football era

Chapter 485 Good Teammate

This game finally ended with an extraordinary victory.

After the start of the second half, Fei Fan's offense was quite patient. They continued to suppress the frivolity, showing a strong control that had not been seen in the previous games.

"Extraordinary is rapidly maturing...but this is also understandable. Last year's victory over Tianhe and Changfeng successively, even if luck was involved, at least proved that they have the strength to hit the top in the Super League. This Their personnel did not change much during the season, and the addition of Bin Shiqiang has increased their strength again. Under such circumstances, it is ridiculous to treat them as a new army. Before, they were adapting to the super team. The atmosphere of the league, don’t forget that except for Bin Shiqiang and Chen Lin, no one in their team has experience in playing in the Super League, ups and downs are inevitable, and now is the time for them to show their strength!”

Some narrators sighed and said, "Fan Fei, in fact, many narrators are very concerned about it. After all, after Fei Fei's character attributes are gradually becoming public, many people have become interested. There are two main points of concern. First, a person like Fei Fei What kind of achievements can a team create, and secondly, how long can a team like Fanfan stay together...

After all, with so many god-level accounts, many clubs will be jealous. This year's transfer period has not received too much temptation, probably because the weak teams are not attractive, and the strong teams are not sure what kind of players they need. However, as long as they play in the Super League One year, almost everyone knows what kind of level they are. In addition, if Yuan Congzhang's performance in frivolity is better, the attraction will become even greater.

When the pack of wolves rushes up next year, how many people will be left in Feifan?
Of course, this is a matter of the future, but the current situation on the court is that after a series of suppressions, Fei Fei gradually wears down his frivolous defensive strength, and scored the second goal in the most orthodox way.

Qing Kuang, who was behind by two goals, launched a counterattack, but Fei Fan was not in a hurry now, they started to change players frequently, so that all players had a chance to play, and Qing Kuang was constantly entangled with Qing Kuang in the midfield, killing time.

This may seem embarrassing, but it is an ability that every professional team possesses. In nine to 10 minutes, it may only take a few minutes to cut out the highlights, and most of the time is consumed by both sides. in the confrontation.

Keeping your energy concentrated in the confrontation and breaking out whenever you have a chance, this is the demeanor that a strong team should have.

Fei Fan and Qing Kuang had been entangled in the midfield for a long time, Qing Kuang finally seized an opportunity to win back a point, but unfortunately, Fei Fei firmly controlled the situation again, suppressed it until the end of the game, and then seized Qing Kuang and rushed to the top Chance to attack, another goal...

"Extraordinary performed like a mature team in this game. They completely controlled the situation and won the game in the most economical way... In the last three league games, extraordinary performances have been one-on-one. Well, this is amazing."

"In the match against Shenhua, they didn't change much compared to the previous two games, and they still seemed a little impatient. However, relying on Bin Shiqiang's outstanding performance and collective explosion, they won the game. In the game, they rushed all the way and defeated their opponents relying on Bin Shiqiang's two opportunities to seize the opportunity. Although they won the game, it is obviously not worthwhile to use such an explosion to play an ordinary league game, but What about this game? Facing the frivolous and frivolous, they played steadily from the beginning to the end. Although they won [-]-[-], it seems that the advantage is not very big, but anyone who has watched the game knows that extraordinary It's pretty solid to win a game..."

After the game, the media gave very high praise to Feifei's performance. Unlike the previous two rounds of winning the game, saying that Feifan is another Thunder, but that Feifan has indeed shown their level now, not Relying entirely on Bin Shiqiang, such a statement makes people feel that the media is not deliberately finding fault, but just discussing the facts.

"Don't think too much about them, it's just that we have won three consecutive victories, and they can't find any other faults, so they will do this. We have to be careful, don't give them a chance to find faults, I like to see them clearly not You like us, but you have to praise our appearance against your will." Zheng Qi said to all his teammates.

The teammates all laughed, Bin Shiqiang smiled and didn't say anything, Xu Shan heard it, but was a little worried.

"Old man Meng, is Zheng Qi's attitude towards the media a little biased?" Xu Shan asked Meng Fan in private.

Meng Fan laughed: "Why, do you appreciate the media?"

"That's not true. In our business, there are probably not many who like the media." Xu Shan said honestly: "But the media is also a part of the entire professional league. Without their involvement in the middle, the influence of the league The power will not be so great. Of course they want to find news from us, and we also need them to expand our own influence. This is a matter of mutual benefit. I remember the old master said that closeness is not inferior, and distance is resentment , that’s probably why.”

