football era

Chapter 484 The Way of Substitution

"The goal is scored! One to zero, Fanfan took the lead at home! It was Jiang Xiaohan who scored the goal for them... But it is worth noting that before the goal, Bin Shiqiang's breakthrough and Zheng Qi's attraction , established an extraordinary absolute advantage, Bin Shiqiang's timing was well grasped, and Zheng Qi's follow-up was even better! What a wonderful goal!"

The commentator praised this goal. He saw a lot in this goal. Bin Shiqiang's breakthrough seemed unreasonable from the beginning. In fact, he quickly fell into the siege of the opponent. The extraordinary players are trying their best to protect him, but they can't prevent him from being killed by the frivolous players.

However, his sacrifice gave his teammates an excellent opportunity to gather a large number of frivolous players. At this time, if the teammates can notice it in time, it will be a perfect tactical coordination. If the teammates don't notice , that was his failed venture...

But Zheng Qi discovered his intention in time, and then used a big move to gather the opponent's people together for a longer period of time, and then, it was extraordinary and hearty output and massacre.

Bin Shiqiang smiled happily and went to high-five Zheng Qi. He was not sure when he rushed over. Although he had figured out what he was going to do when he went deep into the enemy line, he still needed the cooperation of his teammates. If he can't cooperate for a while, then he has completed a failed impact, just like what happened countless times last season.

Even when he cooperates tacitly with the Thunder players, his way of thinking about the next two or three steps is often lost because no teammates understand the meaning. After all, not everyone has such a keen sense of the battlefield. .

But now, Zheng Qi cooperated with him in time, and then completed this specific tactical attack!
This feeling is even better than the feeling of scoring a goal.

"It's a pleasant cooperation." Bin Shiqiang said to Zheng Qi.

"A powerful tactical arrangement." Zheng Qi sighed sincerely: "Brother Qiang, you are simply a genius."

Bin Shiqiang laughed. He didn't have any other thoughts about this. After all, in the past, he was often called a genius, but he seldom heard it recently.

"It's the happiest thing for me to have someone cooperate with me like this." Bin Shiqiang said to Zheng Qi.

Then he was substituted and had a good rest.

Next is defense, and he doesn't need to waste time on the court.

"The tactical coordination just now is very exquisite!" Xu Shan praised. As a head coach who is extremely good at tactical arrangements, Xu Shan naturally knows that the series of tactics just now had no warning at the beginning. It is unavoidable, this kind of extreme tactic is placed on specific confrontation, as long as it succeeds, it is really the most perfect tactic.

"Coincidentally, coincidentally." Bin Shiqiang said modestly—but his words were not actually modest, it was indeed a coincidence for him: "Zheng Qi's next big alliance move is wonderful, I just It's just a beginning."

"The tactics arranged by the coach, no matter what, there are always traces to follow, but these tactics that you improvised are completely natural and move with the times. I think even if Tianhe encounters it, he will suffer a few losses. "Xu Shan laughed.

This is not a random compliment. The tactics arranged by the head coach require the cooperation of all the staff, and they always obey the command, which is easy to expose the traces to the opponent. Even if he doesn't know what to do, no matter how good the observation ability of the other party is, it will be difficult to make preparations in advance, and he can only adapt to the situation.

With such a tactic, the suddenness can be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

"The main reason is that Zheng Qi responded well." Bin Shiqiang said sincerely.

"Don't be discouraged, it's just one ball. Let's continue to attack. Be careful this time...Yuan Congzhangzheng, don't get separated from the two of you easily. We must maintain our overall advancement and don't forget our position."

On the field, Xia Lie said to all his teammates, what is positioning?Qingkuang's positioning is now a mid-range team. In fact, apart from the three of them, in terms of attributes and operations, when Qingkuang's other players face their opponents, they have no advantage at all. They can only be united together. able to exert its greatest power.

The arena is like a battlefield. No matter how strong the stragglers are, they will not be able to achieve a great climate. Only by relying on the strength of the collective can they go further.

Regarding this positioning, frivolous and up and down are very clear, and the conceded goal just now proved this point even more.

When Yuan Cong and Zhang Zheng's two current cores were cut out, they were almost powerless against the same number of Fei Fei. Although the average level of Fei Fei's players seemed to be better than any other team, the gap seemed too large. A little bigger.

