football era

Chapter 453 Appearing in front of everyone

"May I ask Captain Zheng Qi, how do you feel at the moment?"

It is a common practice to start with such a simple question.

After all, Fei Fei has won the China Cup championship. There are only five such championships that can be used to compete in a season, and the one that can make all professional teams participate in the competition is nothing more than the China Cup champion.

At this level, the championship of the China Cup is also very meaningful.

The champion of the Super League may be more glorious than the champion of the China Cup. However, after all, there are only 44 super teams participating, while all [-] professional teams can participate in the China Cup. It is said that the league organizing committee is considering allowing amateur teams to participate. They can all participate in the China Cup and get a possible chance to play against professional teams. However, doing so may put a greater burden on the club, so it is still under discussion.

In any case, the honor of the China Cup champion is still worthy of congratulations and praise.

"Of course I am very happy. This is a milestone victory. The Extraordinary Club has only been established for a few years. This is the first national top honor we have won. This is the beginning, but it will not be the end. Extraordinary Next, we will challenge for more championships to prove our strength." Zheng Qi replied.

These words still seem very confident, but the sentence before the game "Our goal is also to win the five crowns" is at the bottom, the reporters didn't think there was anything wrong...

"What do you think is the key to victory in today's game?" Another reporter asked.

"Our excellent performance is of course one key, and another key is that we have prepared for this game for a long time." Zheng Qi replied.

"From the perspective of the competition schedule, Changfeng should take longer to prepare, because they booked the league championship early and can focus all their attention on the cup competition..." Some reporters disagreed.

"They prepared for a long time, but we prepared for even longer. How many rounds did Changfeng win the championship in advance? Four rounds or five rounds? It only took a month to survive, and we have already prepared for this game. Half a year." Zheng Qi replied calmly.

The reporters were in an uproar.

Half a year ago, Fei Fei expected that he would fight Chang Feng in the final?Bragging is not like that...

"We have already prepared for any strong team that we may encounter in the China Cup, and after we eliminated Tianhe, we are concentrating on preparing for this final... Half a year is still an understatement, because our overall Otherwise, we would have already started preparing for this game when our club was formed." Zheng Qi replied with a smile.

He looks very serious like this, but what he said is quite serious.

half year ago?
The reporters were surprised again.

"What's so surprising, if we hadn't been collecting Changfeng's data all the time, how could we have so many targeted tactics in this game? If we hadn't conducted countless targeted tactics on those seven complex maps Sexual training, how can we beat Changfeng today?" Zheng Qi continued.

The reporters nodded involuntarily. Watching the fight between the two sides in the game, the reporters with better vision could see that they were worse than Changfeng no matter in terms of the whole or individually.

When facing Tianhe and Corning before, Fanfan did not fall behind, which proved that they are indeed very strong.

However, the strongest player this season has always been Changfeng.

God-level players, they are the most, all players are the strongest, and there is no problem with the overall cooperation.

Compared with Tianhe, their current personal level has an advantage. Wen Xiang and He Jing are even worse than Li Chengze, but Tianhe can't come up with players who can compete with Lu Xiaotian and Shen Ruofei. If there is only one player, they can still rely on tactical advantages To even out the personal gap, but two, Tianhe can't resist.

It is precisely because of this that Li Chengze took the initiative to seek changes this season. Even if his performance declined this season, he could not be left behind by Changfeng in the next competition.

Compared with teams like Nanguo Shenhua Xiongfeng Kangning, even if their top card can compete with Lu Xiaotian, their other players cannot compete with other Changfeng players.

The huge advantage in the league has proved this point.

Fei Fei is indeed outstanding, but even compared with Tianhe Kangning, they may not have any advantages. When they encounter Changfeng, their disadvantages are also obvious.

Because they still have a lot of potential that hasn't been realized, even if the overall level of their account is unmatched by Changfeng.

Under such circumstances, being able to always take advantage and take the lead in the competition, Fei Fei fully utilized his advantage in intelligence collection.

The intelligence collection here refers to all-round, including the analysis of the personal characteristics of Changfeng players, the overall tactical habits, and the understanding of the map details.

The advantage in this aspect is the key to Feifan's victory in this game.

As for these details and information, it is definitely not an exaggeration to describe them as vast. No team will do such meticulous preparations for a game, because it is a completely unequal thing.

