Now, they can rely on their performance to attract a steady stream of fans from the entire Mythical Zone!
Obviously, Fei Fei already possessed this ability now. As newly promoted horses, they have already ranked first for two consecutive rounds. This has put them under a lot of pressure, but at the same time, they have also received a lot more attention .

This kind of thing is complementary in itself.

Of course, the extraordinary players don't know that there are many more spectators in the stands than before. After all, after the team enters the locker room, there are very few external communications, and Lu Li and the others will not disturb them with such things. Extraordinary players, however, after they played, even if they couldn't hear the outside sound, they could still see the number of spectators in the stands outside through the barrier. Even by visual inspection, they could detect that there were a little more than before.

This brought them another reason to win this game!

There were already two before, and that was to vent their anger on Bin Shiqiang and Cheng Xuan, but now, there is one more!
This game is Feifan's home game, Feifan has the right to choose maps, in the previous home games, they basically exchanged a game for a complex map, showing the super strength of this new army on complex maps Strength, which is one of the reasons why they are favored by many outsiders.

For the pure newcomers of the Super League, the unfamiliarity with the map often restricts them from making faster progress, because the pure newcomers are more familiar with ordinary maps in the amateur league and the first division league, but not familiar with the map. Complicated maps, even if you are familiar with complex maps, you are only familiar with one or two. The seven most complicated maps will take a long time to get used to.

However, Fei Fei is better than ordinary super teams in this aspect.

A new army with such strong character attributes and familiarity with complex it still a new army?

This is the most critical reason why the media raved about Extraordinary in the first place, not just because they defeated Tianhe and Changfeng last year.

A club with such a strong team and familiarity with the map will definitely not be an ordinary new army, and their height can reach very high.

So when Fei Fei's grades were not good at the beginning, the media began to mock them in a swarm. Not only did they act according to the wind, but they felt that there were more factors that caused their sincerity to use the wrong direction...

The media also has feelings!
The subsequent five league rounds and five consecutive victories have proved that they are indeed such a strong team.

Extraordinary played seven league games before, and there were three home games. The maps they used for these three home games were Wuchao, Chibi, and Pengcheng. These are one of the most complicated maps. In this game, they will also use What kind of map?

The seven most complicated maps can only be used repeatedly, that is to say, they can use all the other six maps except Wuchao, which they used in the last home game, which cannot be used this round.

What kind of map will they use for this game?

This is something everyone is curious about.

Although in the First Division League last year, Fei Fan had already shown his incomparable familiarity with the map. He used this to create a miracle of a complete victory at home. Their familiarity with the map was surprising, but that was after all In the First Division, gaining an advantage in the First Division does not mean that they can also gain an advantage in the Super League. After all, most of the First Division teams have a relatively superficial understanding of the seven complicated maps, and the Super League teams , and are basically familiar with complex maps.

In the Super League, Fei Fei's familiarity with the map can still take advantage of it, which is great. It proves that the strategic data reserve of this new army is not inferior to any super team!
Not only the audience and reporters are looking forward to it, but even the Thunder players are also looking forward to it.

They are very familiar with complex maps. Although they are mainly rookies, this rookie is for the Thunder team. Most of them have joined Thunder for only three or four years, earlier than Xia Bo. Not much, they didn't have much respect for Bin Shiqiang, so they naturally surrounded Xia Bo, and the old people of Lei Ting were retired, leaving, and there were not many left. This year, the Thunder has introduced a group of other players. They still need time to get used to each other. However, as super players, and Thunder's map data reserves are not bad, so in this regard, they are not too big. The problem.

Xia Bo was also thinking about this question.

What map will Fei Fei use?Wuchao is impossible, is it the Chibi and Pengcheng they have used, or the Feishui, Changping, Yiling and Changbanpo that they have not used?
If it is Chibi, then we will try our best to fight with them, try not to lose the ball, drag the game to the late stage, and use the flames and collapses that randomly appear on the map to create opportunities. If it is Pengcheng, then we will play more flexibly, Try to make a detour to launch a surprise attack. If it is Changping, then our team will gather together, don't separate offense and defense, entangle with them, and wait for them to get upset and have problems...

For any map that may appear, Thunder is ready. After all, even if Xia Bo doesn't think Thunder can defeat Fei Fei, who has had a lot of glory recently, he must always be prepared.

Any corresponding tactics are not sure of winning, but they can give them a chance to win. Isn't that how points are won back point by point, how can there be points that are so easy to get?

If you get points, the other party will not get or get less. In this competition, there is no warmth and friendship, and there is only naked competition.

You have him and you don't—is there anything more cruel than this?
Therefore, Xia Bo and Lei Ting also made extremely perfect preparations for this game. Although they were not meticulous enough to prepare for any contact, in general, they have already done what they can do, allowing them to watch When you get to the map, you know what you should do.

The next moment, the original appearance of the map was revealed in front of everyone.

Then everyone took a deep breath, except Fei Fei who had been prepared for a long time.

Battle of the giant deer.

The Battle of Julu also has a very important position in Chinese history, and even produced a famous idiom of "breaking the boat and sinking the boat". It was after this battle that Xiang Yu became famous all over the world, which laid a good foundation for his future status as the overlord of Western Chu Base……

However, in the game map of the football era, this map can only mean one thing.

This is an extremely simple map. Half of the map is surrounded by water, and half is surrounded by city walls. There is no way to retreat. The entire map is a plain with a clear view, without any obstacles, and there is no room for any tactical use— —Although this is one of the maps for the competition, generally speaking, it will only be used as a training map...

Extraordinary chose such a map at home.

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