They don't know much about this, they just feel that they are not good enough, but Xia Lie is well aware that most of these frivolous players are young, and their operations are naturally not as sophisticated as the experienced players. They will gradually become better. Another point is that Fei Fan's group is indeed a bit too perverted. There has never been such a perverted team in the entire league.

To deal with such a team, relying on the whole is naturally much more reliable.

Frivolous launched an attack, while Fei Fan continued to do the same as before, after detecting the opponent's movements, he went up to meet him.

The two sides are entangled together, and they are engaged in a confrontation like a millstone again. This kind of confrontation requires each player to concentrate their attention, otherwise it is easy to cause accidents...

So every time a player is killed, he will be replaced, and he will have more rest off the court, and the substitute players will also get more opportunities to exercise.

In such a large-scale rotation, Qingkuang soon became a little bit overwhelmed. Most of Fanfan's players were rotated, and it would not have a big impact on their strength, while the strength of Qingkuo's substitutes varied from high to low. , when they rotate more, the holes in the team will appear bigger.

Such a flaw will not be easily caught by others, but there is a Bin Shiqiang on the extraordinary field...

He certainly isn't on the court all the time, nor can he catch the opponent's exposed flaws when he is on the court, but in such a stalemate situation, as long as he can catch it once in a while, it is enough.

So after a stalemate for 10 minutes, Bin Shiqiang made a breakthrough and once again crushed the frivolous group. This time frivolity was even worse. He couldn't even protect the football. In the end, the astute Huang Yuanfan got the ball first.

After losing the ball again, the frivolous players began to return to defense. This time their defense became tighter. They attacked with extraordinary patience for several minutes without finding a chance, but because of the lead, the mentality of extraordinary players, At this moment, it seems to be quite good, not impatient at all.

How stable is your mind?Even if there is a chance to attack, if they are asked to take risks, they will not do it...

Such an approach may seem conservative, but everyone knows that this is the most appropriate approach at this time.

The first to kick-off is Fantastic, but now Feifan is ahead of Qingkuang, and there is still a chance to attack with the ball. After the start of the second half, Feifan will kick-off again, so of course they don't need to attack too urgently. Now It is they who have the absolute advantage, not frivolity.

Faced with such a patient attack from the opponent, Qingkuang has nothing to do. This is called the oppression of the general trend. Even if Qingkuan is stronger than Feifan, it will be difficult to reverse this general trend, not to mention Feifan is better than Qingkuang.

They can only defend in an extremely calm manner, adapting to the strong pressure created by Fei Fei.

Under such circumstances, Frivolous and tenacious defended Fei Fan's attack, and did not give Fan Fei any more chances. They defended until the end of the first half, keeping the situation where they were only one goal behind, not two goals behind. , Let the whole situation slip into an unmanageable situation.

However, even so, Extraordinary's advantages are already great.

"In the second half, we continued to attack patiently and rotate constantly. Do you understand? With our strength, even if one or two people are missing, we can temporarily suppress the opponent very well. If someone stays on the court for a long time, listen to me The commander took the initiative to leave the field to maintain the state on the field, understand?"

Xu Shan was talking in the locker room.

There are two types of substitutions in Football Era. One is passive substitution. After the players on the field are killed, they wait for a ten-second cool-down period before sending them on. This is more beneficial to the defensive side.

As for the other kind of substitution, that is the active substitution. When the player is not killed, he actively chooses to leave the field, and then his teammates replace him. This way, he will not be limited by the ten-second cooldown period. On the midline there.

In this way, substitutions are very particular. Generally speaking, if the defensive side wants to substitute, it is often the player who is off the field who will carry out a suicidal attack, which will also bring more pressure to the opponent before dying. At the same time, teammates can also play directly in front of the goal when they play, which can save time. Of course, this will also give the opponent room to take advantage of it.

And the side that takes the initiative to change people can also pretend to change people, in fact, it creates opportunities for the side to counterattack... All these have spawned countless genres, and it cannot be fully summarized in one or two sentences.

What Xu Shan is talking about now is obviously to take the initiative to replace players, taking advantage of the opportunity of taking turns in the game, the players who are going to leave the field quietly, and then the players who take over will be replaced, so as to maintain the constant pressure on the field.

In this game, Xu Shan didn't want any surprises, and scoring three points well was more important than anything else.

With such a huge advantage, Xu Shan is really not worried that his team will lose the victory in this game.

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