Meng Fan laughed loudly: "Not bad, not bad. To think of this is to see through the essence of the relationship between the media and the players."

"I usually like to think about it when I have nothing to do. If I think about it a lot, I always have some experience." Xu Shan chuckled.

"However, there is no need to worry about Zheng Qi. He is also aware of this, and he is a young player. If he does something out of the ordinary and speaks too much, no one will care. Instead, he will think it is his personality. As long as you don't touch some bottom lines... and Zheng Qi will not touch those bottom lines, he is a very kind person. He only said these words in the team, and he would not say them to the outside world, but the team said In this case, there is only one purpose, and that is to gather the morale of the whole team. He is the captain, but his authority is not heavy. This is also determined according to his own characteristics. It is better to gather morale in this way. That's all." Meng Fan continued.

Xu Shan nodded thoughtfully: "I hope so, after all, it would not be too good if we get too entangled with the media."

"Of course." Meng Fan nodded.

Defeating frivolity and winning three consecutive victories, this has raised Feifan's position a lot again. In this round, Tianhe unexpectedly lost to a mid-range team, which proves that the team's performance is indeed still somewhat ups and downs. Changfeng, who seemed to be in poor form, surprisingly swept his opponent [-]-[-] in the match against Xiongfeng. After Shenhua won again this round, he climbed to the top of the standings with [-] wins and [-] loss. Position, what is worth paying attention to is that the only game Shenhua lost was to Feifan...

Behind Shenhua are four teams with three wins, one draw and one loss, including Feifan. They tied for second place with the three traditional strong teams of Changfeng Tianhe. , is indeed quite surprising.

"In the next round, we will win Zhongbang and try to hit the number one position in the league!" Zheng Qi shouted vigorously.

This seems a bit arrogant. After all, it has just won three consecutive victories, and now it is called the first?This might seem a bit surprising...

But looking at the schedule, this is really a good opportunity for Feifan to reach the top of the league. No.1 Tottenham and No.3 Nanguo will play against each other in this round, and the opponent of No.2 Changfeng is Yuchen who has blocked Feifan , No. 5 Tianhe's opponent is the mid-range team Mingfeng, but they themselves have a few goals less than Fanfan. If Feifan wins Zhongbang, as long as the top three make some mistakes, they really have a chance to climb the points. No. [-] position on the list.

Although the ranking at the beginning of the season is nothing, but for a new army, being able to reach the first place in the standings, even if it is temporarily, is an extremely happy thing!
But is Zhongbang so easy to deal with?Changfeng's only defeat so far is what they did...

"Actually, this team is not too difficult to deal with. They are average as a whole. There are no outstanding individuals, only a tenacious fighting spirit... Changfeng underestimated the enemy in that game, and his state and luck were not very good, so he lost. The competition is just like Tianhe lost to Tianlong in this round... Of course, Tianlong's own strength is not bad. As long as we concentrate on the same as the previous round, without slacking off or showing any flaws, then defeating them will not be difficult. .”

Xu Shan said at the tactical meeting that he is actually looking forward to meeting such a team. The overall strength is limited. As long as Feifan does not have any problems and does not lose the ball, he can rely on Bin Shiqiang's flash of inspiration to solve the problem...

This tactic is naturally not a long-term solution, but it has an excellent effect in a short period of time.

Bin Shiqiang also knew this, so he nodded to Xu Shan.

Recently, he feels that he is in good condition and it is time to play his best role.

He hasn't felt this feeling of being in a good state for a long time. After all, he is indeed a top player who relies more on his teammates. If his teammates cooperate well, his state will naturally be better. The better he feels, the better he plays.

If teammates don't cooperate well, they won't perform well, and they always hit a wall. If they keep hitting a wall like this, it's no wonder that they are in a good state.

So in the past year, Bin Shiqiang has always felt that he is hitting a wall everywhere, and his state has been in a downturn.

And in these few rounds of competition, he has regained the state that as long as he feels it, he can perform well-as long as this feeling comes back, then his state will be unstoppable!

After all, from the bottom of his heart, he is a player whose state does not fluctuate much. The so-called good state and bad state depend more on whether he has good teammates or poor teammates.

Obviously, these extraordinary players around him are good teammates.

With good teammates, will the good state not come?impossible!

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