Teams in the Super League have to deal with many opponents. If they prepare like this for every game, they can do nothing else all day long.

Teams in the First Division may be able to use this method to prepare specifically for cup matches, but they don't have that strong intelligence gathering ability, let alone the map analysis ability of the Extraordinary Tactics department.

Only a freak like Fei Fei could create such a miracle in such a match with enough preparation.

After thinking about this point, the reporters couldn't help but sigh a little - if there was no such freak, Changfeng Shangxia would really be able to win the unprecedented five crowns, right?
If you think about it this way, Changfeng is really wronged...

Of course, this can't be blamed on Fei Fei, if someone has the ability to attack Chang Feng, it's a mistake, right?Otherwise, why do you all work hard, just concentrate on making Changfeng the five-time champion.

So after hearing Zheng Qi's answer, the reporters suddenly felt that it was meaningless to ask how Fei Fei created such a miracle.

They have created such a miracle, they have this ability, they have this ability, and now they are the champions of the China Cup.

"Extraordinary will play in the Super League next year... Next season, what is the goal of extraordinary?" Finally, a reporter remembered another question.

"Hahaha, we are rookies. The goal of the rookies, of course, is to avoid relegation. We have never played in the Super League before, and our results will definitely fluctuate. If we can relegation next year, that is enough." Zheng Qi replied with a smile explain.

The reporters were speechless again.

With the level you have shown, you actually said that you want to relegation... This demeanor is really shameless...

"Will Feifan do anything during the next transfer period?"

"Teams entering the Super League will have a good income, will this help Feifan?"

"Is the Extraordinary team complete? Will there be any personnel changes?"

The reporters began to ask some other questions, and Su Jing answered them in a timely manner.

No matter how many questions there are, there is always time to ask them.

The reporters asked a lot of questions, but Su Jing and Zheng Qi answered them one by one. They were very patient, because from today onwards, extraordinary began to appear in front of everyone's eyes.

No matter how influential they were before, they were only limited to a small area, or in the circle of professional teams. Most of the players who didn't pay much attention to the low-level leagues didn't know that there was a team called Extraordinary in this world, which had already attracted many people. Pay attention to the strong teams, thinking that they will be very threatening in the future.

And now, Extraordinary let everyone know their names.

In this game, the extraordinary gains were not only the [-] million yuan from the tickets, but also a lot.

The reason why the reporters asked so many questions was to let more audiences know Fei Fan's name. Zheng Qi and Su Jing also understood this, so they didn't feel any impatience at all.

Extraordinary and other players are even less impatient. After today's battle, they can be said to have become famous in one battle. In addition, the players who are about to become Super League players will get huge profits, which is almost predictable...

In the face of such a bright prospect, they certainly will not have any impatience.

And the Changfeng players who were ignored didn't show any impatience. They knew what this meant to Fei Fei.

What's more, as a champion team, they certainly have the bearing of a champion team.

It wasn't until the questions were asked and the reporters left satisfied, the press release officer announced that the press conference was over, and the Changfeng players who had been sitting beside them for a long time stood up and prepared to leave the scene.

"Thank you, thank you, bosses." Zheng Qi took the initiative to hold Lu Xiaotian's hand, and said with a smile.

The corner of Lu Xiaotian's mouth twitched, as if he had laughed: "I'm already looking forward to next year's competition."

"We are also looking forward to it." Zheng Qi laughed: "Next, we will conduct more rigorous training. Next year, you will see us stronger!"

"Next year we will become even stronger." Shen Ruofei said.

"Brother Fei, if you meet us next year, remember to show mercy." Zheng Qi said to Shen Ruofei with a smile.

With a straight face, Shen Ruofei gave Zheng Qi a middle finger.

He has endured for a long time today, and he doesn't want to bear it any longer...

"Where is the referee! Suspend this man!" Zheng Qi shouted.

Everyone else laughed, even the Changfeng players who were in a bad mood couldn't help laughing.

"To be honest, it will be difficult for you to beat us next year." Shen Ruofei whispered to Zheng Qi.

Zheng Qi's expression remained the same: "I know, but I can't stop working hard because of it, don't you think so?"

Shen Ruofei laughed, then patted Zheng Qi on the shoulder, and left with Lu Xiaotian and others.

"The defeated general still looks like he's dragging us. Brother Fei is really a loser." Zheng Qi said to Su Jing in a low voice.

Su Jing pursed her lips and laughed.

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